Chapter 164 Future Plans
The last way is variety show!
And variety shows are divided into two categories, that is, Taiwan variety and online variety.

Taiwan variety shows are TV station variety shows, and web variety shows are network variety shows.

Looking at it now, the variety shows with the highest ratings and the best reputation are Taiwan variety shows. After all, TV stations are also considered official, and they have a fixed fan base.

But the bad thing about Taiwan comprehensive is that there are too many messy people. This one gets in the way, and that one lets you improve it. It's not very free.

A good IP will be ruined if it is changed, and the extreme challenge in the previous life is a good proof.

And the copyright is not in the hands of the director and planner, but in the hands of the TV station.

The advantages of online comprehensive are copyright freedom, freedom of filming, and the scale can be larger than that of TV stations.

The disadvantage is that it is very difficult to get sponsorship!
After all, there is a TV station behind them, which is the official, and they can rest assured no matter how they invest.

But online comprehensive is different. What if someone spends tens of millions, and as soon as it starts broadcasting, your click-through rate is less than [-], will investors want to jump off the building?

These are the three roads before Chu Qing, the easiest of which is the singer!

Now Chu Qing's song reserves are enough to hold concerts and release albums. Now he only needs to find a few investors and partner with them to hold concerts.

According to Chu Qing's current popularity, his concerts can earn an average of 200 million yuan per concert.

Adding up other scattered and messy things together, the annual income will not be less.

If he followed this path, he would be promoted to a second-tier star within three years, which can be regarded as fast.

If you are an actor, you need to come across a good script. With his current wealth and popularity, if he makes a movie, he should be able to get a salary of 1000 million. If there is more, people may not use it. .

The last thing is variety shows. With Chu Qing's current popularity and social status, it is no problem to find a TV show or online show as a resident guest, but the key is that Chu Qing doesn't want to do this!
In other words, his goal is farther!
Filming for others is equivalent to working for others, earning dead wages!Only when you are an investor can you start a business and become a boss!

Do you make money making movies?Of course it makes money, but it's not the actors or directors who make the money, but the investors and the theaters behind it!
Being a singer is the same as holding a concert. How much money can actually go to the hands of a singer?
So Chu Qing planned to join behind the scenes!Just like shooting a movie this time, be an investor!If you make money, you will earn big, if you lose money, you will lose big!
This time, Chu Qing plans to pull a team by himself!
During the filming before, photography, props, makeup and so on were all hired, this time Chu Qing plans to call a team by himself!
He didn't have a lot of money in the early stage, and he definitely couldn't make that kind of large-scale special effects movie, so he could shoot some low-cost movies.

There are also variety shows. After the crew is complete, he can also invite some actors to film variety shows. At that time, whether it is sold to TV stations or video sites, he will not lose money!
Isn't this much better than him shooting a variety show by himself and getting a little dead salary?
Of course, there are pros and cons.

The downside is that no one can guarantee that the things that are photographed will definitely make money!
And as an actor, no matter whether the work is good or bad, he can get a fixed amount of money!

However, Chu Qing's character is not the kind of character who is willing to take a dead salary!

Otherwise, he would not have been a salesman in his last life, he liked to earn a dead salary, and he liked stability, so it would be great to find a factory to work in.

"Viagra, does Xie Kun have any new plans?"

Chu Qing was lying on the sofa, drinking juice in her mouth.

Song Dawei was sitting opposite him, and he yawned and said, "It's still the same, I'm going to participate in an online variety show."

"Huh? Didn't he make his debut? Why did he go to a variety show again?"

"He is going to be a mentor this time"

Chu Qing's eyes widened when he heard the words, and said, "Be a mentor? Just him? Why should he?"

Song Dawei shrugged and said, "I don't know why, but someone invited him."

"Has anyone asked me to be a mentor?"

"Yes, how about asking you to be a tutor for a music show? Think about it?"

"don't go"


"Because I want face!"


These words amused both Song Dawei and Duan Peng. Song Dawei yawned and said, "This year is almost the same. Do you have any plans for next year?"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "It's still a movie! With the successful experience of "When a Man Loves" this time, we shouldn't have trouble finding theaters this time, right?"

Song Dawei laughed and said, "Anyway, the one who cooperated last time was quite willing to cooperate with us again."

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "Then, what type of movie do you plan to shoot this time? Or write the script yourself?"

Chu Qing nodded and asked, "What types of movies are popular now?"

"That must be a sci-fi blockbuster!"

"We can't afford to shoot sci-fi."

"That's hard to say. The ratings of costume movies and romance movies are similar, unless they are adapted from big IPs."

"What about suspense films?"

"The market for suspense films is actually average, and the cost of shooting is higher"

The three of them began to ponder, but in fact, it was mainly Song Dawei and Chu Qing who were thinking that Duan Peng was just making soy sauce.

In the end, Song Dawei said: "I suggest that you still act in a love drama. After all, your last movie was a love movie, and it has a good reputation. We should make persistent efforts now. With your name, we can also attract some old audiences." Come support!"

Chu Qing nodded slowly. He felt that what Song Dawei said was very reasonable. What's more, it was very cheap to shoot this kind of urban love movie!

What's more, he is indeed very suitable for shooting love movies now, because he is already the dream lover of many big girls and young wives.

The infatuated kind in "When Men Are in Love" played by him simply fascinated them, especially after knowing that Chu Qing was actually handsome in real life, many fans went crazy.

Now every time Chu Qing starts a live broadcast, she can receive 10,000+ gifts, and even thousands of private messages!

Some fans even came to their company specifically to meet Chu Qing.

When Chu Qing was traveling, paparazzi also started to follow her.

In a word, he is really like a star now!

After deciding to shoot a love movie, Chu Qing began to recall the love movies she had seen in her previous life in her mind.

When he thought of romantic movies, many movies came to his mind, but in the end, only one remained.

"Love has an afterlife"!
The investment exceeds 4000 million, but the total box office is only a sad literary film of 200 million.

Duan Yihong was not the head of the group that year, and Yu Feihong sold the house that year.

The box office of this movie is poor, but its reputation is very good. Do you want to challenge yourself?

(End of this chapter)

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