Chapter 185 Dinner
Going through this one directly, the director is very satisfied with the performances of Chu Qing and the actress!He even whispered to Chu Qing that he would never cut this paragraph, and would definitely keep it!

Chu Qing was pleasantly surprised when he heard that, after all, this was one of the two scenes where he showed his face the most, and he certainly didn't want it to be cut.

Next, his role will be that of a bastard again.

During a scene at night, he also curiously glanced at Zhang Sanli's data with [Recognition].

"Character: Zhang Sanli"

"Age: 65"

"Skills: [Acting] LV35! [Directing] LV13! [Dubbing] LV8! [Driving] LV5!"

Chu Qing understood that the recognition skills can only recognize the opponent's four skills now, and he doesn't know whether it is randomly recognized or automatically recognized with the highest level.

But seeing his acting skills as high as 35, Chu Qing was really confused!

According to the law that level [-] or above is considered an advanced skill, Zhang Sanli is the advanced among advanced skills!
So Chu Qing began to pay attention to some details of Zhang Sanli's performance, and began to steal.

After all, you need to pay points to study in the [Hall of Fame], how good it is to steal it now, it's completely free.

With LV35's acting skills and Chu Qing's character of throwing things away if he doesn't pick them up when he goes out, if he doesn't learn something, he must feel like he's at a loss!
The time came to the end of July in a blink of an eye. After more than a month of shooting in the desert, the scene in the desert was finally finished, and the remaining scenes could be filmed in Hengdian.

The production crew returned to Hengdian. Although there was no holiday, they ended work early so that everyone in the production crew could take a rest.

Duan Peng's role has been completed, and now he is acting as Chu Qing's assistant temporarily.

But he is an assistant, and he doesn't know who his two brothers are serving whom.

Chu Qing and the others were about to find a tavern to have a good drink, so Zhang Sanli called Chu Qing again.

"Xiao Chu?"

"Hey, Teacher Zhang"

Chu Qing's voice was still very friendly, and Zhang Sanli on the other end of the phone said with a smile.

"I had a dinner with Lao Liu, and the two of us couldn't enjoy our drinks. Would you like to come?"

Chu Qing hesitated and said: "Mr. Zhang, it's not suitable. Your brothers have dinner together, and I'm an outsider."

"Hey, what are outsiders like outsiders? Lao Zhang and I are at Lancao Restaurant 203. Can you drive?"


"It just so happened that we were drinking, you can be a driver, come here quickly"

"Well, let's do it"

Chu Qing could only agree, Zhang Sanli couldn't afford to offend him now.

When Song Dawei heard that Zhang Sanli invited Chu Qing to dinner, he was more excited than Chu Qing, and said excitedly.

"From what I've seen these days, Teacher Zhang Sanli has taken good care of you! Do you think he wants to accept you as an apprentice?"

Chu Qing smiled, he is not stupid, he can actually feel it, but Chu Qing didn't make it clear, because he was afraid that if he thought too much, the other party didn't mean it, and it would weaken the relationship between the two , so it is better to wait and wait for a suitable opportunity.

The three of Chu Qing took a taxi to the Lancao restaurant, Chu Qing walked in alone, while Duan Peng and Song Dawei came to a small restaurant opposite the restaurant, keeping an eye on them all the time.

"Hi sir, do you have an appointment?"

As soon as I entered the restaurant, a waitress greeted me.

Chu Qing wore a mask and sunglasses, and smiled politely: "I'm here to find someone, 203"

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Chu?"


"Mr. Chu please come with me"

The waiter smiled sweetly and led Chu Qing to the second floor.

After arriving at the door of the box on the second floor, the waiter first knocked on the door, and waited for the inside to say please come in, then made a gesture to Chu Qing to invite you in.

Chu Qing nodded gratefully to her, opened the door and walked into the box.

The private room is quite big, and there are quite a lot of dishes on the table, but only Liu Dalong and Zhang Sanli are there.

Chu Qing took off her eyes and mask and said with a smile: "Director Liu, Teacher Zhang"

"Hahaha, Xiao Chu is here, sit down quickly"

Zhang Sanli said hello and asked Chu Qing to sit beside him. Chu Qing was not polite and sat beside him so that he could pour wine for the two of them.

Liu Dalong smiled and said, "Xiao Chu, it's been a hard day, are you tired?"

Chu Qing was so tired, so tired!Especially in order to make a good impression in front of the seniors, he pays attention to his own image and the way people around him look at him all the time, he is exhausted!
But it seemed so in his heart, but he couldn't say so on the surface.

He showed a smiling face and said: "Not tired, the young man is in good health, even if he is tired from filming, he will recover after a night of sleep."

"Ha ha ha ha"


The two people in the box laughed. They liked young people like Chu Qing, who were aggressive and willing to endure hardships!

Liu Dalong said with a smile: "Hello kid, I like it! You entered the circle late, and you haven't caught the bad atmosphere of this circle, which is very good! Xiao Chu, you have to remember that artists who are contaminated with those things are absolutely not far"

Chu Qing didn't understand what Liu Dalong was talking about. Is it playing tricks or sucking D?

But he didn't understand, and it didn't delay Chu Qing's agreement, so he nodded very seriously and said, "Thank you Director Liu for your concern, I won't!"

Seeing this, Zhang Sanli smiled and nodded again, and then said softly: "The Golden Bird Awards are about to start, how are you doing, are you confident?"

Chu Qing shook his head bluntly, he didn't pretend, he really didn't have confidence!
Seeing this, Zhang Sanli looked at Liu Dalong, who shrugged and said, "Don't look at me, I don't have that much energy! But you, can you help me?"

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, she understood that these two people were playing the oboe for herself, and they clearly wanted to make herself beg Zhang Sanli!
But Chu Qing is really a cheap person, he doesn't like to beg for help by nature, if it's a lifetime, he wouldn't have opened his mouth to Huang Ren in the end, asking him to help him.

Chu Qing pretended not to understand, and poured wine and food for the two of them with a smile.

With him like this, the two of them couldn't sit still.

In fact, when they were on the set before, the two hinted to Chu Qing twice, but their hints were too 'dark', Chu Qing didn't understand at all!
That's why the two of them quit work early today and made such a dinner.

Some people may think back, how many years has the boss been in the circle, what kind of young people have never seen it, and they will catch Chu Qing with such a stalk?
This statement is wrong, good acting skills, there are indeed talented people!
But there are too few people who are good at acting, talented, willing to endure hardships, and make money!

Analyzing Chu Qing's every step since his debut, he has a plan!There are even fewer people who are far-sighted and have plans for their future!
This is the reason why Zhang Sanli wants to accept apprentices, and on the other hand, it is because this pearl has not yet fully shined, and it is a proper potential stock!

Seeing that Chu Qing hadn't said anything, Liu Dalong simply spoke up.

"Cough, cough, Sanli! I think Chu Qing is a good kid, so you have no plans to take in apprentices?"

(End of this chapter)

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