Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 186 I will fulfill you

Chapter 186 I will fulfill you
As soon as these words came out, Chu Qing looked directly at Zhang Sanli, and it happened that Zhang Sanli also looked at Chu Qing.

Zhang Sanli didn't want to procrastinate any longer, looked at Chu Qing and smiled, "Chu Qing, what do you think?"

If Chu Qing doesn't understand at this time, it will be a stick!

Zhang Sanli has now stretched out his thigh and said, hug him!
This Chu Qing could keep his hand, immediately poured a cup of tea and handed it to Zhang Sanli respectfully.

"If you can listen to the teachings under Mr. Zhang, you will not waste your life"

"Ha ha ha ha"


Both Zhang Sanli and Liu Dalong laughed, Zhang Sanli took the tea in Chu Qing's hand and drank it down.

"Chu Qing, you will be my kaishan disciple from now on, and you may also be my only apprentice. You must not fall into my name!"

"Teacher, don't worry!"

Chu Qing looked excited, which was not entirely faked, because he was indeed a little excited now.

After apprenticeship, the meal became even more harmonious, because at this moment Chu Qing can be regarded as one of his own!
He also got the private numbers of Zhang Sanli and Liu Dalong!
Liu Dalong was equally happy, he and Zhang Sanli were inseparable, and with this relationship, Chu Qing could be considered his own!
This kind of person who will definitely become a star in the future, of course he is happy to establish a relationship now.

After dinner, Chu Qing bought the bill in advance, and then drove the two of them back to the hotel.

The assistant was not surprised when he saw Chu Qing sending the two back, but instead smiled kindly at Chu Qing, obviously they knew something in advance.

This is inevitable, after all, assistant drivers are people close to artists.

After Chu Qing returned to her room, Song Dawei and Duan Peng both came to ask them why they were looking for Chu Qing. Although they had already guessed in their hearts, when Chu Qing said that he was apprenticed to Zhang Sanli, they still felt that My head is buzzing!

In the end Song Dawei jumped up and said anything he wanted to drag Chu Qing out for a drink.

Of course Chu Qing didn't dare to drink anymore. After all, she has to film tomorrow. She just apprenticed to a teacher today. If she didn't perform well because of drinking, it would be a shame!

Song Dawei also thought of this after being excited, so he simply ordered a bunch of takeaways. He drank with Duan Peng, and Chu Qing was in charge of eating and drinking!
Chu Qing was also happy in her heart, eating and drinking with the three of them, laughing loudly.

On the next day, after Chu Qing came to the set with everyone early in the morning, Zhang Sanli saw Chu Qing from a long distance, and recruited with a smile: "Xiao Chu, come here, and show it to Uncle Wu."

Standing beside him was the producer Wu Xin.

Chu Qing understood that Zhang Sanli did this to let these people spread the news.

This matter has nothing to do with him, so Chu Qing naturally had no objection, trotted over and said with a smile: "Uncle Wu".

Wu Xin has been friends with Zhang Sanli and Liu Dalong for decades, when he heard Chu Qing's Uncle Wu, he smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then took off his watch and said, "Uncle gave it to you."

Chu Qing was a little dazed when he took the watch. He didn't receive a gift from his teacher yesterday, but he didn't expect to receive a watch after saying hello today!
He never doubted the value of this watch, because it was given to him by Wu Xin!
For more than a month, he has become familiar with Wu Xin!

This person who grew up in the courtyard has never encountered any ups and downs in his life. The biggest blow in his life was the death of the old man at home.

He became famous early, sang along the way, and later opened an investment company, specializing in investing in future products and technologies, and made a lot of money!

Can a watch sent by such a person be cheap?
Just as Chu Qing took the watch, she heard Liu Dalong's teasing voice.

"Okay, old Wu, your awareness has risen! Didn't you, a capitalist, show off to me a few days ago, that your watch is custom-made, and the whole country only has one piece? Are you willing to give it away?"

As soon as Chu Qing heard that he was in a hurry, as if the watch in his hand was hot, Zhang Sanli and the three of them couldn't help laughing.

Chu Qing hurriedly said: "Uncle Wu, it's too precious, too precious, I can't accept it!"

Wu Xin said with a nonchalant smile: "It's okay, it's just a watch. The owner of the watch factory is my friend and didn't spend much money. Besides, I've had enough of wearing it all these years."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand indifferently, Chu Qing looked at Zhang Sanli again, Zhang Sanli nodded with a smile.

"Accept it. Uncle Wu is like this. Just get used to it. If you don't accept it, he will think you look down on him!"

Wu Xin also pretended to be a businessman on purpose, so Chu Qing could only take the watch in an awkward manner.

Try wearing it on your hand, not to mention, it really fits well, as if it was tailor-made for him.

Wu Xin smiled and said: "I've seen it a long time ago. Our wrists are similar. Otherwise, can I give you a watch? How about it? Uncle Wu has a heart in this gift, right?"

Chu Qing nodded quickly, and the other three laughed again.

This scene made the people around look stupid, no matter how stupid they were, they still understood that something must have happened!

So someone 'courageously' asked: "Chu Qing, are you worshiping Producer Wu as your teacher?"

Before Chu Qing could speak, Wu Xin pulled Chu Qing over and smiled, "No, but this kid is apprenticed to Zhang Sanli, it's no different from me!"

"Then Chu Qing, you have to treat me!"

"Yes, yes, such a big happy event must be a treat!"

"If Chu Qing doesn't treat guests, Teacher Zhang can also treat guests!"

"Yes, extra meal! Treat!"

The scene became lively, Zhang Sanli clapped his hands with a smile and said: "Okay, okay, I'll let them prepare it now, add lunch at noon, no box lunch!"

"Oh! Long live Teacher Zhang!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Yeah! It's a big meal!"

There is laughter and laughter in the play, but it's hard to say how many of them are sincere and how many of them are fake.

At the beginning of August, Chu Qing's role was wrapped up. Before he left, he specially had a meal with Zhang Sanli.

And the fact that he apprenticed to Zhang Sanli did not spread, and it is not easy for him to tell others about this kind of thing. If it wants to spread completely, it needs to be done after the movie is released.

After the movie was shot, Chu Qing received another endorsement.

This time it was a small endorsement, a piece of chocolate, and the endorsement fee was relatively cheap, 500 million in one and a half years!
This shows how important the popularity is. Chu Qing's popularity has dropped a lot in the past two months, and the endorsement fee has also dropped immediately.

However, Chu Qing was tricked again this time, and it was still a familiar formula and a familiar taste!

When Chu Qing and Song Dawei were about to sign a contract, the other party called and said sorry, their company found a more suitable person to endorse the product!

And within half an hour, Song Dawei saw Xie Kun's new Weibo on Weibo.

#New endorsement of a chocolate, I hope everyone will support it#
There were countless likes and comments on this Weibo, and Chu Qing's eyes narrowed slightly.

Do you want to die, okay, I will help you!
(End of this chapter)

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