Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 176 The Movie Is Released

Chapter 176 The Movie Is Released
As soon as Chu Qing received the script, he started researching it.

And while he was reading the script, the system's notification sounded again in his mind!

"Dididi, the main mission is announced! Please the host try to play 'Wang Weiguo' well! The character score exceeds 8.0! Mission requirements! No props are allowed during the mission!"

"Reward for mission completion, title 'Good Actor'!"

Chu Qing was a little dazed when he heard the task prompt in his mind. Wang Weiguo is the character name in his script, but this task is interesting. He actually asked not to use props during the task, because he was afraid that he would buy [Extreme Skill] Card] Cheating.

But what makes Chu Qing a little confused is what does it mean to require a character score of more than 8.0? What kind of score?Who will rate it?
Chu Qing couldn't figure it out, so in the end she just gave up thinking about it, as long as she tried her best to act!

He began to carefully watch the script of Wang Weiguo's character. He had quite a few lines in the script, but they were mostly fringe lines, which belonged to the kind of small characters that could not promote the plot.

Most of the lines are also unnutritious words like 'the teacher is right' and 'yes, right'. Only when chasing female classmates, will I say something else.

According to the definition of the role in the script, Wang Weiguo is a person with a good brain and a kind heart, but a bit glib.

His teacher likes him very much, because he knows that he has a big picture!
Among them, his most brilliant scene was in an accidental leak, where he and his teacher became rebels and saved the base.

But the price of doing this is that both of them have a high level of radiation, and the professor is old and will die in a few days.

He didn't make it through in the end and died in the hospital.

There is a lot of room to play here, Chu Qing already has several pictures in his mind!

Chu Qing picked up the pen and paper, and began to write the biography of the characters!
If you want to really play a role well, this part cannot be omitted. Of course, you don’t need to write the words of a genius, but directly construct such a person in your mind!

The characters in the script are dead and lifeless, especially for such people whose prototypes you cannot find, so it is even more difficult to act.

Because the actor can only see some text that says he did a certain thing, that's all.

Here you can see the difference between a good actor and an ordinary actor. Let a good actor play the role, and he will play the role alive, and let him stand in front of you alive!

As for ordinary actors, it is not easy to fully express this story.

The biography that Chu Qing wants to write is to enrich this character and let him have his own 'life'!
For example, there is only one word in the script, laugh!

It's very simple, everyone can act.

But if a good actor comes to play, he can express a lot of things with a simple smile.

For example, laugh because you see others being embarrassed, laugh because you see your lover, laugh because you are happy, and so on.

And these are all things that can't be reflected in the script, it all depends on the skills of the actors!

For example, at that time, Wang Weiguo, as a minority of intellectuals, how to distinguish himself from others.

Is he arrogant in his heart?Why does he like that female classmate, what method does he want to use to get her attention when he likes her, and so on!

After writing out and listing all these things, the role of Wang Weiguo became more and more full, becoming more like a real person!rather than the characters in the script.

He also has his own life, his own experience, his own emotions!
On May [-], the movie will be released!
In a movie theater in Hai K, Chu Qing and Duan Peng were wearing masks, and Song Dawei was carrying a large bag of snacks. The three walked into the screening hall like this.

It's the studio's second film, and they certainly want to see how audiences react to it.

Especially Duan Peng, he felt that he played very well in this movie, and he wanted to hear the audience's evaluation of him, so today he sneaked into the movie theater quietly like this.

But in fact, he really thought too much. It was necessary for Chu Qing to disguise himself, so he really didn't need it.

With his exposure, almost no one can recognize him, unless he is a die-hard fan!
Soon, after the familiar dragon logo flashed, the logo of a big studio flashed, and the movie was about to start.

While eating the snacks Song Dawei bought, Chu Qing looked around.

Today is the premiere of the film, but there are very few people in the screening hall, and the attendance rate is even less than 70.00%. Most of the audience are a man and a woman, or a combination of two women. Generally speaking, there are more female audiences.

They are all in their 20s to 30s, and they are all his fans.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qing couldn't help sighing. Although he has a good reputation for the two movies "When a Man is in Love" and "Take My Brother Away", his box office appeal is really low!Most of the audience who watched the movie were his fans, not his movie fans.

Hearing Chu Qing sigh, Song Dawei thought it was because there were too few audiences, so he couldn't help comforting him in a low voice.

"Hey, it's not a holiday after all, the students are back to school, it will be better on Saturday and Sunday"

Duan Peng on the side also felt that the audience was a little small today, and he felt a little uncomfortable that he had made such a good movie, but no one appreciated it, so he also came over to ask immediately.

"You said, could it be because Haik is a second-tier city, maybe our movie is very popular in first-tier cities?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "According to what you said, no one will watch it in third- and fourth-tier cities? The screening rate of the day can actually explain some problems. We are shooting pure love this time." Movies, it’s normal that no one likes to watch them.”

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he looked at Song Dawei, and Song Dawei smiled and said, "I'm already in touch. Now that the Golden Phase Awards are over, only the Golden Jun Award and the Golden Bird Award are left."

That's right, in fact, this is Chu Qing's main purpose!Swipe the prize!

Don't think that swiping awards is useless, on the contrary, there are more benefits, and the most intuitive thing is the salary increase!
Assuming that a first-line actor's salary is 1000 million, then after winning the actor, his salary will start at least 300 million!This is the benefit of winning prizes!
Chu Qing didn't dare to think about anything else, she still planned to take the Best Newcomer Award!

After winning the best newcomer award, the endorsement fee can at least increase by one!

After hearing the two awards Song Dawei mentioned, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Have you contacted both?"

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "No, the chances of us winning the Golden Jun Award are too low. They almost only support local films in Xiangjiang, so their influence has been decreasing over the years. Plus, I have no connections in Xiangjiang, so I have no contact."

(End of this chapter)

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