Chapter 161

The popularity of the movie was out of control once it was released. Those audiences who had watched the movie went to Amway friends one after another, and even spontaneously swiped it twice or even swiped it three times!
With the super fans of tap water, this movie is getting more and more popular!
At night, four of the top ten topics on Weibo were about "When a Man is in Love"!

At the same time, the film critics hired by Song Dawei also began to exert their strength. This time they praised it very strongly. After all, the audience popularity of this movie is really good, and it is much better than Xie Kun's previous garbage!
And Xie Kun did not disappoint Chu Qing, and posted a Weibo on his Weibo.

#@楚青, you acted so well in the movie, I didn't recognize it was you at first! #
This once again increased Chu Qing's enthusiasm, after all, Xie Kun can be regarded as a big V no matter what!

Chu Qing also replied immediately, and praised the other party's movie.

But the fans of the two pinched again!
Speaking of it, it was because Chu Qing's fans went to provoke him first.

Chu Qing's fans came directly to Xie Kun's fans base camp, and said that my Chu Qing's acting skills are more than ten blocks away from your Xie Kun's!If you don't believe yourself, go and watch "When a Man is in Love"!
Let the other party blow up the temple this time, is it okay to bully people to the point of bullying?

The opponent started to fight back frantically, and Chu Qing was the first to fight back.

What kind of posters look bad at first glance, and the appearance is rubbish, like a small crew with an investment of 500 million.

However, Chu Qing's fans responded in a very uniform way, which even made Chu Qing wonder if they had rehearsed in advance.

"Your family's Chu Qing's salary is only 100 million, do you know how much my family's Chu Qing is?"

"Your Xie Kun's acting skills are terrible!"

"Looking at the poster, is that the clothing of young people? Just looking at the poster is enough for me!"

"Your Xie Kun's acting skills are terrible!"

"You can see the gap in the movie just by looking at the total investment. Why do you compare with my Xie Kun?"

"Your Xie Kun's acting skills are terrible!"


Xie Kun's fans are a little speechless, no matter what they say, Chu Qing's fans will reply with the same sentence, your Xie Kun's acting skills are terrible!
Xie Kun's fans are going crazy, many of them are even thinking that they can't live up to Maoyan's idols, and if their acting skills are better, they can even refute them!
The scolding battle on the Internet lasted all night, but it turned out that "When a Man is in Love" became even more popular!
Most of the movie reviews on the Internet for this movie are also positive, which is in sharp contrast to the previous "Woman, You Got My Attention"!
There was even a Weibo post that went directly to Weibo hot searches and became a super topic!
#One Billion Viewers [-] million crying! "When a Man Loves"#
This is a film review written by a well-known film critic. The most unusual thing is that Song Dawei didn't give him a red envelope!Because Song Dawei felt that the other party belonged to the kind of high-cold film critic that he could not bribe!
His film reviews have always been known for their authenticity. For example, when "Woman, You Got My Attention" was released, his film review only had one sentence: 'Garbage, this kind of movie deserves me to write a film review'!
At that time, this sentence was a hornet's nest. Less than an hour after posting it, there were more than 3 comments, all of which were scolding him and asking when he died!
But now, at the familiar cusp again, he wrote a long review for Chu Qing!
In the film review, he first praised the script, and then praised Chu Qing's acting skills!

He said that in "Take My Brother Away" back then, he admired Chu Qing very much and felt that he was a rare good actor among the younger generation.

And now, Chu Qing's performance in "When a Man is in Love" even more amazed him!Especially the part where Chu Qing was eating!
Chu Qing's fans undoubtedly liked to hear this kind of comment, but Xie Kun's fans hadn't forgotten what happened before, so the fans of both sides started to scold again!

This attracted many passers-by fans and brought a lot of heat, making this Weibo a super talk!
At noon the next day, the single-day box office came out, and the premiere box office was 4000 million!
This data made Chu Qing scream in excitement. Looking at it now, the profit is certain!

He was excited on the other end, when Song Dawei called, and Song Dawei's voice on the other end was equally excited.

"Qingzi, Qingzi, good news! The theater said that it will increase our schedule, and the time will be postponed to December [-]th, giving us a one-month release time!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing suppressed his excitement and tried his best to keep his voice calm. In front of Song Dawei, he still wanted to save face.

"Ahem, cough, I see, we deserve this too. How is the navy on the Internet?"

"Hey, don't mention it, I think we hired the navy for nothing this time"

"Why? The navy didn't work hard?"

"The sailors are very serious about their work, but your fans and those movie fans are even more serious! They don't take the rhythm with the sailors at all, they fly with the rhythm. Those sailors have no sense of existence at all."

Speaking of this, Song Dawei himself couldn't help laughing out loud, both of them knew that this movie must be a hit!

Not long after hanging up the phone, Chu Qing's phone rang again. When she picked it up, she found that the caller was her mother.

"Hello? Mom, what's the matter?"

"Son, Mom has watched your movie. It's really good. Did you go to the hospital for a physical examination during this time? Mom told you, young people nowadays always stay up late and put a heavy burden on their bodies. It’s easy to break your body if you go down.”

Chu Qing's heart warmed, knowing that her mother got sick from watching the movie, and she was afraid that something would happen to her.

"Mom, don't worry, I have passed the physical examination and I am in excellent health!"

"Oh oh oh, then mom can rest assured. By the way, the girl's mother in the play looks pretty good. When will I bring her home to show my mother?"

"...Mom, she is a big star, a first-line actor!"

"What's wrong with the first-line actors? My son will also become a big star in the future! It just so happens that they are all in the circle and have a common language."

"Mom, she's thirty this year"

"What's wrong with thirty? Female junior, hold a golden brick!"

"Mom, you can't hug two dollars!"

"What's the matter with the two yuan? The older ones still know how to love others, son, the little girls nowadays are very naive, it's better to find this kind of older one, who knows the cold and the hot."


Chu Qing was speechless for a long time after hanging up the phone, wondering what happened to her mother?I don't pick anyone who is seven years older. Is this really afraid that I will be single?

Chu Qing walked up to the mirror and showed a standard sunny smile in front of the mirror.

This looks very pleasing to the eye!If he can be a bachelor, then the eyes of women all over the world will be blind!

On the Internet, Chu Qing fans and Xie Kun fans are still scolding each other.

And the heat brought about by cursing caused the box office of both movies to rise!

(End of this chapter)

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