Chapter 184
The lunch break passed quickly, and it was time for the afternoon shoot.

This afternoon, there was still a scene between Chu Qing and the female students.

This scene is about two people in the cafeteria. They were classmates when they were in college, and they also have a good impression of each other, but it has not been made public.

While studying the atomic bomb, an accident caused the railway to transport supplies to be broken, and the people in the base had to cut down on food and clothing.

Chu Qing couldn't bear the heroine's hunger, so she gave him her portion of the meal, went outside and poured cold water, and pointed to her bulging belly and said that she had eaten it.

After drinking cold water for two days, his stomach couldn't stand it, and when he got up, he vomited it out. Looking at the clear water on the ground, the hostess couldn't help crying.

This scene can be said to be one of the two most important scenes of Chu Qing's role!

As the scene started, Chu Qing came to the water tank with his rice bowl in his hand. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he directly filled a large bowl of cold water and drank it down with a gulp!

Beside him are four photographers, shooting without dead ends!Be sure to make sure every shot is captured!
After Chu Qing drank a bowl, he hiccupped, then after thinking about it, he poured another large bowl of cold water and drank it down!

Sitting on the director's chair, Liu Dalong said slowly: "The actor's expression is good, the second camera is a little bit back, and it can shoot two-thirds of the face! The first camera, you push forward, give a close-up of the face, Lower, lower, fine!"

Chu Qing could also hear the director's voice, but as if he didn't hear anything, he took his job bowl and rubbed his stomach.

His belly was almost watering when he walked, and his expression was a bit sad, but he rubbed it with his hands, then put on a sunny and happy smile, and strode towards the cafeteria.

"Card! Very good! Make-up check, ready to change the scene!"

The makeup artist hurried over to touch up Chu Qing's makeup, while Chu Qing rubbed her belly.

They used sea bowls for filming, and they packed a lot!He also felt a little bloated after two bowls of water.

"Teacher Chu, is it okay?"

Yipan's field manager hurriedly said, with a caring expression on his face!
Now who doesn't know that Chu Qing belongs to Zhang Sanli, and the entire production team wants to curry favor with such a backer.

Chu Qing hurriedly waved her hands and said: "It's okay, it's okay, it will be fine in a while."

Seeing this, the scene manager put on a reverent face and said, "Mr. Chu is really dedicated. There are very few actors at your age who are so dedicated."

Chu Qing smiled, but said nothing.

Two or three minutes later, the filming continued again. With the sound of the recording, Chu Qing walked into the restaurant with an optimistic smile.

After turning around in the restaurant, his eyes fell on the female student.

This female student was played by a little Huadan, and she was also an actor with capital. It is said that she was the little lover of a consortium son, but Chu Qing didn't know the details, and he didn't care, anyway, it was simple. The cooperation of a play.

Her name in the play is Wang Xiaoxiao. It is actually quite difficult for such an old actress to pretend to be innocent.

The moment Chu Qing noticed her, her eyes brightened obviously, and even the expression on her face became more active.

After seeing this scene, the director couldn't help but patted his leg, and secretly sighed in his heart, this child is really spiritual, if Zhang Sanli hadn't taken a fancy to him, he would have planned to take him in as a confidant and train him!
Don't think that directors don't cultivate actors, on the contrary, most actors are promoted by directors!

And they will also reach a relatively tacit relationship, which is the so-called iron triangle, golden partner and so on.

In the camera, Chu Qing went to order a meal, a steamed bun, and a bowl of soup.

This is because he is treated as an intellectual, and the soldiers can no longer even eat corn bread.

Chu Qing came to sit in front of Wang Xiaoxiao with the meal, watched her eat carefully, and handed her her steamed buns without thinking.

Wang Xiaoxiao raised her head in doubt and said, "You gave me the steamed buns, what are you eating?"

Chu Qing intentionally showed her slightly protruding stomach, patted and said, "Leave me alone, you can eat so much! I'm full!"

Wang Xiaoxiao is a lady in the play, she has never experienced such hardships, and has never been tempered by society. She believed it when Chu Qing said so, and couldn't help but glared at Chu Qing and said, "Speak! Why do you eat secretly by yourself?" Something? Don’t take me with you, see if I don’t tell the teacher!”

Chu Qing hurriedly waved her hands, and said with a look of fear: "Don't tell the teacher, didn't I give you the steamed buns? Are you still not satisfied? Here! I'll give you the soup too!"

Chu Qing pushed the soup over after finishing speaking, and it was said to be soup, but it was clear and translucent, except that there were one or two things in it that could not be distinguished as green vegetables or leaves.

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Eat quickly, I know you have a big appetite"

Wang Xiaoxiao glared at him and said, "You have a big appetite!"

After finishing speaking, he ate happily, feeling like a shy little woman.

Chu Qing just watched her eat, and even swallowed, he was hungry too!
"Cut! This scene is over! All the actors don't move! Clean up the props, make up and touch up! Radio, you should be higher!"

The director's voice rang through the speakers, and two prop masters hurried over and replaced the food with leftovers.

Two steamed buns and two bowls of soup, people of that era can eat it, but actresses can't eat it!
After the props took the things away, the makeup checked the makeup of the two, and then left with the props. After all the work was completed, the scene record was played again, and the actors who had been frozen all the time seemed to come to life. .

Satisfied, Wang Xiaoxiao ate the last piece of steamed bun, drank the last sip of soup, got up and picked up the rice bowl and said, "Let's go, let's go wash the dishes."


Chu Qing agreed, but when she got up, she was a little dazed, and she bent down and vomited.

Originally, this paragraph was meant to be enough. After all, even if such a disgusting scene was filmed, it would have to be cut out later, otherwise it would be difficult to pass the trial.

But Chu Qing really got angry, and really vomited!

The cinematography and surrounding cast are of high quality without any mess.

After seeing this scene, the director not only didn't call the card, but was a little surprised. He thought that Chu Qing was really dedicated to his work, and he didn't expect to have a "really vomit"!
Chu Qing only spit out water, and the female artist reacted very quickly. When the photographer turned the camera to her, she already had a dazed and distressed expression on her face.

"You, what did you eat?"

She looked at Chu Qing in a daze and asked, Chu Qing got up, her eyes were a little red, which was the consequence of vomiting too violently.

Chu Qing forced a smile and wanted to explain a few words.

"what did you eat!"

Wang Xiaoxiao's voice became louder, attracting everyone's voices, but she didn't care so much, and plunged into Chu Qing's arms.

This move was shocking at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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