Chapter 188 Comparison
The three of them booked air tickets and headed straight to Yanjing. People from Tesa were already waiting for them outside the airport. The group got off the plane, got into the other party's business car, and headed straight to the company.

After arriving at Desa, Gao Lichao came to receive them in person, and everyone discussed the price directly without talking nonsense, and finally reached a cooperation at a price of 1000 million after tax.

The copyright of the advertisement belongs to Chu Qing, who sold it to the other party for two years of use!

His endorsement contract with Desa has also changed from one and a half years to two years. After everyone signed the contract, Gao Lichao arranged for a few people to have a big meal together, and arranged a good hotel for them to rest. Waiting for commercial shooting.

Two days later, the staff took him to the shooting location.

The makeup artist and stylist had already prepared for him, and changed his outfit to make him look more handsome.

This time, the filming was very fast, the commercial was already filmed in less than a day, and Chu Qing's 1000 million was considered to be earned.

On the other side, Xie Kun's chocolate commercials have already been released, and Fox's chocolate commercials have appeared on many TV stations.

This gave Tesa a sense of urgency on the one hand, and began to contact the TV station to discuss advertising time while post-production.

At the other end, Chu Qing was contacting another advertisement for mineral water!

In late August, Yanjing.

Lu Yushuang is an office worker, living a nine-nine-six working life. Her biggest hobby every day is to cook some delicious food after get off work, and watch variety shows while eating.

On this day, she stayed in front of the TV early again, preparing to watch her favorite "Happy Ballad".

And now, there are still 5 minutes before the broadcast of the show, and she is too lazy to change the channel, so she simply plans to watch the commercial for a while and wait for a while.

"Love is sweet, only for you"

In the TV screen, Xie Kun jumped out wearing a pink costume, and behind him were eight female backup dancers, all in uniform pink suits and miniskirts, full of youth.

Behind them, all the buildings are cartoon pink buildings, and there is a chocolate fountain in the center.

After dancing for a while, Xie Kun walked to the chocolate fountain, picked up a piece of chocolate and took a bite.

"Fox Chocolate, My Choice, Your Choice"

In the end, the camera gave him a super close-up, and Xie Kun blinked 'playfully' at the camera.

I don't know what the male audience thinks, but Lu Yushuang feels that the deer is bumping in her heart. Although she has seen this advertisement many times, watching it now still makes her feel that Xie Kun is really 'beautiful'!

It even made them feel inferior. After all, Xie Kun is the dream lover of many girls.

And after the ad ended, it turned out to be another chocolate ad.

When the advertisement opened, a mother on the street was holding a phone with a tired look on her face.

The little girl holding her hand turned her head and walked towards a store.

When the store owner turned his head, Lu Yushuang once again felt that the little deer was bumping around. She also knew this person and liked him very much. This was Chu Qing!
Chu Qing, who filmed "When a Man is in Love" back then!
The little girl took two coins and put them on the counter: "Boss, I want a piece of the best chocolate, and I want to give it to my mother"

The little girl's voice is so childish that it melts one's heart upon hearing it.

Chu Qing looked at the little girl and then at the coin.

The little girl thought about it, and carefully took out a toy ring and put it on the counter.

Chu Qing was still looking at her. The little girl was a little confused, but in the end she reluctantly took out a small unicorn toy and put it on the counter.

It can be seen that this is a favorite of little girls.

Chu Qing smiled, the smile was still gentle.

He took out a piece of Tesa chocolate from the counter and handed it to the little girl, "Hey, this is the best chocolate."

The little girl bent down to thank her, picked up the chocolate and wanted to leave, but Chu Qing stopped her.

"Wait, here's your change"

As Chu Qing said, she handed the little unicorn to her, and the little girl smiled all over her face, as bright as a little sun.

She carefully put the unicorn back into her pocket, returned to her mother, and handed the chocolate to her mother with her chest up.

"Mom, Happy Mother's Day"

The tired look on the woman's face turned into surprise, and she lowered her head and hugged her daughter.

Chu Qing smiled happily in the shop, and then went back to clean the counter.

In front of the camera, a line of text and Chu Qing's voice sounded slowly.

"We only want the best for you, Tesa"

The advertisement ended here, Lu Yushuang clutched her chest, she just felt that this advertisement was too warm, even warmer than a warm baby!

Whether it's Chu Qing's gentleness, the little girl's smile, or that little unicorn, they all make her feel so cute that it explodes!
Even someone like her who doesn't know much about advertisements can tell that this advertisement is several blocks behind Xie Kun's advertisement!
Only then did she understand why Chu Qing won the championship in "Idol Has Attitude"!

At this moment, Lu Yushuang is far more than the only person who has this idea!

Not long after, the "Happy Ballad" program started, and the program was as interesting as ever, making Lu Yushuang laugh non-stop.

After more than 20 minutes, it was commercial time.

Just as Lu Yushuang wanted to go to the bathroom, she found out that it was another advertisement from Xie Kun.

In the picture, Xie Kun is wearing an anti-bacterial suit and standing in an oversized workshop.

"Eternal mineral water, using a high-tech sterilization filtration system! One bottle of mineral water, 23 processes!"

"Conscientiously make good water, and give you safe water!"

In the TV screen, it was transformed into various crafts in various workshops. Just watching it makes people feel tall and powerful!

However, after the advertisement ended, Chu Qing's figure actually appeared on the TV again!

And he also held a bottle of mineral water in his hand. He took a sip of the mineral water lightly, showing an expression of enjoyment, and then the screen changed to Tianshan Forest.

The green mountains and green waters are like a Chinese painting.

Chu Qing's voice also slowly sounded in the painting.

"We do not produce water, we are just porters of nature!"

"Tianshan Mountain Spring!"

Lu Yushuang was dumbfounded, these two people are actually advertisements for both front and rear feet, and they are both endorsements!
Is there any contradiction between these two people?

But I have to say, judging from the four advertisements now, it is obvious that Chu Qing is superior!
The creativity of the ad is nothing to choose from!
Especially the mineral water advertisement at the back, the eternal mineral water needs to be filtered 23 times before drinking, and the Tianshan spring is just the porter of nature, it is self-evident who to buy the water for!

People who think the same as Lu Yushuang are all over the country. Anyone who has seen the advertisements of the two will silently make a comparison in their hearts.

There is no way, who made the two people endorse almost the same things, and they are both front and back, or are they the popular niches of the past two years?

After the comparison, the result was that Chu Qing won!
(End of this chapter)

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