Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 160 The movie is over, Lao Song adds more 2!

Chapter 160 The movie is over, Lao Song adds more 2!

As the plot of the movie continued, Chu Qing began to seriously cooperate with the treatment under Dong Manli's persuasion.

He found the meaning of living, even if he will die in the future, it would be nice if he could stay with her for one more minute!

Tumor treatment was very painful, so painful that Dong Manli couldn't bear to watch it, but even at this time, Chu Qing forced a smile to comfort her.

And Dong Manli was just like how Chu Qing took care of her father back then, wiping his body, pushing him to the balcony and reading his favorite comics to him.

Although Chu Qing was tormented by the serious illness, he still had a smile every day, so sunny and gentle.

That night, Chu Qing laboriously fastened the love keychain that she made up two years ago to her key.

It was given to Dong Manli when he planned to open a fried chicken restaurant back then, but it was a pity that the wait lasted for two years.

The next day, his condition worsened, and love still seemed too fragile in the face of the serious illness.

Chu Qing's condition deteriorated, and she fell into a coma just like her father did at the beginning.

It was not until this time that Chu Qing's family knew about his condition.

Chu Qing's body began to lose weight rapidly, and when she finally lay on the bed, she looked like a skeleton.

And Dong Manli was like his wife, wiping his body all the time.

But this day, when Dong Manli was turning Chu Qing over, she suddenly heard a p sound.

At this moment, she burst into tears, this was her little secret with Chu Qing, she knew that this was what Chu Qing meant when he said 'I love you' to her.

In the end, Chu Qing left.

Just like Chu Qing attended her father's funeral as a son-in-law, this time, she attended his funeral as his wife.

Everyone at the funeral shed sincere tears for Chu Qing.

They understand that he is a good man, even if his job is not so bright, but without him, those street vendors would not be able to survive.

The elder brother and sister-in-law's eyes were red. Although they often complained verbally, they actually loved Chu Qing in their hearts, and that kind of complaint was more like anger.

The niece sat blankly in front of the portrait. The uncle who took her to eat barbecue, gave her pocket money, changed her smartphone, and hoped that she would pass the college entrance examination, has now turned into black and white, and turned into a photo. .

She stared blankly at the portrait but couldn't cry. She even wondered if she was too cold-blooded.

But when her mobile phone rang and saw her uncle giving her the mobile phone, she couldn't bear to cry any longer.

She would never see her uncle again, never again!

That uncle who held her hand, stood up for her, and smiled brightly, will never be seen again!

The eyes of many viewers were a little swollen. They had been crying since the second half of the movie, and now they couldn't bear the crying.

Some people even started to wipe their tears with their sleeves. There was no other way, there were really not enough tissues.

After the funeral, Chu Qing's father found Dong Manli and talked to her.

The scene changes, Chu Qing is sitting at home eating noodles, his father is doing handwork with his back to him.

"Dad, I've already lived a worthless life, and I still have this disease"

"Such a perfect woman"

The audience was dumbfounded, even though they had watched this movie many times before, but this time they were still amazed by Chu Qing's acting skills!

This, what kind of fairy acting skills is this!
It's all about the details, it's all about the details!That wry smile, that trembling voice directly brought the audience into their emotions!
Chu Qing also sighed secretly in her heart, her high-level props are useless, the effect is really fucking good!
"How can I tell her about my illness?"

"I'm just a passerby who is about to disappear!"


"Dad, her father is gone, you can be her father"

"After all, after all, she is the woman your son loves the most in my life."

After watching this paragraph, the audience couldn't bear it anymore, except for a very few audiences, the rest of the audience all cried out!
What a shame, what a low cry!Go fuck it, I'm going to cry loudly, I'm not afraid of embarrassment!
At this moment, the auditorium was full of crying!
At the end of the movie, Chu Qing's father was still driving the bus, and Dong Manli just got on the last bus after get off work.

On this day, an old song was played on the car radio.

During the prelude, the voice of the radio host slowly sounded.

"There is such an unforgettable him in everyone's heart. Maybe you couldn't be together in the end due to various reasons, but when you see familiar streets and familiar objects, you can't help but see each other's appearance in your mind."

During the singing, Dong Manli burst into tears, and the movie ended!

The lights in the projection hall were turned on, but none of the audience got up and walked out. They all sat in their seats, crying loudly or softly.

"Woo, why, why! Why did you give him such a result, why!"

"This screenwriter, who has been paid a thousand dollars, wants to let me know who wrote the script, my mother, I will kill him!"

"Woooooh, Chu Qing's acting skills are great, and Dong Manli's acting skills are also great. They are a perfect match, a perfect match!"

"Yes, they didn't get together in the movie, it would be great if they could be together in reality"

"No, I'm going to watch this movie again"

"I want it too, I want it too!"

At this time, the staff came in, there was no way, they had to clean up quickly and prepare for the next wave of spectators to enter the arena!

Chu Qing also took advantage of this time to walk out silently. Just based on the audience's reaction, he knew that this movie was basically a success!The effect should not be too bad!
Chu Qing, who walked out of the movie theater, called Song Dawei excitedly, and the phone rang twice before being picked up.


"Viagra, how do you find film critics?"

"Don't worry, I've received red envelopes, and I'm sure I won't talk nonsense. By the way, how did you watch it in the cinema? How did the audience react?"

"Don't worry! More than [-]% of the audience cried!"

"What? Eighty percent? Are you sure?"

"Sure, they are still crying in the auditorium"

"Fuck, we want fire! We want fire!"

"Viagra, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, the rhythm, the rhythm must be brought well!"

"Do not worry"

On the other end of the phone, Song Dawei patted his chest to assure that there would be no problem!
Chu Qing took a taxi and went straight to his apartment. In the car, he began to rummage, wanting to see if there were any movie reviews or evaluations.

Huangtian paid off, and he really let him find a few Weibo posts about his movies.

#Strong push! "When a Man is in Love"!No more beeps, just watch it, if you don’t see it, come back and scold me! #
#半年最好看的爱情片,"When a Man is in Love" teaches you what love is#
#Defiant acting!Is Chu Qing a singer or an actor? #
Looking at the hot topic, Chu Qing was secretly pleasantly surprised, come on, come on, let the storm come more violently!
(End of this chapter)

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