Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 167 Lu Xiaoke Arrives

Chapter 167 Lu Xiaoke Arrives

"Heck, it's true, don't lie to me"

On the other end of the phone, Lu Xiaoke's voice was very lively and full of girlishness.

When Chu Qing heard this, she suddenly felt that she was not suitable, because Ah Jiu, the heroine, had a more mature and stable personality.

"Xiao Ke"


"Is there any problem with letting you play that kind of taciturn lady?"

Lu Xiaoke on the other end of the phone said with a smile: "Of course it's no problem, I'm also a lady of everyone."

Chu Qing has a black line on his forehead, who is a lady who dances in bars every day and chases stars in nightclubs?Please cherish your own personality, okay?

Chu Qing didn't say anything, just smiled and said: "That's fine, I have a very good notebook here, I will send it to you later, you can see if it works, if you are interested, then let's talk again."


Lu Xiaoke on the other end of the phone had a lively voice, as if he was very satisfied with Chu Qing calling him.

After Chu Qing hung up the phone, he quickly registered the copyright of the script.

Before the copyright was registered, he would never send it to anyone. It doesn't matter if he is narrow-minded or suspicious, but Chu Qing will never make a mistake in this kind of thing!
After registering the copyright, Chu Qing sent the script to Lu Xiaoke, and then he looked at Song Dawei.

Seeing this, Song Dawei was a little surprised and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Of course I have to go through the formalities! Last time you went through the formalities very successfully, this time I have to trouble you too."

Song Dawei couldn't stop smiling wryly. Last time, in order to go through the formalities smoothly, and because he didn't have any connections before, he almost perforated his stomach when he drank with others!

But this time it should be easier, so when Chu Qing said this, he didn't refuse.

Chu Qing sent a copy of the script to Duan Peng, then told him about the requirements for the role, and asked him to study the role aside.

And Chu Qing began to discuss with Song Dawei, casting, photography and other issues.

This time, in order to understand the cost of the contract, Chu Qing decided to see if he could find a group of college students who had just graduated to act!

It is best to be the kind who has just been met by the society, and then still looks unconvinced!

For such a person, it is delicious to eat the imaginary pancake, and they can spend less money.

Thinking that she was such a black-hearted boss, Chu Qing couldn't help laughing out loud, Song Dawei's hairs stood on end!

It didn't take long for the two of them to discuss this side, when Lu Xiaoke called.

"Wooooow, this script is so touching, Chu Qing, I voted for this script!"

Chu Qing has a black line on his forehead, who will use you to invest, sister!Didn't you say play the heroine?What does it have to do with investing?
"Cough, cough, Xiaoke, we don't lack in investment. I made enough money from my last movie."


When Chu Qing heard this, she thought that this is not impossible. After all, the example of "200 million box office" in the previous life was there. Should I also find a partner and earn money together!Lose money and lose together!

But after thinking about it, Chu Qing finally gave up, because Lu Xiaoke was too stupid, and Chu Qing was too embarrassed to lie to her.

"The investment is enough, how about it, will you play the heroine? If not, I will find Dong Manli!"

"Play! This heroine must be mine!"

Lu Xiaoke said in a nervous voice, and then hurriedly spoke again.

"Where are you?"

"Hai K"

"I will look for you!"

"toot toot"

Chu Qing stared at the phone speechlessly, wondering if this little girl is usually so hot-tempered?In a word, come to find yourself?

Song Dawei pinched his chin and said, "Don't say it, it's really good for Dong Manli to play the role of your heroine! The image and age are all very suitable!"

Chu Qing sighed, shook her head and said, "She is too involved in the drama, besides, she also has a crew, the leading female lead with big investment, can she still fall in love with our small crew?"

Song Dawei smiled and said nothing more.

After getting along for such a long time, he also has some understanding of Chu Qing.

To put it simply, he is a hedgehog with a soft heart, but he chooses to make himself invulnerable to stab people.

If you target him, he will retaliate against you!

If you stand in his way, he will kick you away mercilessly!

But if you treat him well, he will be numb and will only respond to your kindness clumsily.

Sometimes Song Dawei wondered, what exactly did Chu Qing go through?Was it just a broken relationship that honed him into what he is now?Although Cui Qiqi is a bit out of character, but it shouldn't have such a good effect!
One day later, Hai K Airport
The driver drove the nanny car and brought Chu Qing and Song Dawei to pick him up from the airport.

Lu Xiaoke actually came to Haik by himself, without even a suitcase, only a small satchel.

After Chu Qing received the person, the three of them got into the nanny's car together.

"You just came here, and you didn't bring anything"

Hearing Chu Qing's question, Lu Xiaoke waved his hands with a smile and said, "My family still has a house, cosmetics and clothes, so I don't need to bring any more."

After hearing this, Chu Qing was speechless. After spending more than 2000 million yuan to buy a villa, he was a little bit floating, but now that he heard that there are houses everywhere, Chu Qing can't float!

Compared with others, I really have a long way to go!
Lu Xiaoke is wearing a blue pleated skirt and an off-white sun hat today, which makes people feel youthful and beautiful just by looking at it.

After the car started, she grabbed Chu Qing's arm and said, "When will our film start, I can't wait."

Chu Qing smiled wryly and said, "I just finished writing the script, so it will have to be next year if I want to start filming!"

Lu Xiaoke was startled for a moment, and then said disappointedly: "That is to say, it will take more than two months!"

Chu Qing shook her head, pointed at Song Dawei and said, "Viagra has already started to go through the formalities. This time, I plan to gather a production crew by myself, buy cameras, and recruit photographers! Gaffers, cashiers, etc. I'm done. I still need to find a director and then interview actors, I think it will take four months to half a year!"

Lu Xiaoke widened his eyes and said, "So long?"

Chu Qing smiled wryly and said, "So, you came too early!"

Lu Xiaoke waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I know a lot of photographers and lighting engineers, tell me about the salary you offer here, and I'll see if I can help you recruit someone."

Song Dawei chuckled and said, "He wants to find a new generation!"

Lu Xiaoke was surprised when he heard the words: "Why? Isn't it better to find experienced photographers and lighting engineers?"

Faced with Lu Xiaoke's serious inquiry, Chu Qing was really embarrassed to say that it was because it was cheap, because young people are easy to deceive!

After thinking about it, Chu Qing cleared her throat, and said with a straight face: "Because I am a young man myself, I also want to give young people some opportunities!"

After finishing speaking, he quietly took a look, um, very good, Lu Xiaoke's eyes are full of little stars
(End of this chapter)

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