Chapter 169

Bought a house, bought a car, bought some equipment for the studio, hired some people, and then a movie is being prepared, all of which are money.

Chu Jianye smiled wryly, feeling that the generation gap between himself and his son was really getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't understand what his son was doing, but he could earn money that he could never earn in his entire life!

The car moved forward slowly again, first to see off Duan Peng, and then the father and father drove slowly towards home.

"Dad, why don't you go and live in my house with mom. My house is more than 800 square meters. It's big enough for your two elders to live in."

What Chu Jianye heard was shaking his head: "If I don't go, I don't know anyone. What's the point? They are all my old friends here. I was born here, and I have to die here!"

"Hey, Dad, what's not to die for the New Year's Eve"

"Well, yes! Don't talk about this, it's unlucky. You, don't worry about me and your mother. When the time comes, it's okay for me to travel with your mother. Hey, your mother has followed me all her life, The good days are just a few days away, now that my son is promising, we both can breathe a sigh of relief."

Chu Qing said with a smile: "In the future, you and the elders are ready to enjoy the blessings. You can eat whatever you like, and play wherever you like! From now on, our family will not be short of money!"

"That won't work! If you have money, you have to live like you don't have money!"

Back home, my mother had already prepared a large table of dishes.

Although Chu Qing eats delicious food outside, what he wants to eat most is the dishes made by his mother.

At the dinner table, his father told his mother that Chu Qing had earned [-] million!

Sure enough, the mother was also stunned!Then I started to ask him if he had evaded taxes and so on.

Chu Qing was speechless. She didn't understand why in her mother's eyes she always had the image that she might break the law.
After Chu Qing explained it several times, his mother was relieved, and then her mother told him that this matter should not be shared.

Chu Qing obviously said this to him, but her eyes were fixed on her parents' faces.

Seeing this, the neighbors scratched their heads in embarrassment, which made Chu Qing laugh. Chu Qing knew that her mother didn't want her father to show off.

"Mom, it's not enough, isn't it just that you have two money? It's much richer than our family."

But the mother shook her head and said: "No, no, you don't know. Since you left last year, at least 30 people have come to our house to borrow money! It's 60 to [-] yuan! They all treat our house as a bank."

Chu Qing smiled, although his mother said that, but he was sure that his mother did not lend money to others, because his iron rooster attribute was inherited from his mother!

Sure enough, in the next second, Chu Qing heard her mother say, "Fortunately, I'm very strict, otherwise the family car would have to be sold!"

"Hey, I'm not as evil as you said, come, come, come and eat!"

The father's expression was a little embarrassed and embarrassed, because those who came to borrow money were mainly the result of his showing off.

The New Year’s goods at home have already been bought. Chu Qing eats and sleeps at home every day. After a few days, he finds that his abdominal muscles are not obvious. He was so scared that he hurriedly applied for a fitness card and went to the gym every day. Roll iron.

On the day of the Spring Festival, a family of three watched the Spring Festival Gala while having a New Year’s Eve dinner.

After eating, the mother continued to habitually urge the marriage.

Chu Qing has a black line on his forehead. He is only 24 after the new year. Now he has a sports car and a villa, and he is not ugly. Why does his mother think that if he does not hurry up, he will be a bachelor?
Not to mention anything else, Chu Qing's sports car can be parked outside a bar at random, and then leave a phone call, and it will be blown up in minutes the next day!

However, what his mother said was right, so he naturally didn't dare to refute.

Then it's time for the annual New Year's greetings!

The cousins ​​were very happy to see Chu Qing. Even though neither of them got into the exam, Chu Qing still bought them a college three-piece set with a mobile phone, a computer, and a tablet.

What's more, the two little guys adore their elder brother who is a star.

However, these two people have very similar personalities to Chu Jianye, and they both love to show off. This time, they actually want to sign for Chu Qing on behalf of the whole class!
For Chinese New Year, Chu Qing was stunned and signed more than 100 papers!
The eldest uncle is very honest this year, and the second uncle naturally doesn't need much, he is still the middle-aged Internet addict!
After the New Year's Eve dinner at grandpa's house, the three of Chu Qing returned home. Before the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Qing led Duan Peng and boarded the plane to Haik again.

The adult society has always been so busy.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 24"

"LV: 009"

"Current points 147875"

"Current experience: 1056/200000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Now Chu Qing's level has reached level nine, and her points are approaching 15, so much so that now Chu Qing walks like a wind!
There is no way, there is food at home, so don't rush to do things!The confidence is so hard!
After arriving at the company, Song Dawei had already arrived, earlier than the two of them. In the next two days, Han Jie and the staff also arrived.

Looking at this group of 'raw melon eggs', Han Jie's head grew bigger.

Later, it was a brainwashing meal for Duan Peng to go up. What gave newcomers a chance and made contributions to Huaxia Films? Han Jie was stunned. I didn't expect Duan Peng to be so eloquent!

As for what Duan Peng said, Han Jie didn't believe a single word, he's not stupid!

Han Jie finished reading the script a long time ago, and even drew a set of shots. He has studied art, and the shots are very vivid. After finishing these tasks, the three of them went to Hengdian to start selecting actors.

On the selection of actors, the rented prop company replied, saying that the scene has been set up.

They will leave five prop masters on the shooting site to be responsible for repairing and changing scenes, and these prop masters will serve until the crew is finished!
And on the day of February [-]th in the Gregorian calendar, the crew flew to Yun N to officially start the production!
All the men in the crew shaved their heads, because they wanted to keep the whips from the Qing Dynasty.

Han Jie came to the scene and took a look. He was satisfied with other things, but he was not satisfied with the road to the base camp.

In secret, there should be a way, at least there are traces, after all, he is a horse bandit, and he often runs horses!

So they found a local manager. After applying, they used horses to run back and forth on the road while filming, which could also train everyone's horse skills.

For the filming this time, the crew is really full of young people!
The third-tier male artist Chu Qing was the most famous one, and the rest were group performers, and it was the first time for the heroine to act in a play!
However, Chu Qing was surprised to find that Lu Xiaoke's acting skills were really good, at least similar to Dong Manli's.

At this time, we can see the importance of a good director!Han Jie really has nothing to say in terms of training actors, and Lu Xiaoke found the essence of this role!

 Knowing that everyone is short on time, I recommend everyone to watch the movie commentary of "Love Has an Afterlife", but none of the commentaries can replace the original

(End of this chapter)

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