Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 178 First Day Box Office

Chapter 178 First Day Box Office
What it feels like to fall in love with someone, that is her brows, connected in your heart.

She raised her eyebrows, and you were also happy.

She frowned, and your heart ached.

In the end, Amin helped her clean up the broken china pieces. From that day on, he stopped refusing her tea and snacks.

Most of the time, Amin is either reading or copying scriptures, and she is like a virtuous wife, cooking tea, or embroidering.

This period of time is also the happiest period for Amin, until this day.

In the third month of the lunar calendar, the grand festival at the foot of the mountain begins to be celebrated.

The abbot took the monks down the mountain to beg for alms, leaving only Amin in the temple, and because he didn't like to make noise, he didn't take it seriously.

It's just that when Ah Jiu was supposed to appear, he still didn't see Ah Jiu, which made him a little worried.

He went to Ah Jiu's residence, but still couldn't find it, so he had to go back to the temple to copy scriptures.

Not long after he just copied the scriptures, a touch of red appeared in front of his eyes. It was the clothes Ah Jiu wore when the two first met.

The flaming red, like a cuckoo, imprinted in Amin's mind.

She came this time because she hoped that Amin would go with him.

A Ming didn't understand why she said such a thing, but before she could explain, the eldest brother's subordinates rushed in.

A Ming's eldest brother was pierced by an arrow, bleeding profusely!
Amin was terrified, and while helping his elder brother into the temple, he went to get the wound medicine. At this moment, he panicked like a child, after all, his elder brother was his only relative.

The eldest brother advised him not to waste his efforts, and at the same time told Amin not to avenge him!
When is the time for retribution, the hatred should end in his generation!
When he was dying, he looked at Ah Jiu, hoping that Ah Jiu would promise him to keep his brother alive.

Ah Jiu agreed, but Ah Ming couldn't figure out how his brother's way down the mountain was so secret, how could he be attacked by someone?
But when the temple was surrounded by people, he understood.

It turned out that the six-year-old boy who was let go by his brother was still holding a girl who had just made a sound a few days ago.

She's not called Ah Jiu either, and the reason why she embroiders a character "Nine" every time is because her brother killed nine people in her family back then!She was afraid that she would forget the blood feud!
Amin is crazy, he can't accept the woman he loves the most, and actually killed his elder brother!

Ah Jiu persuaded him not to resist, and at the same time shouted desperately outside the temple, shouting that you promised that I would not kill him, he was different from others, his hands were not stained with blood!

But at this moment, her elder brother has been blinded by hatred and can't listen at all.

Ah Ming understood everything, understood why the elder brother had such a weird expression when he got married, and also understood why such a beautiful woman was found in the barren mountains and wild mountains!

He also understands why she always treats her honestly, and why her elder brother won't allow her to take revenge.

He pointed the gun at Ah Jiu's mind, but he couldn't pull the trigger!

He wanted to avenge his elder brother because she killed his elder brother!

But she is also the woman he loves the most. At this moment, Chu Qing's expression of being so entangled that he wanted to die made the audience's nose sore.

In the end, Ah Jiu put the muzzle of the gun on his heart and fired the trigger.

The line she said before she died, the time in this life is wrong, the wrong place in the dialogue, directly heard many audiences cry.

Then, the screen switched to under the ginkgo tree.

A Ming said that his time was running out, and the woman was not worth it for him. He asked him, did she not pass by once in all these years?
A Ming smiled and said that he originally thought that he could give Ah Jiu happiness after meeting her!

But he has figured it out for so many years, as long as Ah Jiu is happy now, what does it matter who gave this happiness?

Ah Ming just looked at Ah Jiu indifferently, but up to this moment, Ah Jiu still couldn't understand what he said.

"The tea is cold, I'll go and refill it for you"

Ah Jiu picked up the teacup and walked straight to the kitchen.

She walked to the kitchen with light steps. Just as she put down the teacup, she froze in place!

Various memories flashed in my mind, and the screen switched to that day again.

Ah Jiu fell into his arms after being shot, and said to him: "If you don't recognize me in the next life, I'll say the tea is cold, and I'll make it up for you!"

The audience burst into tears when they saw this scene. Only then did they finally understand how important this line that runs through the entire movie is!

The woman turned her head suddenly, and in the kitchen mirror, Ah Jiu, who was wearing a red wedding dress, was crying heartbreakingly. That was her previous life!


"Amin, don't go!"


The woman ran out like crazy, at this moment, she finally remembered everything.

It turned out that she was the heroine in the story!
It turned out that she thought she was waiting for him at the beginning, no wonder his eyes were disappointed afterwards!

It turns out that he waited for himself for 50 years
At the end of the movie, the camera slowly switched to those old photos on the second floor when we moved into the house.

In the end, I slowly settled on one of them, which was a wedding photo.

In the photo, Amin looked at his wife with gentle eyes.

The screen turned black, and a line of words slowly emerged.

'Cherish the present, don't wait for the next life'

The lights in the screening hall were turned on, and the audience began to line up to go out. At this moment, more than half of the audience had tears in their eyes. At this moment, they were really conquered by Chu Qing's acting skills!
Those eyes seem to be able to act, expressing expectations, love, loss, despair and other emotions through the eyes!

Chu Qing directly explained to them what an actor is!
After watching the movie, the three went out to have a meal, and then returned to the company to continue reading the script.

Duan Peng is also studying the script very seriously. His role is incomparable with Chu Qing's. There are only three lines in total, and he plays the role of the chief's guard.

But this does not prevent him from training seriously, what happened to the three lines?How many people can't even get a chance to show their faces!
And on the Internet that day, "Love Has an Afterlife" caused a storm!
Numerous well-known film critics and bloggers have praised this movie, and even claimed that it is the best romance movie they have seen in several years, even surpassing "When Men Are in Love"!
This aroused many people's interest. After all, the two movies are produced by the same company and the same lead actor. There is no need to criticize one and praise the other. That also shows that this is very likely to be true!

This caused many viewers to buy movie tickets one after another, intending to see if the movie is really as good as they said.

Song Dawei started to contact the water army and started to take the rhythm.

In the blink of an eye, it was twelve o'clock the next day, and yesterday's premiere box office came out.

Twenty one million!
When she heard about the box office, Chu Qing felt pretty good, at least even if she didn't make money, she couldn't lose money!
But what he didn't expect was that the box office of this movie really gave him a surprise, and the reason was because of a Weibo!
(End of this chapter)

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