Chapter 172 Boss
The director directly brought the two of them to the dressing room, and arranged a temporary assistant for them. The assistant would tell them everything about the TV station.

For example, after putting on their makeup, they can go to the rest room to rest for a while, etc.

This made Chu Qing also feel that he really needed to find an assistant!

It's a pity that for a position like an assistant, you must find someone who is very reliable. It may not be easy to find a particularly reliable one.

The two were putting on makeup when a man and a woman walked in.

Chu Qing saw the two through the makeup mirror and wanted to get up, but the man hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, don't worry, little brother, you can put on your makeup at ease, we are here to get acquainted with each other, so as to avoid embarrassment when we go on stage."

"Brother Shen, Sister Jia, hello, hello!"

Chu Qing hurriedly greeted the two of them. Both of them were comedians, and they were also the successors of the new generation of comedians!
The two have a solid relationship with the audience. It can be said that this variety show can have the current ratings. The credit of the two of them is absolutely indispensable!
The variety show "King vs. King" adopts the model of two majors and two minors, which is also a method that many reality show variety shows now use.

Find a few "old artists" who are popular with the audience to bring some new artists. Out of love for the house and black hearts, the audience will change their views on the new artists. Of course, this requires the new artists to compete.

In other words, before "King vs. King", there were actually two juniors, but those two juniors were not very up-to-date. One of them was hot, but they didn't respect the old seniors much.

Seeing Chu Qing's attitude, Duan Peng hurriedly said hello, while the two hosts were still smiling.

In fact, in the show business circle, the water for comedians is the deepest!

Comedy actors, nine out of ten have been honed on the spot, that is, they are actually performing face to face with the audience!
There is no NG, no mistakes, and out of professional habits, he always smiles at all times, so that you can't guess what he is thinking!
And people who can act well in comedy have one thing in common, that is, they have affinity!That smile makes people feel very kind when they smile!

Seeing that Chu Qing and Duan Peng were so polite, they didn't feel like "upstarts" at all, and they were secretly relieved. After all, who wouldn't want to cooperate with polite people?

"I'm older than both of you, so I just want to call you brother, Brother Chu, we are all fellow villagers, and my family is also from Longjiang!"

Chu Qing hurriedly said: "I know, you are my senior, you are the pride of our hometown."

Don't think that Chu Qing's way of speaking is dog licking. On the contrary, this is the norm in society.

Some people always think that some systems and some talents just look like 'neither humble nor overbearing'!

But in fact, there are many geniuses in this world, but not all geniuses can succeed!

IQ determines a person's starting point, but EQ determines a person's end point!
Sure enough, upon hearing Chu Qing's words, the smile on Brother Shen's face became much more sincere.

Sister Jia on the side also smiled and said, "When will the movie this time be shot be released? I will definitely book a show then!"

"Thank you, sister, you spent a lot of money!"

Chu Qing thanked again and smiled. Duan Peng looked at Chu Qing's easy-going look, so he was envious!

At the same time, I also lamented my timidity in my heart. The two in front of me are not big stars.
Chu Qing asked the makeup artist to pause for a while, and stood up to shake hands with the two. The other party did not expect that Chu Qing, a 'billionaire', would have such a good attitude. He knew in his heart that this kind of capable and airless young man If there are no accidents in the future, it will definitely become popular, and now they want to make friends. The three of them chatted very happily, but Duan Peng just watched stupidly from the sidelines.

After chatting for about five or six minutes, Brother Shen directly made an appointment for a dinner with them, saying that after the recording of the show, we would have dinner together.

But they still have to go to see other guests, so they can only say goodbye.

Naturally, Chu Qing couldn't stop them, and sent them out of the door. After they got out of the door, Chu Qing returned to the chair and continued to put on makeup.

Seeing this, Duan Peng couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "When will I have your skills?"

Chu Qing smiled, but didn't say a word. There is a makeup artist in the room, and who knows if there will be any recording equipment?He understood the truth that talking too much would lead to mistakes, and he decided to educate Duan Peng when he returned home, so that he would talk as little as possible outside in the future.

People don't hurt the tiger's mind, but the tiger hurts the mind!
After another ten minutes, after the makeup of the two was finished, the assistant brought Chu Qing and Duan Peng to the lounge.

Duan Peng continued to practice smiling and reading scripts, while Chu Qing closed his eyes to recharge his energy.

Not long after, the official recording of the program began. Under the leadership of the staff, Chu Qing and Chu Qing came to the staff channel.

Not 2 minutes after they arrived, the other three came slowly in the side passage.

Seeing this, Chu Qing hurriedly took Duan Peng up to say hello.

These three people are not simple, Zhang Sanli is the one who walks in the front!He is a very good actor, and his reputation in the circle is surprisingly good. He is also a director himself, and his status in the circle is very high!
The second one is Wang Yan who I saw last night. Compared with Zhang Sanli, his life is relatively low-key, but his acting skills are definitely not to be desired!
The third person is Tang Zhuang. He is the oldest of the three-year-old. He is known as a professional emperor. He has acted almost all the emperors in China for 5000 years.

And these three are all national first-class actors!
Not everyone can get this honor.

Chu Qing and Duan Peng hurried up to say hello, and the staff who followed behind introduced Chu Qing and Duan Peng to the three of them.

Wang Yan and Tang Zhuang obviously didn't know them, but Chu Qing was not disappointed.

This kind of senior, who is powerful, hates little fresh meat the most. Although Chu Qing is not counted, but after all, he was born in small fresh meat, so it's okay if he doesn't know about him.

But what he never expected was that Zhang Sanli knew him.

After waiting for the staff behind him to finish the introduction, he looked at Chu Qing and said with a smile: "I know you, and I have seen your movie, the young man is really good, especially the scene of eating noodles. It’s really good! It’s just like the real thing! I heard that you became a monk halfway?”

"Yes, yes, I studied broadcasting in college"

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Chu Qing was a little surprised, because she really didn't expect such a big shot in the circle to know her, and even read her works.

Wang Yan who was on the side was also a little surprised when he heard the words. He and Zhang Sanli were old friends for many years, so he naturally understood that his old friend had a vicious mouth and a high heart, and usually annoyed these little fresh meats the most, why is he changed now?
Thinking of this, he looked at Chu Qing and thought to himself, is there really something shining about the young man in front of him that attracted him?

(End of this chapter)

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