Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 165 Corporate Culture

Chapter 165 Corporate Culture
Song Dawei thought for a while and continued: "Actually, I think we can take a literary film to win the award! You also know that in China, the awards are usually literary films, and now you have proved it with two films. With your own box office strength, I think we can also do some awards, for example, the best newcomer award!"

After Chu Qing heard this, the name of the movie became more important in her mind.

Chu Qing quickly calculated in his mind, if he was asked to shoot this movie, if all newcomers were used, he felt that about 1000 million would be able to come down!

But can this kind of cost go to theaters?With such a low investment, can I consider showing it online?Anyway, I already have a copy of "When a Man is in Love"!

Do you want to bloom on both sides, and try the theater network?Including publicity and publicity, more than 2000 million is almost the same. Do you want to try it.

In fact, when Chu Qing thought this way, she already had the answer in her heart.

However, is it so easy for an actor like him who has no background to win an award?

People's capital made a movie and gave red envelopes. Why should the judges choose you?

So if you want to win an award, this amount of money is definitely not enough, and you have to have connections, otherwise you won't be able to give gifts!



"I'll tell you a story, you can see if this story works"

"what story?"

"Once upon a time, during the period of the Republic of China, there was a man."

Chu Qing slowly told him the story of "Love Has an Afterlife". At first Song Dawei just listened to it casually, but in the end he couldn't help listening to it, and even Duan Peng listened very seriously.

After waiting for Chu Qing to finish telling the story, Song Dawei took a deep breath and said, "Is this what you thought just now?"

"Well, how about it? Can it be used as a script?"

Song Dawei nodded and said: "Yes, yes, but the market for this kind of pure love movie is not very good. Now everyone likes the kind of bloody love movie. For example, in your last movie, the hero and heroine suddenly got terminally ill. just fine”


Chu Qing was a little speechless, but it was right after thinking about it, after all, it was a fake drama.

The so-called stick drama has three treasures, car accidents, cancer, which cannot be cured!
Domestic dramas include Three Treasures, Little Fresh Meat, Scheming Bitch, and good leadership policies.

Japanese opera also has three treasures, mouth cannon, holy mother, running all over the street!
These are the three major mainstreams of Asian movies. If you want to achieve results, you'd better follow the above requirements!

"And this kind of movie, I'm afraid no theaters are willing to buy it, unless you find a big name. If you play the male lead, the female lead has to hire a big name, an actress who can drive the box office!"

Chu Qing asked, "What about the online release?"

"You mean, release it on the Internet, and then look at the other side to see if you can be shortlisted for an award?"

"Yes, did you mess up?"

Song Dawei rubbed his chin and said, "I can't say for sure, I have to shoot it anyway, and I can decide after seeing the effect. At least half of it has to be taken, what do you think?"

Chu Qing thought about it, and now the two of them only have a story, and nothing else, so it's useless to have fun here!
"Then it's settled, let's shoot this!"

Song Dawei nodded and said, "That's no problem, how much do you plan to invest in this movie?"

Chu Qing said seriously: "1000 million"

Song Dawei sat down on the sofa and said: "1000 million can make a fart! Let's hire a big-name female star, and the money is enough!"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Then how much do you say?"

"I think it will cost 3000 million! It may not be enough for the post-stage publicity!"

Chu Qing was stunned, thinking about the 200 million total box office of "Love Has an Afterlife" in her previous life, she was frightened for a while, and she invested 3000 million, so it won't be in vain in the end!
But in the end Chu Qing still gritted her teeth and decided to shoot!

Not because of anything else, mainly because I have money now!

Shooting such a movie won't hurt one's muscles, but as long as it succeeds, it will surely bring fame and fortune!Even if you can't get both, you can get the same!

After deciding, Chu Qing planned to write the script later.

"What about the director? Who do we ask to direct this movie?"

Duan Peng gnawed on an apple and asked while eating.

Song Dawei said with a smile: "I still use Han Jie, we have experience in cooperation, and we can have a tacit understanding when we cooperate."

But Chu Qing shook his head and said, "Senior Brother Han has already taken on other roles, and now Senior Brother Han is also famous, so I'm afraid it will cost [-] to [-] a day."

Duan Peng was speechless when he heard the words: "This price is okay! If I had known earlier, I would have learned to be a director!"

Song Dawei thought for a while and said, "What about Director Xia Xiangxiang?"

Chu Qing shook her head again and said, "Xia Xiangxiang was born a man, now he has money, and is traveling around the world."

Song Dawei was speechless: "Then we have to find a new director?"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "It's better to be the cheap one, and have a certain strength!"

Song Dawei thought for a while: "Let Teacher Huang introduce another one?"

But Chu Qing shook his head decisively and said, "That won't work. Last time we didn't have farts, so we had to ask the teacher for help. Now that we have money, how can we keep bothering the teacher?"

Song Dawei shrugged, took an apple from the fruit plate and said.

"Then you still want cheap and powerful ones, just dream!"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "That's not necessarily true! Now that our studio has been established, I think we should have our own corporate culture!"

Song Dawei and Chu Qing were also familiar with each other. Seeing Chu Qing's smile, he knew that he must be holding back some bad water!

In fact, it is true. What is corporate culture?That's the slogan, big pie, brainwash!

In the words of Uncle Ge in the previous life, work hard, and I will try my best to marry you a sister-in-law next year!
This sentence perfectly describes the word capital, and unlike others who hate capital, Chu Qing does not hate capital from the beginning to the end, and even wants to join them!
And now, what will Chu Qing do after the employee joins the company?That must be to train them first, let them recite the rules during the training, and then start drawing big cakes!

This intern has been in our company for three years, and I will promote you to supervisor!At that time, after deducting the five insurances and one housing fund from the annual salary, there will be more than 20 yuan left!

I will let you be the manager of that intern for a year, and then you don’t have to do anything, just sit in the office, and I will give you [-] a month!

Does anyone believe it?have!Great!And some of them have just graduated from college!
What they have in common is that they are full of fantasies about the future!

Such a person is best dealt with, since he likes to dream, then you can make a big deal for him and let him contribute to this dream!
Just tell him that as long as he works hard, this dream will definitely come true!After this dream comes true, he will have everything he wants!
But during the period of chasing dreams, it will be a bit miserable. The monthly salary will be deducted from the five social insurances and one housing fund, and there will be two thousand and eighty.
(End of this chapter)

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