Chapter 155 Trash Movie
The three of them were watching a movie while eating popcorn. After watching, the three of them stopped eating.

Watching for a few more minutes, the three of them not only didn't want to eat, but also felt like vomiting!

The corners of Song Dawei's eyes twitched twice and he said: "It's not right, I've read the original book, it's not so disgusting!"

Chu Qing also nodded, indeed, the original book is not so disgusting!

The content of the original book is actually the story of Cinderella and Prince Charming. A poor and ugly 1.4-meter-[-] Cinderella went to work in a Fortune [-] company in the country, and then she was spotted by the fiancee of the president at a glance. It must be safe to be a secretary by the fiancé's side.

Unexpectedly, his CEO's fiancé is not picky at all!

Of course, what he said was not to look at the appearance, but to look at the heart.

Just like that, the two got together, and found out that the heroine is not ugly, but she just doesn't know how to dress herself up. The president showed his own aesthetics and dressed her beautifully, which directly amazed everyone!

In this way, the two are sweet.

This is the original work, let's look at the changes in the movie now.

The heroine joined the company after graduation, and was a secretary because she was pretty, and then she was slapped for not letting the CEO's fiancée go first when entering the elevator, and then completely blackened.

After being blackened, she began to get involved in framing the CEO's fiancee, and then she showed herself and succeeded in taking the position!
When halfway through, Song Dawei went out to smoke.

Duan Peng had already closed his eyes and rested. Chu Qing looked back and saw that most of the audience who were still insisting on watching were female audiences. Come and go some.

Chu Qing continued to come back to watch movies. There was no other way. The money was spent. What if there was a reversal later?
But time soon proved to Chu Qing that he was wrong!
After being blackened, the heroine married Xie Kun, and then started to seize his family property, and was finally found out by the heroine, but because of the child in the heroine's belly, she chose to forgive, and the whole drama ended!
Chu Qing didn't understand until the moment she walked out of the movie theater, where did the [-] million yuan go?Such a shabby movie deserves such a high investment?
And the screenwriter, did he have a brain?There is the original work, can't we modify it according to the original work?Does it have to be changed to this kind of forced shit feeding?
Chu Qing, who walked out of the movie theater, asked Song Dawei to take a photo for herself.

Chu Qing stood at the entrance of the cinema, holding a movie ticket in his hand, with his signature sunny smile on his face.

After taking the photo, Chu Qing directly sent a shaking hand, and at the same time posted a Weibo, and thanked Aite for Xie Kun.

"@艺人谢坤, Kun Kun's new movie is also very handsome! Don't miss it!"

What Chu Qing originally wanted to post was that the movie was really good, but in the end he still couldn't pass the test in his heart. He was afraid that after he finished speaking, he would be struck by lightning from the sky!
Chu Qing is very popular now, just after sending it out, countless people like it, comment and forward it.

"See how generous my family Chu Qing is? You scold him like that, and he even helps you promote movies. Do you think you still have a conscience?"

"Wow! Which movie theater is brother Chu Qing in, please meet me by chance"

"I watched the movie for the first time. It's really rubbish. Chu Qing, tell me the truth, how much bad money did Xie Kun give you?"

"Bastard, come to rub my family Xie Kun's heat again, climb!"

After Chu Qing sent it, there were countless comments and responses, but Chu Qing closed the app without even reading it.

After watching the movie, the three found a place to have lunch. After finishing eating, Duan Peng picked his teeth and said: "Their movie is so ugly, we are sure to win!"

Song Dawei shook his head and said: "He has a lot of fans, and the public relations are united, no matter how bad he is, he won't go anywhere."

After Song Dawei finished speaking, he looked at Chu Qing and said, "Now there are two variety shows coming to you, I think they are pretty good, do you think about it?"

"Permanent or temporary?"

"One resident and one temporary"

"Forget about the resident ones, what kind of variety show is the temporary one?"

""I Am a Singer", a music variety show"

"never mind"

Chu Qing directly refused, and often appeared in some music variety shows, it was easy to lock his definition!
And now that the movie hasn't been released yet, and he hasn't seen the results, he's a little nervous.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone, wanting to see how netizens commented on Xie Kun's movie.

As soon as he opened the movie, there was a reply sound on his shaking hands and Weibo. It was Xie Kun who replied to his comment.

"Thank you brother, I look forward to your work being released, I will definitely watch it"

The comments on Shaking Hands and Weibo are the same, Chu Qing smiled, and she was very happy to be able to get a wave of popularity by spending 30 yuan for a movie ticket.

Chu Qing searched for "Woman, you successfully caught my attention" on the Internet, and watched the reviews.

The first thing that popped up were the evaluations of several well-known film critics, all of whom were full of praise!
"This movie changed my view of Xie Kun. Before, I only thought he was a little fresh meat. After watching the movie today, I realized that he is such an excellent actor!"

"In this movie, I felt real love! The kind of love that the male lead selflessly dedicates to the female lead!"

"Good movie, I'm going to go to the second brush, brothers and sisters, let's go together!"

Then, there are comments from some brainless netizens.

"A long voyage with Kun! Kunkun, I have booked two games, and I will always support you!"

"Two games ashamed to talk? Hehe, I booked ten games! Poor B doesn't deserve to like my Kunkun"

"Can liking be measured by money? We students can't like Kunkun if we don't have money?"

"Love someone, but don't even want to spend money on him, is that called love?"

"Hehe, I'm Xie Kun, level [-], do you think I'm in love?"

"Wow! Worship the Great God!"

Of course, no matter whose work it is, if there is praise, there must be disdain, especially if the work is indeed rubbish.

"Damn it! I went in and watched a movie for 10 minutes, and I vomited for more than half an hour when I came out!"

"I will use the rest of my life to heal the shadow of more than an hour!"

"This movie is actually very good. It fully proves to us that not everyone is suitable to be an actor!"

"I've seen the movie, and it can be summed up in two simple words, rubbish!"

"Really, don't cross the boundaries, you just sing your songs well, your broken songs are not as good as your acting skills"

"Garbage, garbage, say important things three times!"

Chu Qing looked through the reviews for a while, and generally speaking, there were more bad reviews than good reviews!
Except for some of his hardcore fans, the rest of the netizens are almost hacking him.

In fact, this cannot be called black, it can only be regarded as telling the truth.

But the official evaluation and some film critics, actors, and directors' evaluation of this movie are not bad, it seems that they intend to use their fame to forcibly whitewash it!

(End of this chapter)

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