Chapter 189 Ma Jun
"This is obviously aimed at us! He fucked it!"

In Xie Kun's house, the manager's hair was almost standing on end.

He watched Chu Qing's two commercials as soon as they were released today. He is not blind, so why can't he tell which commercial is better?
It was because he could tell the difference that he was angry!
I shoot commercials, you also shoot commercials, and you all go to shoot for my competing products. If this is not aimed at us, what is it?

At this time, he didn't even think about who started playing dirty tricks first!
Xie Kun's face was also ugly. At the beginning, he wanted to be friends with Chu Qing.

It wasn't until Chu Qing took away the championship of "Idol Has an Attitude" that he had a grudge against Chu Qing, because in his opinion, that position should have been his!
It was also for this reason that when the manager snatched Chu Qing's endorsement for the first time, he didn't say anything after all.

At that time, he felt a little unhappy.

But it wasn't over yet, and then he made a movie, and Chu Qing also went to make a movie!
Everyone is also a little fresh meat. His movie was called a dog, but Chu Qing's movie has gained both fame and fortune, and it is said that he has earned hundreds of millions!This made him almost gritted his teeth. He never thought that one day he would be so jealous of a 'grass root'!
So, even though he knew that the agent was going to play Chu Qing with the endorsement he signed earlier, he still didn't stop him!
He just wanted to see how Chu Qing was being played around and how helpless she was!

But he didn't expect that within a month, Chu Qing's slap was slapped so hard that his eyes were full of gold stars!
He was equally resentful, and various schemes flashed through his mind.

Xie Kun is not a fool, and it is impossible for a fool to get to where he is today!
He can go today because of the capital behind him on the one hand, and his mind on the other hand!

He took a deep breath, looked at the manager and said.

"What are you going to do?"

"What should I do? I'm going to block him directly! He's just a little clown, and he's his agent! If I say a word, I don't believe anyone in the circle would dare to use him!"

Xie Kun frowned and said, "Not everyone in the circle is our friend, your plan won't work."

"Yes, not everyone is our friend, but they will also be jealous!"

The manager's face was a bit fierce. He was really angry, which mainly came from a wave of anger turning from embarrassment.

He originally thought that he had successfully humiliated the other party, but he didn't expect the other party to humiliate him in turn!
The so-called no comparison, no harm!
If the advertisements of the two of them were placed separately, the audience would definitely not have any other ideas. After all, there are too many advertisements for chocolate and mineral water.

But these two commercials are played one after the other, and there are two young fresh meats, so the audience will definitely compare them in their hearts!

Of course, this was also Chu Qing's attention, for which the advertisers spent a lot of money.

Chu Qing managed to convince them with only one sentence: "We compete, so that the audience will be impressed and remember the product"!
For this reason, the two manufacturers directly spent huge sums of money to settle the problem of advertising time.

And looking at it now, they bet right.

Xie Kun thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "This method won't work. If it spreads like this, people will only think I'm domineering. At least we can't spread the word about this matter!"

The agent understood after hearing this, and said with a gloomy expression: "Understood, then let's find someone who has weight to come forward!"

On September [-]st, a hot search on the Internet directly pushed Chu Qing to the top of the sealing wave!

This Weibo was posted by a director in the circle.

Although this director is not considered a great director, his qualifications in the industry are relatively old, but the word of mouth is intriguing.

It can be summed up in two simple words, villain!

The typical one who has a milk is a mother. When he debuted, he relied on giving people bad feet, and he almost held up a flag to sing praises for others every day, so he got a position as a director.

In the end, this kid was also lucky. A movie just caught up with the call of the country at that time, and he became a great director all of a sudden.

In the next few years, there were also some movies that were not high enough or low enough, but at least it allowed him to hold the position of director.

As a result, the one who helped him in the first place fell into decline later on.

But even so, I still help him wholeheartedly, both the resources and the producer are taking care of him.

Later, I also helped him shoot a movie together, but when it was about to be released, the investor said that the person's name was unlucky and asked him to release it himself.

As a result, this guy really removed the partner's name, and said he would give that person a sum of money to make up for it. From this day on, the two never communicated with each other.

The director's name is Ma Jun!
Ma Jun's reason for bombarding Chu Qing on the Internet is very strange, playing big names!Stingy!ungrateful!
He said that when Chu Qing was on the set, he played big names, made the staff look bad, and even asked his assistant to tie his shoelaces on his knees!These are all he saw with his own eyes!
What's even more exaggerated is that Chu Qing now has tens of millions of endorsements, but he gives his photographers less than 3000 yuan a month's salary, making them work for him for nothing!
There is also ungratefulness, he said that Chu Qing was cultivated by Yanjing TV station so hard, but he went to participate in the talent show and never returned, wasting the TV station's resources in vain, and even accused the director of plagiarizing his work!

He said that it is impossible for Chu Qing to have so many works at such a young age, it must have been written by a gunman who did not know where to find them!
There was a lot of eloquent writing on it, and Chu Qing was confused.

Is Chu Qing nervous?
Not nervous at all, or maybe he would be a little nervous before he didn't learn a teacher, but now he is afraid of a hammer?
This Ma Jun is not at the same level as Zhang Sanli at all, what are you afraid of him doing?
To Chu Qing, it was a waste of enthusiasm. If it wasn't for a while, it would be a waste!

And he also thought of another question, that is, he didn't know the director Ma Jun at all, so how could he shoot himself for no reason?

Chu Qing's mind was in a hurry, and there was already another person's name in his mind, Xie Kun!

Chu Qing thought that there were not many people offended, and among these people, Xie Kun was the only one who was capable of doing such a thing!

His move was insidious. He knew that Chu Qing had no background, so he used this method to slander Chu Qing.

A third-tier artist who just debuted, and a director who has been famous for decades, who do you think netizens will believe?
Even if Chu Qing tried to explain, people would not believe it.

Even if this matter is clarified, it will have a certain impact on Chu Qingzhao in the end.

A large part of today's netizens advocate the theory that the victim is guilty, which is the so-called slap on the face.

(End of this chapter)

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