Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 171 Duan Peng's Character Design

Chapter 171 Duan Peng's Character Design

Chu Qing is fine, after all, he was originally from recording variety shows, so he was not too nervous, but Duan Peng, who stayed up late at night, sat in front of the mirror and read scripts all the time, while reading in a low voice. Speechless.

"Hey! Dapeng, you are sick, you don't sleep at night!"

"I'll take another look"

"It's just a piece of A4 paper, and there are only a dozen or so sentences repeated on it. You've been watching it for half the night! Brother, we have to record at [-] o'clock tomorrow, so let's go to sleep."

"This is my first time recording a variety show, I'm a little nervous!"

Chu Qing could tell that he was really nervous, so Chu Qing didn't sleep anymore, sat up on the bed and said, "Come here, let senior teach you."

Duan Peng was also really obedient, and trotted over after hearing what Chu Qing said.

Chu Qing coughed lightly and said, "Do you know what is the most important thing to be on a variety show?"

Duan Peng thought for a while and said, "Coffee position!"

Chu Qing shook his head, Duan Peng was taken aback, and after thinking about it seriously, he said, "Hot?"

Chu Qing still shook her head and said, "Be smarter, do you have those two things?"

Duan Peng's face was filled with embarrassment, and Chu Qing's words seemed to be true. He still has less than one million shaking hands fans!How can there be any heat.

"What is that? Don't let me guess, tell me quickly."

"It's a lens!"

Chu Qing answered this question very seriously, and then said: "Whether he cuts it or not, the most important thing is to catch the camera!"

Duan Peng suddenly realized, and said even more enthusiastically: "Then how can we get more shots?"

"First of all, don't rush to find a sense of presence, because if you do this, you will lose the popularity of the audience even if you have a camera. This is very difficult, and you definitely can't do it now"

"So what you have to do is, stand by whoever is popular! Remember this, because the camera will definitely be on the most popular people, and then it will be the words of the resident guests! Because they He always talks, so the camera will often show him”

"If you're awkward around either of those, stand next to an endorsement or a branded ad, and you'll get some shots that way too"

Duan Peng heard the words with a serious expression as if he was listening to the Bible!

"What else? What else?"

Looking at Duan Peng's expression full of thirst for knowledge, Chu Qing continued to give him popular science.

"The things after that test your emotional intelligence, which is very difficult for you to achieve, so you have to pretend to be stupid!"

Duan Peng's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Why are you staring so wide? Let me ask you, are you handsome?"

Duan Peng nodded without self-knowledge, but finally shook his head under Chu Qing's knife-like eyes.

"That's right. People have to be self-aware to do it, and there is no shortage of that kind of fresh meat on the stage. Let me tell you, the more handsome a person is, the more burdened he is as an idol!"

"But the audience has seen enough of their pretentious appearance. At this time, they need some funny characters with high EQ, and some silly images! The former is too much EQ and IQ, you must not, so You are the best fool"

Duan Peng understood a little bit, but he was still somewhat unconvinced. Chu Qing didn't bother to explain, and continued.

"Remember, let you pretend to be stupid, but not really stupid! You can play tomorrow's variety show recording as a role, and you play the role of that stupid person in it, understand?"

Duan Peng felt more comfortable this time, and nodded to express his understanding.

"Stupidity will only annoy the audience, so you have to be cute, the so-called stupid cute, understand?"

Now Duan Peng is particularly resistant. For a big man in the ice city, you might as well give him a knife if you make him act cute!

"No, no, I can't be cute with my lumpy body!"

After Chu Qing looked him up and down, he couldn't help but sighed, there was no way, his brother was so mature!
"Dapeng, I'll give you a simple one, will you pretend to be a fan?"

Duan Peng understood this time, his eyes lit up and he said, "Is it the same as you were?"

Chu Qing hummed, and then gave him her script and said, "Look at the old artists here, and see who you are familiar with! Remember, mainly choose the old ones, not the red ones, otherwise The audience will think that you are shameless for the sake of popularity."

Duan Peng nodded, then clicked on someone on it and said with a smile: "I am familiar with this person, I grew up watching his TV series since I was a child."

Chu Qing looked at Wang Yan, and couldn't help nodding immediately. This acting skill is well-known in the country, but the way of acting is a bit narrow, and he often plays some treacherous officials.

But in fact, he can't be blamed for this, because he played the role of a traitor in the past, so that the people who came to him later were all the roles of traitors. The audience got used to it when he played the role. Over time, the audience watched him play other roles. Instead play.

Even if he played a positive role, the audience felt that he might betray at any time!

Life is only a few decades, and it takes most of my life to act and act, and I don't bother to change it.

Seeing that Duan Peng chose him, Chu Qing nodded and said, "Yes, Teacher Wang Yan is indeed good, but Teacher Tang is also good. In this way, you mainly lick Teacher Wang Yan, and for Teacher Tang, it is the kind of respect for seniors. These two must be distinguished, understand?"

Duan Peng nodded seriously to express his understanding, but Chu Qing pointed to his nose and said in the next second.

"I'm Teacher Wang Yan now, come on, don't be shy, lick me!"

"..., listen to what tiger and wolf words you are talking about!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up"

Duan Peng began to adjust his emotions and tried to pretend to be a little fan, but the two were really too familiar, and he laughed every time.

Chu Qing said speechlessly: "With this little skill, I've brought you one!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she immediately entered the actor state, looked at Duan Peng with bright eyes, grabbed his arm and said: "Mr. Duan Peng! I grew up watching your shows since I was a child. Not only do I like you, I still like your whole family, um no, our whole family likes you!"

Chu Qing's eyes were full of sincerity, and Duan Peng was stunned.

Listening to Chu Qing's seemingly excited and incoherent words, Duan Peng couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, no wonder you can play the male lead. Sometimes I doubt whether you are from the acting department or I am from the acting department!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Just practice something useful, isn't it more useful than reading your two scripts?"


Duan Peng agreed, and began to brew emotions to find feelings, while Chu Qing gave pointers.

Early the next morning, the two rushed to the TV station early in the morning. Because the hotel was not far from the TV station, the two simply went there by themselves.

When they arrived at the door, they called the director, and the director actually came out to greet him in person, which once again made Chu Qing feel the director's high EQ!No wonder so many celebrities give him face, it is really comfortable to work with him.

(End of this chapter)

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