Chapter 173 Appearance
Seeing Wang Yan looking at her, Chu Qing scratched her head and smiled humbly, showing no signs of complacency.

Wang Yan liked this character very much, looked at Zhang Sanli with a smile and asked, "Have you seen this kid's work?"

Zhang Sanli smiled and said: "I've seen it, I've seen both of his works, the first one is called "Take My Brother Away" which is the one filmed by Xia Xiangxiang, and the second one is called "When a Man is in Love". I can’t remember the name of the director, but he is the lead actor”

Wang Yan pushed his glasses when he heard the words, and said with a scrutinizing smile on his face: "Young man is not easy. You can be the protagonist in two plays just after your debut?"

Chu Qing hurriedly said modestly again: "No, the first time was directed by Xia Xiangxiang, and the second time was invested by myself. I must play the leading role by myself, or I will lose money."

Wang Yan laughed out loud after hearing this, and even Tang Zhuang beside him laughed too.

Chu Qing was very curious in his heart, something was wrong, how could a big guy like Zhang Sanli know about himself?

Perhaps seeing Chu Qing's doubts, Zhang Sanli smiled and said, "Are you curious why I paid attention to your two movies?"

Chu Qing nodded honestly. In the eyes of a boss who has been in this kind of circle for decades, his little tricks are useless. Showing people sincerity is the most direct!
"I have been friends with Lu Sanshi for many years! I am also familiar with that girl Xiao Ke. She has bothered me a lot before, saying that she has found a treasure actor and hopes that I can sign you."

After hearing this, Chu Qing was somewhat moved. He knew that Zhang Sanli had his own film and television company, and being able to join such a big boss' company undoubtedly had the benefit of being backed by a big tree!
He didn't expect that Lu Xiaoke would find a company for himself!
Zhang Sanli continued to laugh and said, "It wasn't until you invested in "When a Man Was in Love" that she knew you had your own studio before giving up."

Chu Qing couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words, Zhang Sanli smiled and said: "What's the matter, this expression?"

Chu Qing said embarrassingly: "I was thinking, she hasn't sold me for so long, it seems that I really suck."

But Zhang Sanli laughed and said: "No! I admit that I didn't take it too seriously before, because some of the things now... Forget it, I don't want to mention it, I can only say that I lost my eye this time! When I saw your After the performance, you are already your own boss! However, Chu Qing, if you are willing to join my company, the door of my company is always open for you!"

Chu Qing hurriedly thanked her, but she didn't mention joining the other company.

Zhang Sanli is also a genius, why doesn't he understand what Chu Qing means?
Moreover, although Chu Qing concealed it well, Zhang Sanli could still see his ambition!
When he saw himself, in addition to respect, in his eyes, there was more ambition!

That is a kind of ambition that I will surpass your ambition sooner or later!

Zhang Sanli doesn't dislike this look, on the contrary, he likes it very much!
Young people must have this mentality!People want to be stronger from generation to generation!If he hadn't seen Chu Qing's eyes, he wouldn't have invited Chu Qing again today just because of Chu Qing's performance in the two movies.

If a person wants to go far in a certain industry, talent, hard work, and ambition are indispensable!

After a few people said a few more words, the staff began to come up to help them check the headset and makeup.

Another staff member said: "Teachers, the recording of the program will start soon! Teachers, please prepare."

After hearing this, several people walked to their seats and stood in line, waiting for a while to pose in line after going on stage.

Chu Qing led Duan Peng to stand at the back, and decisively gave up the position C. If he was from the same generation, Chu Qing would not let him out at all, but would use various tricks to grab it. it.

But he is a senior, so Chu Qing can't grab it.

In Huaxia, the words "respect the teacher and respect the way" are very important. If the juniors take the position of the seniors, it will make other seniors feel disappointed and lower their impression of him.

Zhang Sanli saw everything in his eyes, and his impression of Chu Qing was better now.

After the five people lined up, the on-site staff counted down for five seconds, the stage was running, and the expressions of several people were all put on a variety show smile, and then they posed!

This is a revolving stage. After the stage rotated 180 degrees and stopped, several people had already appeared on the stage aisle!
The sound of live music, screams and applause from the audience, Zhang Sanli took the lead and walked towards the center of the stage!
Chu Qing and the others hurriedly followed, which showed the gap between the actors.

The three veteran actors left without rush, that's called a steady pace!

Chu Qing walked a little deliberately, controlling her pace, for fear of stealing the limelight from the three of them.

Duan Peng followed him, but it was a bit smooth, but fortunately he was on the far side, and the sense of the camera was not very strong.

After a few people walked to the center of the stage, the host Tao brother introduced with a smile: "This is our invincible team today! They are all familiar faces!"

At this moment, Sister Jia said, "Hey, hey, I know the three teachers well, but who are these two handsome guys? Let me introduce them, maybe they have a story with me."

The audience immediately booed, but Chu Qing felt a little grateful in his heart. He understood that Sister Jia was giving him a chance to introduce herself.

The rest of the people heard the words and gave up the middle position, Chu Qing was not polite, stood in the center of the stage and bowed openly: "Hi everyone, I am Chu Qing"

"Chu Qing Chu Qing! Brilliant evergreen!"

"Chu Qing Chu Qing! Brilliant evergreen!"

What Chu Qing didn't expect was that after Chu Qing introduced herself, the audience actually remembered the uniform slogan!
Chu Qing looked at the audience in surprise, but he didn't see the director directing, so there was only one possibility, these people were not arranged by the director, but really his fans!
Seeing Chu Qing's cute look, the audience cheered even louder!
Chu Qing also reacted, and then gave up the position to Duan Peng.

Duan Peng was a little nervous, and he kept cheering himself up.

"Um, hello everyone, my name is Duan Peng"

After Duan Peng introduced himself, there were no screams from the audience, but only some polite applause.

Seeing this, the host smiled and stepped forward and said, "I don't think I need to introduce the remaining three teachers. These three have grown up with us for generations! Let's welcome Teacher Zhang Sanli with applause!"

Zhang Sanli took a step forward, and the audience burst into applause.

"Teacher Wang Yan!"

Wang Yan stepped forward, and the audience applauded more intensely. In fact, among the three, Wang Yan was the one with the best popularity among the audience.

"Teacher Tangzhuang!"

As Tang Zhuang moved forward, the applause from the audience was unbearable!

After introducing the guests, the host looked at the hand card and said, "Thank you for being so natural, really good milk, this show is run by."

After the host Taoge read a long part of the advertisement, he waved his hand and said, "Then, it's our first session of today! Film and television megaphone!"

(End of this chapter)

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