Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 159 The effect is not bad, add more changes to Lao Song!

Chapter 159 The effect is not bad, add more changes to Lao Song!

They even wanted to press the pause button, and some dared not look down!
Disappointed, Dong Manli found Chu Qing, who was drunk, and asked him why he didn't come, pointed to his wound and asked him if he went out to fight again!
She told her grievances and asked why Chu Qing went out to fight.

At this moment, Chu Qing himself felt so uncomfortable that he pushed Dong Manli away.

He said he was just playing, do you think I will really marry you?

This sentence completely broke Dong Manli's heart, she left, Chu Qing continued to sit down and drink, he didn't know where his tomorrow was.

Then a few gangsters sitting next to him provoked, and Chu Qing hit three of them, beating them all to death. Because of the fight, he was sent to prison and sentenced to three years in prison.

Two years later, he was released from prison early because of his good behavior.

But only the police knew that he was actually released because of the deterioration of his brain tumor. This was also out of humanitarianism, and he was allowed to meet his family.

After he got home, he found out that his elder brother's family had moved, and his father was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

His whole family regards him as a disgrace, and only his little niece is better than him.

Perhaps it was at the last moment of his life that he suddenly realized that he hadn't contributed to the family at all, and he hadn't even been filial to his father.

So he clumsily pressed his father's leg, hoping that his father would remember that he had been filial to him.

Then he found the original boss, and tried to get his savings back, but he was beaten half to death by the boss's men.

In the end, he took out his own case, and knelt on the ground regardless of any face. He told the boss that he would not live long, and hoped that the boss would take pity on him.

This scene directly made many viewers cry. They even wondered why everything happened to this man?
That person who desperately wanted face, actually knelt down for the sake of his beloved.

At this moment, he didn't even have the last dignity.

Fortunately, the president still has a little humanity, and finally returned his money to him.

When he saw Dong Manli again, Dong Manli refused very coldly, and asked why he didn't die outside, why did he still appear in front of her eyes!
At this time, he fell ill again, and a feeling of dizziness hit him, so he could only hug Dong Manli tightly in front of him!

Dong Manli struggled desperately, beating him, and tears streaming down her face at the same time.

"Let me hug you, just a moment!"

There was a cry in Chu Qing's voice, and the audience burst into tears!

This man still doesn't want Dong Manli to know that he is sick. What is he afraid of?Are you afraid that you will hold her back?
This idiot, why do you have to carry everything on yourself!
At this time, his family members didn't know that he would die anytime, so they kicked him out of the house!Why!

Most of the audience watched and cried!At this moment, they don't care about anything, whether to cry or not to lose face, they only know that if they hold back their tears, they will die!
However, the audience is still very qualified, and they cry very quietly, which does not affect other people.

The camera flashed, and Chu Qing, who was kicked out by his family, was living alone in the hotel. He fell ill again, and the audience who watched the bleeding from the mouth and nose were heartbroken!

They really couldn't understand this stupid man, why, why didn't he explain it at the last moment of his life?Why carry it all on your own shoulders?

On the anniversary of Dong Manli's father's death, Chu Qing came to pay respects and told Dong Manli that he was about to leave the city. He hoped that Dong Manli would stop hating himself. A person like himself was not worthy of her hatred. This was the last time he would visit her. .

At this moment, Dong Manli didn't understand why he said that, but the audience understood!

He didn't want to leave this city at all, he wanted to leave this world!
After saying these words, Chu Qing walked out of the house, but accidentally discovered that Dong Manli still kept the token of love between the two, which was the square debt collection form that he had painted as a rainbow.

He understood that perhaps Dong Manli hadn't given up on herself, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

Chu Qing, who was about to leave the city, found Dong Manli on a blind date in the car. Because he was worried, he finally got out of the car and stood looking at her from a distance.

The blind date looks good, very elegant, and is a good match for Dong Manli, unlike a punk like myself who will only embarrass her.

Chu Qing smiled very relieved, but this smile made people feel heartbroken!

Chu Qing let go of her mind and walked towards the distance alone, the feeling of loneliness almost overflowed the screen!

Many viewers grabbed their collar buttons tightly, and they had difficulty breathing after watching this scene!
Just as his figure was about to disappear at the corner of the street, he fell ill again.

His whole body convulsed, and he collapsed on the corner of the street bleeding from his mouth and nose!
When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital. He struggled to get up, but when he was discharged from the hospital to pay the bills, he found that someone had already paid the medical bills for him. Dong Manli was impressively written on the column of family members!
On the other end, Dong Manli found the policeman back then and learned about everything that happened that year!
It wasn't until this time that she realized what that man had paid for herself, and what he had done for herself!
She understood his involuntary control, and even more understood how cruel what she said before was to him!
Thinking of what she said when he came to see her before, and thinking of the way she looked at her, Dong Manli couldn't bear it anymore, and cried heartbreakingly!

That feeling, as if there was a knife stuck in her heart, digging and digging!Cut her heart into a piece of rotten flesh, and then throw it into the bottomless abyss!
She rushed to the hospital like crazy, but she didn't find Chu Qing inside.

Then she thought of a place, that was the tavern where they first met, and it was also the tavern where they broke up.

The camera flickered, and Chu Qing, who had just finished eating at the tavern, walked out of the tavern slowly. He was standing alone at the intersection on the street corner, and the sky and the earth were big, but at this moment he didn't know where he could go.

The surrounding street lights were dim, and the lights in front of him were bright, but among the thousands of lights, none of them were lit for him.

Just when he didn't know where to go, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps behind him.

He just turned his head when he saw Dong Manli standing behind him.

The two just looked at each other so firmly, tears streaming silently.

This man shed tears for the first time in the play.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why

"If I had a boyfriend like this, it would be worth my death"

"This idiot, why is this idiot so gentle!"

There was a lot of crying in the movie theater, but the corners of Chu Qing's mouth were slightly raised. Looking at it now, the effect is not bad!
(End of this chapter)

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