Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 168 A Powerful Studio

Chapter 168 A Powerful Studio
A group of people came to the studio. After signing an acting contract with Lu Xiaoke, Lu Xiaoke started to work hard!

Calling this uncle and that uncle, it didn't take long to help Chu Qing recruit a newcomer team!Eight photographers, two lights, two radios, one scene recorder, and one scene manager.

As for the others, most of them can be recruited now, but post-production talents are more difficult to find, and you can also go to a post-production studio to deal with it, which is simple.

As for the props, it is also directly produced by a studio. If you want to have your own props group, you have to grow the studio. Anyway, Chu Qing can't afford it now.

As for others, such as mechanics, photography assistants, etc., we can only let everyone wear multiple jobs, or we can recruit them later!

After these people are determined, it will be the equipment!
What Chu Qing didn't expect was that Lu Xiaoke, who sold the equipment, also knew him. After a phone call, almost all the equipment was given to Chu Qing with a [-]% discount, which saved him a lot of money!

Before, I just thought that Lu Xiao was a little rich woman, but now Chu Qing looks at her, she is like a golden light, exuding the aura of the God of Wealth all over her body!

The next thing is simple, after Chu Qing played with her in Hai K for two days, Lu Xiaoke returned to Yanjing, and said that he should study the characters well!
The people she recommended also came to the studio one after another. Generally speaking, Chu Qing is still very satisfied!

The enthusiasm of these young people has not yet cooled down, and Chu Qing screamed in excitement after some 'touching' words. Follow Chu Qing's shouting and work hard together to overthrow Hollywood!
Then began to sign the contract, each person's monthly salary, [-] after tax!
Chu Qing also told them heartbroken that usually newcomers like them are on the set, let alone being a camera, it is considered a high incense to be able to touch the camera!
But here, after buying the equipment, they are proficient casually!

I'm not being harsh, but it's giving the young people valuable internship experience!

When they are proficient and famous, Chu Qing can let them change jobs!

These words moved them deeply!
What Chu Qing never expected was that not only the young people believed these words, but also the bastard Duan Peng!

It was only then that Chu Qing remembered that he had experience in his previous life, but Duan Peng didn't!

What's more, he was originally a foolish character, who was stimulated by Chu Qing's speech, and a researcher who didn't sleep in the middle of the night!

At the same time, he also played a leading role, helping young people like Chu Qinganli every day.

Why did Chu Qing have nothing at the beginning, and climbed up to today all by her own efforts step by step!
He was nothing before, but he was signed by Chu Qing as soon as he graduated. The original salary for the first film was only 50 yuan, but afterwards Chu Qing gave him 100 million red envelopes and so on.

Just one sentence over and over again, Chu Qing, pay attention!He valued love and righteousness, so he was right to mess with him!

What better example is there than 'showing up', those young people don't do anything else now, just go to the gym every day, read scripts, hone their basic skills, and wait for the time to film and show their full abilities!

And other things are easy to solve, but it is not easy to choose a director.

After all, the director is so important to a crew, it is not an exaggeration to say that the director is the soul of a movie.

This is also why the audience is always the first to scold the director when the movie is not good!

As for the selection of actors, no matter what, the director must participate.

It was only then that Song Dawei and Chu Qing realized that their circle was so small. Although they were considered insiders now, they didn't know a few decent small groups that could cooperate.

In the end, Chu Qing still called Han Jie, wanting to ask if Han Jie had any suitable candidates to recommend.

Unexpectedly, Han Jie asked directly when the film will be filmed. When Chu Qing said that he was going through the formalities and would shoot next year, Han Jie directly said that he had a schedule!
This made Chu Qing a little embarrassed, he didn't want to use an expensive director, and with Han Jie's current worth, giving him a cheap one was like swearing!
But since Han Jie said so, it's hard for him to refuse.

Then I heard Han Jie complaining in a low voice: "You don't know, I met a few idiots this time, and I just can't make things difficult for money, or I would have picked them up long ago!"

Chu Qing smiled awkwardly, Han Jie's temper was really as explosive as ever!
Time soon came to the end of the year, and Chu Qing gave everyone a holiday, and also thoughtfully gave a New Year's gift, which was a round-trip ticket to go home!
Han Jie also rushed back at the end of the year and signed a contract with Chu Qing, but he didn't say he would join the studio.

Chu Qing also understands this very well. She has just become famous now, so she definitely wants to go out and make a fortune!

Needless to say, didn't Chu Qing himself choose to start a business?

After everyone had a meal, they all embarked on the journey home.

Chu Qing and Duan Peng did the same and boarded the plane home.

This time, Chu Qing greeted her father in advance, and quickly got into the car as soon as she got out of the car!
I haven't seen him for a year, but Chu Jianye has changed a lot.

She was a little fatter, her hair was longer, and she had a big back comb. She was wearing a black mink fur. Chu Qing knew without guessing that there must be a big gold chain hanging underneath.

Chu Qing, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't help covering her head when she saw her father's attire, and said, "Dad, what age is it that you still wear this attire, it's not earth-shattering!"

Chu Jianye snorted, started the car and said, "You know a lot! Do you think anyone can afford mink fur and a gold chain?"

"Dad, what kind of society is this? Who can't afford things that cost tens of thousands of dollars here? Even if they can't afford them, won't they pay in installments?"

Chu Jianye snorted again, with a small expression on his face, he said arrogantly: "I don't dress like this? How do they know that my son is rich? By the way, son, your dad also watched that movie. The box office is said to be good on the Internet. You I made a lot of money this time, how much money did I make?"

Gong Nanbei thought to himself that the old couple really could bear it, and they didn't ask how much money they made for such a long time.

"Hehe, not much, more than two hundred million"

squeak! ! !
The car suddenly braked, and the old driver Chu Jianye turned his head in confusion and said, "How much?"

"To be precise, it is 4000 million! But now I have caused a lot of trouble, and there is still more than [-] million left."

"..., son, how come you don't have so much money?"

Chu Jianye's voice trembled a little. Last year when Chu Qing earned 1000 million yuan, he was so excited. Now that he heard that his son had earned more than [-] million yuan, he almost passed out!
(End of this chapter)

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