Chapter 180

On June [-]th, Chu Qing, Duan Peng, and Song Dawei rushed to the crew.

This time the filming was in Xinjiang Province!The shooting environment is relatively harsh, but it can also indirectly show that the crew is rich and powerful!After all, most people will go to some film and television studios to shoot this kind of scenes, instead of choosing live-action shooting, because that will leave a lot of money.

I also want to say here that Chu Qing's role in this role is only paid 100 million yuan.

It sounds like a curse, after all, with Chu Qing's current net worth, let alone 100 million, Chu Qing wouldn't even look at 300 million!
But because this is a red movie, if someone can give 100 million, it shows that Chu Qing's salary is not low!
And those actors who earn tens of millions of dollars in salary, wish they could act in this scene without money!
As soon as Chu Qing arrived on the set, she was led by the crew to meet Zhang Sanli.

Zhang Sanli was reading the script in the hotel, and he was very happy to see Chu Qing coming, he laughed and said, "I heard that your movie was shortlisted for the Golden Bird Award for Best Newcomer and Best Film?"

Chu Qing scratched his head in embarrassment, he was really a little embarrassed, because he was not sure if the Golden Bird Award notified him that he was shortlisted, whether Zhang Sanli was involved or not.

Zhang Sanli nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good, young and promising! When I was your age, I was still playing tricks!"

Zhang Sanli sighed at this point, with an expression of recalling the past on his face.

Chu Qing smiled from the side: "Mr. Zhang, the times are different now. At that time, you had too few channels. Thousands of troops crossed the single-plank bridge, and you were the winner! But we are much simpler now. Since the media is so developed, as long as you are really talented, you will never be buried.”

Zhang Sanli laughed and said, "That's right, the times are really different now. Xiao Chu, how is your script going?"

"No problem, Mr. Zhang, don't worry!"

Chu Qing seemed very confident, and he did not tell lies!He wrote a [-]-word biography specifically for the role of Wang Weiguo. What is the concept?Enough for a short story!
Even when he was writing a biography, his acting skills broke through LV10!Reached the intermediate level of acting!

It can be said that his current acting skills have surpassed 90.00% of the people in the entertainment industry!

Seeing Chu Qing's confidence, Zhang Sanli patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said with a gentle attitude: "Tomorrow the production crew will officially start operation, and the days will be very hard, but if you can survive, I believe You will definitely gain something!"

Chu Qing also understands that there will be a lot of old actors in this filming, if Chu Qing can make a good impression on these people, it will be easier for her in the industry in the future.

After another conversation with Zhang Sanli, Chu Qing left and returned to her room.

As soon as Chu Qing left, the news spread that he was invited to the room by Zhang Sanli. Within half an hour, the entire crew knew that Chu Qing was really from Zhang Sanli!
In the show business circle, it is actually very particular about mentoring.

For example, the actors with the most actors are actually Yanying, Moxi and Zhongxi. These can be said to be the three giants in the actor world!

As soon as they graduated, there were brothers and sisters who helped to introduce the production company. They became famous very quickly, and many of them even debuted as leading actors and actresses in college.

Chu Qing is at a disadvantage because his university is not well-known in the entertainment industry, but if it is in the broadcasting industry, then his university can be called the originator!
Without a mentor, he can only rely on connections.

The method of relying on connections is different here. For example, some people will choose to marry a wife who graduated from a prestigious school, and then they will come to something, and they will be easily accepted by the network of the prestigious school.

Another common method is to worship the top of the mountain!Find a master with connections in the industry!And this method is also the most popular in the circle.

Now the people in the crew suspect that Chu Qing is apprenticed to Zhang Sanli, otherwise why does Zhang Sanli take care of him so much?

It didn't take long for the crew to learn about Chu Qing's past.

Graduated from a prestigious school, was framed by his girlfriend, turned the tables on himself, established a studio, played the leading role in three consecutive films, and had a good reputation!The two independently invested films also received good returns!
After watching all this, they suddenly understood why Zhang Sanli was so optimistic about this young man, because they had seen this kind of young man before, and now most of them have become top-notch in the entertainment industry, only a small part because of various reasons. Fell for a reason.

They understood that Zhang Sanli really planned to accept disciples!
Early the next morning, the crew officially started!
All the actors queued up to worship God, which gave Chu Qing a very professional feeling. They didn't worship God before starting the machine. Compared with others, they were like amateur film crews!
After the incense was finished, the filming officially started!
But it was not Chu Qing's shot, but Zhang Sanli's shot.

Zhang Sanli plays a general in the play. He is also the person in charge of this experiment. The whole play revolves around him, and he is the protagonist, the well-deserved number one male.

In the first scene of a movie, directors usually choose some shots that are easier to shoot, and then pass them one by one to make a good start. This time is the same.

This is the first time for Chu Qing to watch Zhang Sanli's acting skills on the spot, and she has only one feeling in the whole, that she is able to do a job with ease!

It even gave Chu Qing the feeling that even if she cheated with skill cards, she might be overwhelmed by the other party!
The actor playing the role of the old professor is called Jin Jie, and he is also an old actor in the industry. The early drama actors were brilliant, and their acting skills can be called textbook level!
He has also worked as a director, producer, and voice actor.

In the afternoon, it was finally the old man's turn to play the role, and if there is a scene of the old man, there is Chu Qing!
This is also one of the reasons why this role can be called the third male lead. There are really many shots to be able to follow the second male lead every day.

"Come on, get ready for the scene! It's the first time for the first time in Lop Nur! Let's start!"

Following the voice of the director, a military truck slowly approached not far away, and the orbital camera kept following it.

After arriving at the gate of the base, Zhang Sanli led people to greet him, the military truck stopped slowly, and Teacher Jin Jie got out of the car first, while Chu Qing and several other 'students' were in the back compartment Get off inside.

Chu Qing tightened her backpack, holding an enamel cylinder that is very common in this era.

"Oh, Mr. Jin, welcome, welcome!"

Zhang Sanli grabbed Jin Jie's hand. At this moment, his acting skills exploded, and the state of the performance really seemed to be looking forward to the stars and the moon before Jin Jie came.

And Jin Jie also held Zhang Sanli's hand and said: "Commander Zhang, you have brought soldiers here, you have suffered!"

While the other actors were watching the two teachers acting, Chu Qing looked at the camp with curious eyes, showing a young man's detachment.

The director's eyes lit up on the director's chair, and he thought to himself that this kid has a bit of aura!
(End of this chapter)

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