Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 158 Inside the Theater

Chapter 158 Inside the Theater

The next day, Chu Qing accidentally found Dong Manli going to the street. Following her, Chu Qing found out that her father still had a large amount of unpaid medical expenses on his bill. Looking at the frowning Dong Manli, Chu Qing felt pity.

So at night he found Dong Manli and wanted to help her, but because he had no experience in communicating with women, what he said was more like a threat!
When he said in the movie theater that "a person can live well with only one kidney", let alone Dong Manli in the movie misunderstood, even the audience at the scene misunderstood.

"Damn it, this is driving people to death. What is this for? Asking people to sell their kidneys?"

"Damn it, don't let me meet him!"

"Brother, this is a movie theater, can you keep your voice down?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a little bit into the drama"

Chu Qing in the movie was a little embarrassed. He knew that he had said something wrong, but he didn't know how to explain it.

The next day, Chu Qing found the boss, hoping to transfer Dong Manli's debts to herself.

The boss saw what he was thinking, agreed with a smile, and boldly canceled all the debts, as long as he got back the principal.

Later Chu Qing found Dong Manli, and he filled a piece of paper with small squares. As long as Dong Manli stayed with him for an hour a day, he would draw a small square on it, and when all the squares were filled, the A debt is automatically canceled!
Dong Manli directly refused, but in the end she chose to agree when faced with high medical expenses and loan sharks.

Dong Manli also put forward her own opinion. During this hour, she could only talk and walk with her.

And Chu Qing added another one, to accompany him for dinner.

Seeing Chu Qing's unnatural expression, Dong Manli asked coldly, "Do you like me?"

Chu Qing deliberately put on a disdainful expression, and disappeared before Dong Manli's eyes, but his subsequent behavior betrayed him!
He started grooming himself and fixing his hair, but his taste was really bad.

Then there was an hour of companionship every day. Dong Manli never moved her chopsticks when eating, and stayed far away when walking, as if she didn't want people to know that the two of them knew each other.

Because in her eyes, Chu Qing was just a local ruffian, a villain!
The audience watching this scene wanted to laugh, but was speechless.

Chu Qing obviously liked her, but she just didn't know how to express it, which made things even worse!
Until this day, when Dong Manli came to her father's ward, she found that Chu Qing was wiping her father's body, and she didn't dislike her father at all.

From this day on, Dong Manli started to move her chopsticks when eating, and even ate the food that Chu Qing gave her, and she was not so repulsive when walking, and even drew her own image on the small checkered bill. .

The two became more and more like a couple, and the audience who watched it felt a little sweet in their hearts, but all of this ruined Chu Qing again!
Recently, because he was too preoccupied with dating, he was not active in collecting debts, so the boss sent two younger brothers to collect debts for him. As a result, the methods of these two younger brothers collecting debts were extremely violent, which made those debtors who had always believed in him miserable. .

Chu Qing could only mediate and threaten on both sides, and all of this fell into Dong Manli's eyes.

She thought of the scene when Chu Qing was about to pull out her father's oxygen tube, which also made her think that Chu Qing was always a gangster with bad habits.

When she returned to the hospital, she found that her father had disappeared. She searched anxiously, and finally the nurse told her that her father had been pushed onto the roof!

When she found it, she found that Chu Qing was afraid that her father would be bored, so she pushed him out to bask in the sun, and read her favorite comics to him.

But whenever she thought of Chu Qing's violent scene, Dong Manli always felt that Chu Qing had some purpose for being so nice to her.

So Dong Manli broke out, and he asked why Chu Qing did this to him.

Chu Qing also said those three words for the first time: "I love you".

But Dong Manli didn't believe it, so the two of them got into a stalemate again. Chu Qing drank a lot of wine that night. Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, he found Dong Manli again and said childishly: "I said during the day "I love you, take it back, I don't love you anymore"

This scene made the audience want to cry and laugh at the same time.

This Chu Qing is simply a child, and even thinks that he can take back what he said.

From this day on, the two sides never met again.

Until one day, Chu Qing learned the news from his younger brother that Dong Manli's father had passed away!
He came to the scene in a hurry, but after worshiping, he found that no one came to worship.

He immediately called all the vendors to worship, and when someone asked him who died, he only said that it was an elder in the family.

He entertained the guests as his son-in-law, and it was only at this time that Dong Manli learned from the vendor that Chu Qing was actually a good person. Without him, they might not be able to survive long ago.

This finally moved Dong Manli's heart. After finishing the funeral, Chu Qing sent Dong Manli to work as usual, but this time Dong Manli took the initiative to invite him to the rooftop.

"do you like me?"

Dong Manli asked this sentence with a smile. At this moment, Chu Qing was self-taught and kissed her directly!

The audience exclaimed when they saw this scene, and many people had aunt smiles on their faces. These two people are finally together!
Chu Qing who is in love is still so nonsensical, for example, she often 'want'.

He would even put P in front of Dong Manli, and brazenly said that it meant 'I love you'.

The two confirmed their relationship and became a couple. Dong Manli hoped that Chu Qing would stop being a gangster in the future. She had some savings and wanted to open a fried chicken restaurant with Chu Qing.

Chu Qing agreed, found the boss and offered to resign.

The boss didn't say anything, he just said that he had run a big game and wanted Chu Qing to join him, but Chu Qing refused and insisted on quitting after collecting the last payment.

But when he was collecting money for the last time, he suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed. When he woke up, he was already in the hospital. The doctor told him that he had a tumor in his head, and the treatment needed a lot of money!

On the other end, they were looking for a fried chicken restaurant, but they couldn't even afford the cheapest one.

Under the pressure of all kinds of money, Chu Qing chose to take risks and join the game!

As long as he wins this bet, he and Dong Manli can live an ordinary life!
And it just so happened that the gambling game signed the contract with the fried chicken restaurant store on the same day, and if everything was in time, he would be able to bring the money to sign the contract.

But when the game was in progress, a group of masked men came in and took away all the money. Chu Qing tore off the hood of one of them during the fight, only to find out that it was a younger brother next to the boss!
At this moment, he understood everything!
Then he was beaten unconscious by another man in black, and all his savings were cheated into it. He went to the company to find the boss, but found that the company had already been empty.

At this moment, he was hit hard. He was drinking alone in the restaurant where they first met, but Dong Manli had been waiting for a whole day. She begged the landlord to wait again and again, but Chu Qing didn't show up until the evening.

All the audience's hearts tugged, they all felt the same way when they saw Chu Qing, who was drinking too much.

It was a deep sense of despair, a sense of bewilderment.

(End of this chapter)

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