Chapter 166 Shameless

When Chu Qing was in sales in his previous life, he saw many college students like this.

The bosses like to use this kind of college students the most, two simple words, easy to deceive!He believes everything you tell him, and if you say he can be a manager by working hard, then he must be proud of his career!
If you say that he can be promoted and get a raise if he works hard, then he must work overtime for free!

And those old fritters who have been honed in society are not good, you will not believe anything you tell them!

Even if you tell them that at the end of this month, I will give you a salary increase, and they will not give you a shit!
In their hearts, they will only believe you when the money is in their wallet!

Chu Qing was the kind of college student who was easy to fool at the beginning, but under the maliciousness of the society in the previous life, he grew up faster!
"company culture?"

Song Dawei was a little dazed, thinking that we don't even have ten people in the studio now, what kind of corporate culture do you want?Are you a Fortune [-] company?
Chu Qing looked at Song Dawei, this guy is a person who values ​​affection, as you can see from the liquidated damages he gave to artists before, he is definitely not a person who can do such things.

So Chu Qing turned to look at Duan Peng again, this guy is so stubborn, it's even more useless to make him do this kind of thing!
Chu Qing slapped his forehead in pain, deeply feeling what it's like to be unavailable!
"Forget it, the matter of corporate culture will be postponed for a while. In this way, I will write the script in the past two days, and then we will find a director. I think we can form the crew by ourselves!"

Song Dawei said: "In fact, it is more suitable for the crew to rent. After all, we are not filming for a long time. There is no need to buy cameras and keep photographers."

Chu Qing shook her head stubbornly and said, "No, it's necessary! Because our filming this time is just the beginning. After the film is over, I plan to shoot a variety show! These photographers will be needed at that time, and even if there is nothing needed For shooting, we can also rent out photographers like other companies.”

After Song Dawei shrugged, he didn't refuse anymore, after all Chu Qing was the boss of the studio.

After the decision was made, the two left one after another. Although Chu Qing said that their house was big enough, the two chose to go out and stay in a hotel.

After thinking about it, Chu Qing didn't force it, after all, it was the other party's request.

He then burnt the midnight oil and started writing scripts.

He watched the movie "Love Has an Afterlife" three times. Although they were all free online prostitutes, it didn't stop him from loving this movie at all.

He even thought that this movie might be one of the best pure love movies in China in recent years. With such a failed box office back then, Chu Qing could only say that he was born at the wrong time.

Just like the original "Heroes" and "A Chinese Journey to the West", the movies are good movies, but they are too advanced!Based on the aesthetics of the audience at that time, not only did they not think they were good-looking, but they thought they were rubbish!

But if it is placed today, the box office of these two movies will definitely shock the jaws of netizens!
Chu Qing began to recall the memories in his mind, but unfortunately he couldn't remember some plots clearly, so he could only add a little of his own thoughts.

In this way, he wrote for most of the night, and finally wrote the script of "Love Has an Afterlife".

Of course, as always, he didn't draw sub-cameras, because his drawing skills are still at the stage of stick figures!

At noon the next day, Song Dawei and his wife came to knock on the door. Chu Qing opened the door for them in pajamas, and then handed the script he had written to Song Dawei.

Song Dawei sat aside and watched vigorously, while Duan Peng tilted his head and peeked aside.

Chu Qing picked up the takeaway that the two brought him, and said while eating: "It may be troublesome to frame the scene, and we may have to build it ourselves at that time."

Song Dawei also nodded slowly, not to mention anything else, just said that the 'Millennium Ginkgo' tree is not easy to handle!
Although he knows where it is, they will definitely not let them take pictures in other scenic spots!

If they are superstars, a large crew with an investment of hundreds of millions will do, and their scenic spots can also be used for publicity.

Mainly they are not, not only are they not, they also belong to that kind of grass-roots team, the pheasant crew!
It's strange that people's scenic spots can make them take pictures. It's better to build them honestly and use fake ones.

Although he had already heard Chu Qing tell this story yesterday, he was still very moved when he read the script today, especially when he saw those lines, a picture appeared in Song Dawei's mind.

It was a young monk in black, a woman from the Republic of China who was as red as a cuckoo!

Song Dawei slowly put down the script and said: "This script is great! I think we must find a good director to shoot, even if it is a bit more expensive, it is worthwhile. I can't accept people ruining this script!"

Chu Qing laughed when he heard the words, but Duan Peng's consideration was more direct, and he turned to look at Chu Qing with a smile and said.

"Qingzi, can I play the role of the big brother?"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, "Of course, this role is designed for you!"

Duan Peng laughed again, and then Chu Qing looked at Song Dawei and said, "The main reason is that I have never met any great directors, and this kind of pure love movie can't be found by any decent big director. It’s impossible to see a small crew like ours.”

Song Dawei sighed after hearing this, everything else was easy to solve, but Chu Qing succeeded in persuading him with his last sentence, the big director really didn't like their small crew.

To put it bluntly, how much money can you give to a movie with a total investment of 3000 million?

Why don't people come here to play with you, leaving the film crew with an investment of hundreds of millions to quit?

And at this moment, Chu Qing suddenly remembered that he knew someone!She can definitely help herself find a similar director!

So he took out his mobile phone, searched in the address book, and found a number after a while, and the note was Lu Xiaoke!
After Chu Qing made a booing gesture to the two of them, he dialed the phone number.

The phone rang a few times before it was picked up, and the voice on the other end was obviously a little surprised.

"Hello? Big star, why did you think of calling me?"

Chu Qing was a little embarrassed when he asked this sentence. At this time, if Chu Qing said that I have something to ask you, it would give people a feeling that there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Palace!
"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's just that my friend gave me a script, and I suddenly thought of you"

"Are you looking for me to make a movie?"

Chu Qing was interrupted by Lu Xiaoke before she finished speaking, and the voice on the other end was obviously more pleasantly surprised!Chu Qing was a little dazed, and then various scenes flashed in his mind, Yu Feihong's face gradually turned into Lu Xiaoke's face, and Duan Yihong's face turned into his face.

No violation!On the contrary, it is quite comfortable!Even if neither of them is famous, can they still support it?
But suddenly, he thought of Lu Xiaoke's background.

So Chu Qing nodded affirmatively and said: "That's right! I think you are very suitable for the image of the heroine in the movie!"

Song Dawei: "."

Duan Peng: "."

(End of this chapter)

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