Chapter 177 Amin
Song Dawei said a little excitedly after finishing speaking: "But the Golden Bird Award is different. I have a good buddy who knows some people and helped me find some ways to ask. I think our movie has a high chance of being shortlisted! They like this art film

Chu Qing smiled, he wished he could ask about all the awards, no matter if he had dates or not, he would give three poles first!
Rather kill the wrong, don't let it go!
Maybe which award will take Chu Qing's fancy, give him the best newcomer award, and the best actor award?

Of course, Chu Qing also knew that he was dreaming, unless he was crazy, he would just give him the best actor!

In Huaxia, seniority is also important for winning awards.

Right now, the movie has already started showing.

The rest of the audience watched the movie quietly, just like what Chu Qing thought, this kind of too literary movie is not the audience's favorite now.

Nowadays, people's life is fast-paced, and they prefer to watch movies with tension and ups and downs!
But in this movie, at the beginning, it was just a young couple renting a house under the leadership of their girlfriends.

The only thing that attracts people is the stories told by their girlfriends, plus the rumor that this house is haunted.

But when Chu Qing's figure appeared, everything changed!
Everyone has experienced hearing stories told by people, but it is still very rare to hear stories told by ghosts.

The story unfolds quickly, the male lead A Ming's eldest brother is a bandit in the mountains, another group of bandits came to seek revenge but failed to find him, so they killed his parents, and the male lead became an orphan.

After the eldest brother endured for two years, he strengthened his forces to take revenge and wiped out the other party's entire family!

But in the end, a little boy who was only six and a half years old was let go. The people around him didn't understand. Only Amin knew that it was because his brother thought of himself, because he was also six and a half years old at that time.

Their family, who wiped out the other gang, became the biggest bandit in this area, but because they were afraid of revenge, the eldest brother seldom went down the mountain. He would only go down the mountain in March of the lunar calendar to participate in festivals.

And the male protagonist, A Ming, studied the Four Books and Five Classics from his husband since he was a child. He likes to be quiet and doesn't like to move, so he doesn't go every year.

And this year, when he was hunting in the deep forest, he was attracted by the sound of a flute, and when he walked closer, he saw a woman as red as a cuckoo sitting on a huge rock and playing the flute.

I have to admit that Lu Xiaoke's appearance is very amazing!

Among other things, when she made her debut, the sound of "wow~" in the cinema was enough proof.

At that moment, Amin's heart was also moved. He was spoiled by his elder brother since he was a child, and he has long been used to getting what he wants!
So he snatched the woman back, he liked her.

The woman was still making trouble for the first two days, but she got used to it later, but the elder brother knew that this woman must be unusual, because he had already sent his men to investigate, but they couldn't find a woman's family at all!
How could it be possible to conjure up a beautiful woman in the barren mountains and mountains for no reason?
But out of love for his younger brother, he still did not silence him, and even agreed to let the two get married!

Seeing this scene, many viewers lamented that this elder brother really dotes on his younger brother too much!And this kind of brotherhood is so enviable!
A Ming didn't know what the girl's name was, but he knew that when she embroidered, she would embroider a nine on the bottom, so he called her Ah Jiu.

But on this day, the eldest brother came back from the knot, and this time he snatched back a white horse!
Ah Ming knew the first time he saw the white horse, that Ah Jiu would definitely like it!

So he took Ah Jiu together and galloped wildly!

Ah Jiu in his arms was trembling, he thought she was afraid, so he gently whispered in her ear.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you"

At this moment, the love in Chu Qing's eyes is almost overflowing!
And the female audience who saw this scene suddenly didn't dare to look down. Just looking at the name "Love Has an Afterlife", they knew it must be a tragedy!Otherwise, why is it called afterlife?
How sweet it is now, how cruel it will be in the future!They wanted to watch it, but couldn't bear to watch it at the same time, and their mood was extremely entangled.

But the movie will not stop because of their entanglement, the plot is still going on!

The two fell in love for one night, and early the next morning, Ah Ming originally thought that the relationship between the two should be closer, but unexpectedly, Ah Jiu was still as cold as before, and Ah Ming could no longer bear this attitude!

The enthusiasm he paid for it, even a stone should be warmed by him, but why can't she be moved?

Just like what the maid said on the day they got married.

'If you are a woman, then you look into his eyes, if he looks at me like that, I would die for him'

Exaggerated?Not exaggerating, at least the audience thinks it is not exaggerating.

A Ming picked up a short knife and stuffed it into Ah Jiu's hand, feeling a little emotionally broken.

"If you really hate me, kill me now!"

Ah Jiu was terrified and just struggled desperately, but how could she be stronger than a man.

The tip of the knife pierced Amin's skin, and the bright red blood stained his clothes.

Ah Jiu panicked, struggled desperately and finally knocked out the knife in Ah Ming's hand, but at the end she just said: "The tea is cold, I'll go and refill it for you"

At this moment, more than [-]% of the audience felt that Amin was worthless.

Isn't such a man who loves her wholeheartedly worthy of her saying anything else?

Amin rode away frantically, he let out a roar to vent his emotions, finally heard the bell in the mountain, and chose to become a monk.

He is already tired of everything he has experienced now, even though others are persuading him, he still chooses the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng.

The big brother who robbed the mountain is also back, but unlike others, he just looked at his younger brother with a smile and said that no matter what he is, he is still his younger brother!
Chu Qing wasn't ugly in the first place, but now that she was wearing a black monk's robe, she looked a bit out of date.

However, unexpectedly, Ah Jiu also chased after him!
But when she wanted to enter the temple, Amin stopped her outside.

This is the first time he said no to Ah Jiu, and also the first time he said no to everything in the past!
He seemed to want to use this wooden door to completely separate his past from his present!

But Ah Jiu didn't give up, she lived in the abandoned thatched hut outside, and usually came to deliver a pot of hot tea or a pastry.

But A Ming never touched each other, as if the two had nothing to do with each other.

But she comes every day, every day!
For Amin, this undoubtedly opened his wounds again and again!So finally one time, Amin couldn't bear it anymore and overturned the hot tea she brought.

But she didn't say anything, just quietly lowered her head and picked up the broken porcelain pieces.

The sharp tiles cut her hand and also Amin's heart!

(End of this chapter)

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