Chapter 174 Dinner
After the host read this, the guests and the four resident guests walked to the rest area beside them, where there were chairs.

The staff began to arrange props on the spot, and the nine of them made two tables and started chatting with each other.

Brother Shen and Sister Jia have very high emotional intelligence. With the two of them around, there is no need to worry about having nothing to talk about. The communication between them is very pleasant.

But those two cubs are a little bit worse, they are a little reluctant to let go, and they don't like to communicate with other people.

But it can be seen that the two are doing their best and really want to help them get into the topic.

Following the two cubs is Chu Qing, who can chat with everyone, but he chooses to be a listener most of the time.

When you have no topic, or when you can't continue the conversation, he will take the initiative to change the topic for you, or talk about other things.

And Sister Jia also noticed that every word Chu Qing said was very precise, and it was exactly what the other party was interested in!

To be able to achieve this level, it can only be said that he is very observant, and he should have made a lot of preparations and read a lot of materials before coming.

She has only seen two of these talented, gifted, and emotionally intelligent young people so far!

Soon, the setting of the scene was completed, the recording of the show started again, and the host began to select the members to be on stage.

In the first group, Sister Jia, Wang Yan, Xiaotong, and Duan Peng were selected.

In addition to their four guests, the director team also invited two foreigners to join the game.

Chu Qing always had a gentle smile on his face, laughing from time to time following the plot on the field, or cheering on Lanxess, looking like he was integrated into the game!

Zhang Sanli was also observing Chu Qing. Seeing Chu Qing's appearance, he couldn't help admiring inwardly, thinking that he didn't look like a young man in his 20s!

Back when he had this emotional intelligence and this foundation, he was at least in his 30s, and he was in his forties!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have an idea in his heart, that is Shi En!
An old artist, at the end, there are still people who love him, and a large part of it is because of his kindness!

Needless to say, the days before the young actor became famous!Huang Bo once said before, what kind of life he lived before he became famous, and what kind of life he lived after becoming famous!
It's as if all the 'bad guys and villains' around him have disappeared since he became famous!
And before the little actor is famous, if you treat him better, he will firmly remember it in his heart!

The icing on the cake is naturally incomparable to the "send charcoal in the snow" at this time!
Judging by Zhang Sanli's eyesight, Chu Qing belongs to the kind of person who will become popular sooner or later.

It's like when Wang Jing looked at Xingye back then, and when he looked at him with the posture of a superstar, he would definitely be popular in the future!

This kind of person, of course, has to choose to be a friend!

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, and Zhang Sanli already had a plan in his mind.

Soon, the game on the stage was over. After Xiaotong worked hard, he finally guessed the four words correctly!

Then it was time for Chu Qing and others to play. Chu Qing was directly arranged by Brother Shen as the last blow. Chu Qing was still grateful in his heart, because the first and last shots were the ones with the most shots and the most scenes. Help yourself!

Zhang Sanli also discovered this, and the smile on his face became more natural.

It is not easy for a person to integrate into the circle so quickly and let other people in the circle show kindness to him!
Generally speaking, this kind of thing is easier for people with ordinary looks to do it.

In this society, looking good will not only reap goodwill, but also reap jealousy!

For example, Sister Jia, Brother Shen commented on her like this back then. The reason why she succeeded was because boys liked her and girls didn't hate her!
On the stage, Chu Qing was wearing earphones, and it was his song in the earphones.

He swayed his body gently according to the rhythm. After all, he was recording. If he stood up straight, the stage effect would be too bad.

Not long after, the shield in front of him was removed, and Chen Yu made a gesture to him and read: "I will not eat green onions or garlic today! I will not eat garlic!"

After speaking, he made a gesture of cheering him up, Chu Qing was stunned.

This is not pretending, he is really fooled!
"What the hell!"

Chu Qing blurted out, matching his veiled face, it made everyone else on the stage laugh, even the audience.

The director who was directing the broadcast also laughed, Xin Dao Chu Qing's effect on the stage was awesome.

Chen Yu hastily repeated the story to him, and then cleaned up.

Chu Qing was still wearing earphones, looked at Chenyu's mouth shape and said: "I am today"


"Don't eat, lose weight!"

"No, I don't eat green onions or garlic!"

"Don't eat garlic!"


Looking at the two people talking about chicken and duck on the stage, the rest of the guests couldn't help laughing.

"Come count down to five! Five, four, three, two, one! Alright, come to Chu Qing, tell me the answer you heard!"

The host picked up Chu Qing's earphones and laughed, "Tell me the answer you heard."

Chu Qing still had a confused expression on his face and said: "It may be that I don't eat today, lose weight, and only eat garlic!"

The audience was still laughing, and the host also laughed and said, "Come on, let's announce the final answer!"

The staff took the answer board from the side, Chu Qing glanced at it and said speechlessly: "What does this have to do with green onions, ginger and garlic!"

I saw the words on the answer board: "If you don't agree today, then let's forget it, I can't wait"

The host smiled and said, "Congratulations, Chu Qing finally got four words right, and the two teams are tied!"

Then the host seemed to casually mention: "By the way, Chu Qing, it seems that you have a movie that will be released soon."

Chu Qing understood in seconds, stepped forward and said, "Yes, I have made a new movie called "Love Has an Afterlife", and it will be released on May [-], so please support the audience!"

Chu Qing bowed again after speaking, politeness is absolutely indispensable!

Then the program continued to record, and the recording lasted until noon. After everyone had a working meal at the TV station, the recording continued in the afternoon.

This time, the recording of the variety show took more than five hours to end. In the afternoon, the director invited all the guests to have dinner together as a way to get to know each other.

For this kind of dinner, of course no one would refuse. After all, in the circle, connections are always very important, let alone in the human society like Huaxia.

The box is huge, and the food is exquisite. It can be seen that the director spent a lot of money.

It was the first time for Duan Peng to attend such a scene, he was a little nervous, and carefully leaned into Chu Qing's ear and whispered: "Qingzi, how do you eat?"

Chu Qing also whispered: "Eat what is in front of you, eat whatever you have, pay attention to your image, and don't turn the table around!"

Duan Peng breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded without any trace.

(End of this chapter)

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