Chapter 179 Box Office
This Weibo almost didn't talk about movies, but aimed at Chu Qing!
#I finally saw hope in the younger generation#
This is the title of that Weibo. Once this Weibo was released, the popularity has been rising, and now it has become a super talk!
"The first time I saw Chu Qing was on the Shaking App, watching the short video "Idol Has an Attitude" edited by the main video clip"

"I still remember that song is called "Red Pity". I have to admit that the boy who sang the Chinese style surprised me. What's even more rare is that all of this is his own creation, without anyone helping him!"

"At that time, I thought it was a little amazing, but I didn't pay much attention to it. After all, I think they can't go far."

"And the second time I saw him was in the movie "Take My Brother Away"! To be honest, Chu Qing's acting skills were still a bit green at this time. The reason why he gave everyone the illusion of great acting skills is that That’s because the role fit him so well.”

"But even so, we can't deny his acting skills and his seriousness!"

"I actually know director Xia Xiangxiang very well. After watching this movie, I called her to find out about Chu Qing's situation. She only said one word to me."

"This son will become a great weapon!"

"The third time I saw him, at that time he already had his own studio, and used all his wealth to invest in a movie, that is "When a Man is in Love"! He fought a beautiful turnaround and became a It is a textbook in the industry with a small and a big picture!"

"Because of this movie, Dong Manli's transformation was successful, and Han Jie came into the sight of more producers!"

"However, I noticed that the screenwriter, starring role, and even many posts of this movie are all named Chu Qing!"

"This reminds me of Xia Xiangxiang's evaluation at the beginning, this boy will become a great talent! But maybe even Xia Xiangxiang who said this sentence didn't expect that Chu Qing would become a great talent so soon!"

"And the last time we met was the movie I watched yesterday, "Love Has an Afterlife"!"

"When I watched the whole movie, I was shocked in my heart. I was shocked that a 24-year-old actor can act so delicately!"

"I was even more shocked that such a touching script was actually written by him!"

"To be honest, I used to be very pessimistic about the current entertainment industry"

"Traffic is king, popularity is paramount! A group of male and female things occupy the attention of the public, but they have a market!"

"Don't know anything, dare to call yourself an entertainer, a star!"

"As for those students of the same age, none of them who really graduated from majors became popular, and none of them could prove themselves."

"Until today! Chu Qing! Thank you for letting me see hope! You are the son of hope in the entertainment industry!"

This is the end of the Weibo. It can be said that the main Weibo directly praised Chu Qing to the sky, and the comments below the Weibo are also varied.

"How much is this one, please?"

"Can you share your connections? I want bad money too!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I also think that the current little fresh meat is nothing, but Chu Qing is really good, our whole family likes Chu Qing very much!"

"Bah! This landlord seems to be mentally retarded. My Kunkun won't hang him? Brainless bragging, bah!"

"Upstairs, your Kunkun is so good, why is "Idol" only second? Huh? Haha"

"Hehe, you M! My Kunkun is number one in the world!"

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, but no matter how they quarreled, there was another label on Chu Qing, the child of hope!

In addition to talking about him, there are of course many Weibo critics talking about this movie.

There are also good and bad movie reviews, about [-]% of them are positive reviews, while [-]% of the reviews from insiders are positive!

The score on is also not bad, reaching eight points!

But these are not too important to Chu Qing, the important thing is that he finally caught the eyes of the insiders with this movie!
Not long after the movie was released, Song Dawei received calls from many well-known directors in the industry. This time, the roles they gave were not small roles. On the contrary, they were all remarkable roles with room for performance!

And because he signed the contract with Zhang Sanli, Song Dawei could only refuse with tears in his eyes.

But at the same time, he also seemed to casually say that Zhang Sanli asked Chu Qing to act in a play, and this news was also spread in a small circle within the circle.

Song Dawei, still couldn't hold back the tiger's skin!
And not long after, he actually received a call from the Golden Bird Awards, who announced that "Love Has Afterlife" had been shortlisted for two awards!

Best Newcomer and Best Film!

This made Song Dawei very pleasantly surprised. The Best Newcomer Award was something he fought for, and with Chu Qing's current age and qualifications, he should be shortlisted for the Best Newcomer Award.

But the best picture award is different, it is an out-and-out award!
The best film and the best hero and heroine have always been the highlight of the film awards!If they can get the best picture, then the studio really took off in place!

He didn't know if it was because the other party had heard that Chu Qing had a relationship with Zhang Sanli, or that this movie really moved them. He only hoped that Chu Qing could get one of these two awards, so he wouldn't run away with him!
And on the Internet, this movie is getting better and better!
More and more audiences have entered the movie theater. Not many of them really like this movie. It would be good if it can reach 60.00%. They regard it more as a means of showing off. decorate.

Most of the people who watch the movie will take a picture of the movie ticket, and then post a Moments saying: "Wow, this movie really perfectly explained to me what love is!"

Do they really like and understand it?In fact, it is not the case, they mainly want to pretend to be a more literary B!

It's like going to a Buck to order a cup of coffee and being able to post it to Moments for half a month.

After all, B, which costs 30 yuan, is still affordable for most people.

But no matter what they thought, Chu Qing earned the money!

The box office the next day was 3000 million!
Box office on the third day, 100 million!

But Chu Qing, who watched the box office trend, silently set a rule for himself, that is, he will no longer invest in art films in the future!It's okay to act for others, but invest in it yourself, no!
Time soon came to June 20st. This time, "Love Has an Afterlife" was taken off the shelves after only 5000 days of release, because it was meaningless to persist any longer. The movie still generated [-] million in revenue!

It has brought more than 8000 million income to Chu Qing!After hesitating for a long time, Chu Qing gave every boy in the studio a big red envelope, the most of which was 20!And the least is 11!
This was determined by Chu Qing based on their performance on the spot, and this action also made the young photographers scream and shout that they would work hard for Chu Qing, and they completely believed Duan Peng's words.

Follow Chu Qing, the future is bleak!No, the future is boundless!
(End of this chapter)

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