Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 163 February Shopping Month!

Chapter 163 December Shopping Month!

December NO.15, Chu Qing and others have returned to Hai K's company.

They have been celebrating wildly these past few days, especially Chu Qing, who invested 500 million yuan to get a harvest of [-] million yuan!Nearly seven times the income, can he not be happy?
And because of this movie, Chu Qing is now in the limelight, known as the youngest billionaire in the circle, at the age of 23!With his own efforts, he has a net worth of more than [-] million yuan in two years!

Countless netizens went online to Aite Cui Qiqi and wanted to ask her how she was feeling, but unfortunately Cui Qiqi had already withdrawn from the Internet, so naturally there was no response.

Dong Manli's manager, Miss Dong, also called a while ago, and after a short exchange of pleasantries, they got to the point. They just wanted to ask if the [-]% of the box office that Chu Qing had said before was still considered.

Chu Qing said rightly and honestly, as long as the money comes back, he will definitely transfer the money as soon as possible!
Sister Dong asked again if she could tell the public about this matter, but Chu Qing also did not refuse.

So it didn't take long before the legend of Dong Manli spread on the Internet.

The heroine stopped acting because of her big name, and Dong Manli appeared in "100 million" for friendship!
The poor producer vowed that after the movie became popular, he would use 3000% of the box office to thank Dong Manli, but unexpectedly, in the end, the movie box office really became a hit, and Dong Manli could also get a salary of [-] million!

This salary is undoubtedly very high for an actor who came from across the border.

But the audience felt that she was indeed worth the price, not to mention whether her acting skills were worth it, just because she was willing to save a friend and received '100 million pay', she was worth 3000 million!

And the heroine who was previously dismissed as a big name was also human fleshed out, and everyone was not so friendly to her. In this regard, Chu Qing stood up and said that it is the freedom of both parties to act or not, and I hope everyone can be more civilized.

It's a pity that after Chu Qing said this, the netizens not only didn't stop, but even scolded her even more.

"From CNM, look at how tolerant Chu Qing is? Even if you play big and leave the crew, he doesn't want others to scold you!"

"Bitch! Pooh!"

"Seeing Dong Manli earning 3000 million at the box office, I ask you if you envy her?"

"As far as you are B, letting you play a maid is flattering you, but letting you play a heroine is not enough. Do you want face?"

Seeing her being scolded, Chu Qing also 'sighed'.

There is no way, I have already done what I should do, but if the netizens don't listen to me, there is nothing I can do!

Song Dawei has been busy these two days, and his busy work is also very simple, asking for money!

The filming is over, the show is over, the taxes are paid, and the rest is asking for money!

It is not so easy to ask for money. I believe that friends who have experienced it must know what it feels like.

Obviously it belongs to your money, but everyone who passes it wants to take a bite of it!
If you are powerful and powerful, then of course it is good, they dare not move their mouths, for fear that if you bite, you will pull out their teeth!
But if you have no power, power or background, then I'm sorry, just procrastinating can drag you to death!
Fortunately, Song Dawei made use of his contacts at this time!Within a few days, all the money that should have belonged to them was returned, a total of [-] million!
Back together, there are more than 20 bank agents!

They all hope that Chu Qing can deposit the money in their family's bank, and they have set many conditions for this!

For example, Chu Qing's family members can go to the bank to work, such as some gifts, VIP privileges and so on.

In the end, Chu Qing chose Hai K's ICBC, and then accompanied by the staff, Chu Qing deposited the money in Hai K's account, and transferred 6000 million to Song Dawei and Dong Manli!
When leaving, the president came out to see Chu Qing off in person, and gave him his private number, saying that he could call him for anything in Haik.

After Sister Dong received the money, she immediately called Chu Qing and told him that she had received the money, and her attitude became much more enthusiastic.

Chu Qing's heart was so painful that she was about to bleed, but the money that should be spent must be spent!

It doesn't matter whether you buy a horse bone with a thousand gold, or you can stand a tree as a trustworthy person. As a salesman, he understands the importance of credit too well!

To put it bluntly, after Chu Qing's reputation is established, he will be able to trick a group of people into filming for him just by drawing big cakes for actors.

What should I do after I have money?Chu Qing proved it with actions, Hua!
First of all, the scale of the company must be expanded!It doesn't matter anything else, assistants, makeup artists, and drivers are a must!

Then there is the company's cleaning, security, and follow-up recruitment of some technical talents.

For example, photographers, lighting engineers, post-editing and so on.

After having money, it is actually much easier to recruit people. It is easy to recruit makeup artists and drivers, but life assistants are a bit troublesome. The main reason is that it is better to let someone who can rest assured take this position.

Then Chu Qing started his shopping trip. He first bought two cars.

A Lamborghini supercar cost nearly 500 million.

A Mercedes nanny car cost 60.

He drives the supercar by himself, and the driver of the nanny car.

Then he bought a single-family villa in the local area, with a total area of ​​2000 square meters, which cost him [-] and [-] million!

The location of this villa is very good, and it was not open to the public at first, but when the president of ICBC heard that Chu Qing was planning to buy a house, he immediately called the leader of the other party and helped him get this house.

Now even if Chu Qing has completely taken root in Hai K, she still has a place to park her car.

Duan Peng was very envious of the [-]-square-meter villa, but it was still a bit small for Song Dawei. After all, this guy's home was a six-story villa!
By the way, Duan Peng can be considered a rich man now. Chu Qing paid him 50 yuan for the last film, but there was no way to give him too much. After all, Dong Manli was only 100 million yuan. What does Dong Manli think?
But after the movie was successful, Chu Qing gave him another 100 million red envelopes!

At first, Duan Peng didn't want it, but in the end, Chu Qing convinced him.

After buying a car, buying a house, and recruiting people, the current studio is considered to be formed, and the three of them began to discuss the future direction.

Now in front of Chu Qing, there are actually three paths, the first path being a singer!

This road is easy to walk in terms of Chu Qing's conditions, but the upper limit is too low, and it is easy to walk to the end.

And then it's filming!This road is much more difficult, and the water is very deep. Although Chu Qing succeeded this time, he has no idea whether he will succeed next time!

He has a good movie in his mind, but it doesn't mean that a good movie can be successful, it has to be combined with the era at that time.

Don't say anything else, let's just say that "A Chinese Journey to the West" hit the streets a lot in the past, but what happened later?It was regarded as a milestone movie.

So, the year in which the film was shot is also very important.

(End of this chapter)

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