Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 162 Box Office Results!

Chapter 162 Box Office Results!

"It's hot, Manli! You're hot!"

In Dong Manli's office, Miss Dong said while scrolling through the news.

Dong Manli was doing maintenance for herself, and said with a smile, "Are you talking about movies?"

"That's right! Don't you know that the word of mouth of this "When a Man is in Love" has exploded! The current rating on is as high as [-]! Do you know how many points "Woman, You Got My Attention" is only worth?" ?"

Dong Manli shook her head, she is very busy these two days, so she has no time to care about movies.

"Five point five! According to the reviews on, anything below seven points is a bad movie, and it's already a bad movie among bad movies!"

Dong Manli was a little surprised when she heard this. She hadn't watched "Woman, You Got My Attention", but she knew that this movie must not be much better just based on's rating!
Because is a relatively fair review platform in China, the ratings in it are very realistic.

"It's out, it's out, the next day's box office results are out!"

Sister Dong's expression froze after she finished speaking. Dong Manli couldn't help being curious when she saw her appearance, and she couldn't help but exclaimed when she walked behind her.

"Woman, You Got My Attention" Box Office!Forty seven million!
"When a Man is in Love" box office! 6000 million!
Dong Manli wanted to rub her eyes to see if she was dazzled, but the mask on her face was so expensive that she couldn't bear it.

"Sister Dong, the box office is 6000 million?"

Manager Sister Dong swallowed, then looked at Dong Manli with bright eyes and said.

"Manli, you posted!"

Dong Manli looked at her in confusion, and then she heard Dong Jie continue.

"That kid can talk about it at the beginning, and I will give you a part of it!"

It was only then that Dong Manli realized that she had wanted to help before, and the two of them knew why, but it was a pity that Chu Qing distanced herself from the relationship.

Now when she hears that she has made a fortune, she is actually very happy in her heart, but when she thinks that Chu Qing gave her the money, her mood is a little complicated.

After Chu Qing saw the box office the next day, she called Song Dawei and Duan Peng directly to go out for dinner!
Song Dawei's eyes were red with excitement, and he directly treated guests to dinner, sang K, and bathed together!

Of course, it's all normal.

After all, Chu Qing can be regarded as a "celebrity" now, if he goes to an unorthodox place and gets photographed by paparazzi, it will be all over.

The consequences of the collapse of the human setting can be called fatal!

After waiting for the third day's box office to come out, the three decided to celebrate again, because the third day's box office was still 6000 million!
The total box office of the movie exceeded 6000 million in two days, and [-] million in three days. Isn't it worth celebrating with such terrifying figures?

Chu Qing laughed secretly in her heart, her enthusiasm was right, and she even slapped Xie Kun in the face, this movie is so worth it!

It was already in Chu Qing's expectation that this movie would become popular.

The plot of the movie is part, the acting is part, but the big head is still on Xie Kun's body!
Xie Kun's route has always been the "enchanting" route. If this route is taken by a female artist, it will be no problem, but if a male artist takes this route, it will make many people sick.

Especially those tough guys and older people, they all think that a man has to look like a man, what do girls look like?
And at this time, Chu Qing was fighting with him, and the fans scolded each other, which aggravated their disgust even more!
As a result, many people went to see Chu Qing's movies just because they bothered him!
The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend. Chu Qing took advantage of this principle, so he went to see Xie Kun's movie at the beginning. On the surface, he supported it, but in fact he had already calculated it!

Some people may ask, Chu Qing and Xie Kun are both fresh meat, there is no reason why everyone hates Xie Kun, but not Chu Qing!
In fact, the two are really different.

The word "little fresh meat" often corresponds to three words, young and handsome, no works, all relying on being cute!
And Chu Qing has only been young and handsome since his debut, and the remaining two words have nothing to do with him!

The small fresh meat cultivated by general companies is mainly aimed at women between the ages of thirteen and forty!Xie Kun is one of the best. Among his tens of millions of fans, at least 40% are female fans.

Chu Qing is different from them, although at the beginning there were many female fans, and they were all good-looking fans.

But since Chu Qing proved his strength with a series of original songs in "A Singer" and his amazing performance in "Take My Brother Away", his male fans began to increase dramatically!
And their performances in "The Life I Want" and "The Secret Service Project" made them feel good about Chu Qing even more!

This child not only has eyesight and is willing to work, but also respects his predecessors!
The performance of the little fans in "Agent Project" even made many audiences amused.

Even some older netizens on the Internet called Xiang Shijie his younger brother, and Xiang Shijie's fans liked Chu Qing very much, thinking that this was his family.

As a result, Chu Qing even almost became the younger brother of the nation.

It's a pity that the popularity was not high enough later, and the title of his national younger brother was not popularized.

A week later, the film's box office was sluggish, but at this time its box office had exceeded [-] million!
This result shocked the industry. You must know that the total box office of "Take My Brother Away" was only [-] million!And now, Chu Qing reached [-] million in a week!

With this movie, Han Jie also directly caught the eyes of many investors!He has become a hot director, and Chu Qing is even known as a powerful faction among the new generation of actors!
On Xie Kun's side, even though he was scolded badly by netizens, the box office was still growing steadily every day, which made Chu Qing wonder if it was just like what Song Dawei said, this was money laundering at all!

Dong Manli stepped into the film circle in one fell swoop!She had nowhere to go in the music industry before, but she didn't expect that this breakthrough really made her transformation successful, and now she has accepted a blockbuster movie and played the leading role!
Chu Qing is not bad either, she has officially gained a firm foothold in the third line, and now she is considered a star, she has completely abandoned the hat of Internet celebrity.

A month passed slowly, and the total box office of "When a Man Was in Love" was also released.

This movie with an investment of 500 million yuan has a total box office of [-] million yuan!
And the total box office of "Woman, You Got My Attention", which invested more than [-] million yuan, reached [-] million!
Judging from the total box office results, it was obvious that Xie Kun won, but as long as netizens with long eyes can tell, the winner is actually Chu Qing!

For this movie, after deducting investment, taxes, theaters, post-promotion and a series of expenses, Chu Qing made a net profit of [-] million!

Of the three hundred million, [-]% belonged to Song Dawei and [-]% belonged to Dong Manli!

Song Dawei got a share because Song Dawei also invested money in the movie, and Dong Manli got a share because Dong Manli came to save the place when there were no actresses before!

In the later period, it was because of Dong Manli that he was able to get the opportunity to arrange the film.

people, don't forget your roots
(End of this chapter)

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