Chapter 187

Chu Qing can treat it as nothing happened the first time, but if you have the second time, it proves that you will definitely have the third time, so sorry, you blocked my way of making money.

Then, don't blame me for messing with you!

Song Dawei was about to explode, saying that he was going to buy explosives tonight and blow up those two factories!
But his angry look made Chu Qing laugh instead, and Song Dawei said angrily: "You can still laugh, this grandson is riding on top of our heads to pull S! It's so rare!"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "They just want to see you like this, besides Viagra, I remember you had a good temper before, when did you start to be so explosive?"

"After you called me Viagra!"


After finally Song Dawei calmed down, Chu Qing explained with a smile: "There's no need to be so excited. They rob us of our endorsement, so why don't we rob them too?"

Song Dawei slapped his thigh and said, "The main reason is that we don't know which endorsers are looking for them! It's so fucking hell, how do they know which manufacturers are looking for us?"

Chu Qing shook her head when she heard the words: "I don't think any manufacturers planned to seek our endorsement at first, that's why they deliberately disgusted us."

Song Dawei's eyes turned red when he heard this, obviously very angry.

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, he had considered using [Ashamed Scarecrow].

But this kind of thing is fine for the first time, and it is fine for the second time, but if you use it too much, people will definitely find some signs!
After all, you can't be unlucky for anyone who goes against you, right?That was too much of a coincidence.

And it doesn't have to be so troublesome to clean him up.

Chu Qing pinched her chin and asked, "What brand of chocolate are they endorsing this time?"

“Fox, an old brand of chocolate”

"Well, help me investigate their main competitors!"

Song Dawei's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he patted his thigh again and said, "Yes, yes, we can compete with their competitors!"

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Go and investigate, I came up with a great advertising idea! Isn't it a competition? Okay, I'll have fun with him!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he began to write the advertising plan. On the other end, Song Dawei began to investigate the competing products of Fox Chocolate, and he chose one in a short time.

"I found a good one, it's our domestic brand, it's called Desa chocolate!"

Chu Qing nodded, smiled and registered his plan as a patent before saying, "Take a look at this plan."

Song Dawei took it over and looked at it twice, then frowned and said, "That's good, but it may be a bit long."

Chu Qing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, see if you can contact Desa. If you can contact them, I will send them my plan. The plan fee is 500 million, and the endorsement fee is 500 million. Bundled sales!"

Song Dawei smiled and said, "Understood, leave it to me!"

Chu Qing showed a gloomy smile and said, "Check it out for me again, does he have a big endorsement?"

Song Dawei also grinned grimly and said, "That's it."

Gao Lichao, Director of Corporate Planning Department of Tesa Chocolate!

It can be said that the high sales volume of tesa chocolate in recent years has a lot to do with him.

At this moment, Gao Lichao is sitting in the office, frowning at the latest information in front of him. Their biggest competitor, Fox Chocolate, has invited Xie Kun, the most popular young meat at the moment, to endorse him!This was undoubtedly a shock to them, and they had to invite a similar and popular artist to be their endorsement to compete with them!
At this moment, an operator under his command walked in.

"Mr. Gao, a man named Song Dawei called just now, saying that he is Chu Qing's manager and wants to cooperate with us."

Gao Lichao frowned, Chu Qing?This name is somewhat familiar.

Then he remembered who Chu Qing was. After all, Chu Qing was amazing in acting before, but because of the mediocre box office of "Love Is After Life" and the fact that he hasn't been active in front of the audience for the past two months, the popularity has dropped a lot. .

After thinking for a while, he asked, "How do they want to cooperate, endorsement?"

"The other party didn't say anything, just said that he hoped to have a video call with you"

Gao Lichao nodded. He is not surprised that the other party has such a request. After all, it is no use talking to an operator, and they can't make the decision.

As for the matter of cooperation, it is more appropriate for the king to see the king.

He nodded: "Tell him, yes"

“Good Mr. Gao”

Not long after the operator left, Gao Lichao received a video application on his computer. He adjusted his smile before clicking agree.

"Hi, Mr. Gao, I'm Song Dawei, Chu Qing's manager!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Song, hello, I have heard about you for a long time, but I have never seen you."

Song Dawei smiled gently, and he no longer had the irritable look just now. He looked at Gao Lichao and said with a smile: "Mr. Gao, do you know that Xie Kun is about to endorse Fox Chocolate?"

Gao Lichao deliberately pretended to be surprised and said: "Really? Xie Kun went to endorse Fox? We have always wanted him to speak for us, but we didn't expect him to endorse our competing products."

Song Dawei didn't care whether the other party really didn't know or not, he still said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Gao, it's like this. Our studio has drawn up a cooperation plan and plan, which has been sent to your mailbox. You can take a look at it at your convenience. It doesn't matter if you don't think it's suitable. We also contacted Xing chocolate

Gao Lichao nodded with a smile and bid farewell to Song Dawei.

To be honest, he was not interested in Song Dawei's so-called proposal, because Chu Qing's current popularity was not Xie Kun's opponent at all!

And he was crushed by Xie Kun in terms of the number of fans, so what's the use of his acting skills?

A person who is not good at acting and is called a dog can earn you [-] million.

The other one has good acting skills, everyone says he is great, but he can only earn you 100 million, who do you choose between these two?Any fool knows how to choose!
But this time, for some reason, he accidentally opened the mailbox and watched the so-called cooperation plan.

There were only a few short sentences on it, which were the copywriting of an advertisement, but he was shocked after reading it!

His brain was spinning rapidly, and he had already conceived the finished effect of the advertisement in his mind, and then he called Song Dawei directly to rush over.

After the phone rang twice, Song Dawei answered it.


"Mr. Song, where are you now?"

"Sea K"

"If it's convenient, I'd like to invite you and the artist to come to Yanjing. We need to discuss the contract and shoot commercials!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Gao, I hope we can cooperate happily! Don't worry, we will not let you down!"

"I am waiting for you in Yanjing"



The two hung up the phone with each other, Song Dawei excitedly gestured an OK gesture to Chu Qing who was sitting on the sofa.

The corner of Chu Qing's mouth curled up, the first step was taken successfully!

(End of this chapter)

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