Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 194 Promotion Movie

Chapter 194 Promotion Movie
When the photographers in the studio heard that Chu Qing wanted to find an actor, many of them contacted their alumni one after another. Although they graduated, they still have juniors!
After the 10,000+ bonus that Chu Qing gave out last time, they also felt that Chu Qing was indeed a good boss, and they had to take care of their own family if they had such a 'good opportunity'.

In just a few days, someone from the studio came for an interview.

Chu Qing became the interviewer, screening actors one by one.

Just after picking out a suitable actor and signing the contract that day, Chu Qing's phone rang.

When he picked up the phone, he saw that it was actually Zhang Sanli calling.

"Hello, teacher?"

"Xiao Chu, the editing of the movie has been completed, we have to present a variety show promotional movie in these two days, you can come too"

Chu Qing was a little dazed when he heard the words. When will red movies need to be promoted?
It was only then that Chu Qing realized that strictly speaking, this was not a red movie, because the investor of this movie was Wu Xin, the kind of personal investment!
It is understandable for people to spend money to make movies for box office publicity.

Chu Qing immediately nodded and said, "Okay, teacher, what time and where is it?"

"NO.20, Hunan Province, Mango Terrace"

"Hey, okay, I'm ready now"

After Chu Qing chatted with Zhang Sanli for a few more words, he hung up the phone. He knew that Zhang Sanli was trying to flatter him.

Otherwise, why should he be a male third to promote with the crew?To put it bluntly, what kind of onion is he? Among the many audiences who watched the movie, how many of them bought tickets because of him?
A few days later, the selection of actors was almost done. Chu Qing signed contracts with them one by one, and then signed a non-disclosure agreement, and found a teacher to train these actors.

Their respective scripts were also sent out, but these scripts were not complete, more like a more complicated biography of the characters.

After finishing all this work, Chu Qing, Song Dawei and Duan Peng went straight to Hunan Province.

Zhang Sanli had already arranged the car and itinerary for them, and the group boarded the car after getting off the plane, and lived in the hotel directly.

That night, Zhang Sanli, Wu Xin, and Liu Dalong even took him to a drinking party.

The people at the bar are all insiders who are rarely seen on TV, but whose names can always be heard!

They also knew Chu Qing's identity, after all, Zhang Sanli's appointment to Chu Qing was a hot search a while ago!

Chu Qing also used her high EQ, and quickly got along with these people, Zhang Sanli was very satisfied with this.

While drinking, Chu Qing didn't give in, and was very happy to be coaxed by the others.

But Chu Qing suddenly felt a sense of trance, his sister, she seemed to be like this often in her last life!Why is it still like this after being reborn?

The next morning, everyone came to Hunan Provincial TV Station. This time, because of Zhang Sanli, Chu Qing got an independent dressing room, as well as professional makeup artists and photographers, which really made him feel that he was so talented. Kind of like a star.

It was only at this time that he realized that what they were going to record today was actually Mango's trump card program, "Family Headquarters".

Among them was Mr. He who had worked with Chu Qing. When Chu Qing was putting on makeup, Mr. He even came to see Chu Qing in person.

Soon it was time for the official recording of the program. After the two parties appeared on the stage, they began to record the program.

There are many audiences below, and they are really enthusiastic!

Regardless of whether the guests knew each other or not, they were very enthusiastic, making Chu Qing even wonder if they were hired.

Chu Qing was very restrained in this program, she rarely spoke during the whole process, and she was smiling most of the time, so gentle and messy.

It's not that he doesn't want to steal the spotlight, it's mainly because these few people in the crew are seniors, it's better for him to talk less when he's with them.

After all, who is next to the adults? If there is a nagging brat, who would like it?

But fortunately, both Zhang Sanli and Mr. He had a good impression of Chu Qing, and they wanted him to express himself, so they often brought the topic to him and tried to give him some shots.

Seeing this, the other hosts also intended to please Zhang Sanli, and they would give Chu Qing some opportunities to perform.

For example, this time, the hostess, Sister Na, was crazy alone. After finishing the game this time, Chu Qing lost, so she walked up to Chu Qing and said carelessly.

"If you lose, you have to show your talent!"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile and said, "Sister Na wants to see God."

Sister Na smiled and rubbed her chin, she looked like a flower picker, making the audience laugh non-stop.

"I heard that you write songs very quickly. So, can you write a paragraph on the spot?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing nodded and said, "It's okay to write on the spot, but if there are no musical instruments, the effect will be worse."

Sister Na smiled and clapped her hands, and a few staff members in black suits came up from the background.

They held guitars, basses, flutes, etc. in their hands, and it looked like they had been prepared a long time ago.

Seeing that Chu Qing was a little surprised, Sister Na proudly said: "As soon as I heard that you are coming, I have already prepared the musical instruments and so on! Come on!"

Chu Qing was not too polite, took the guitar from the staff and carried it on his back, and after simply adjusting the tone twice, he said with a smile.

"What type does Sister Na want?"

Sister Na didn't speak, and Xiao Wu jumped out first: "It's about love, it's about love!"

Brother Jia, who was standing next to her, smiled and bumped her shoulder and said, "The subject of love is too simple. Did you take care of him on purpose? Tell me honestly, don't you fall in love with him?"

Hearing the words, the audience in the audience immediately booed.

Xiao Wu also pretended to be shy when he saw this, but it was really not a fake, and Chu Qing was a little confused, because he discovered more than once that the hostess looked at him strangely, as if Back then, Dong Manli saw herself the same way!
Sister Na also laughed loudly: "That's right, love is not good, who doesn't know that he was born in singing love songs, so, you write a song for me! A few simple sentences are fine."

Chu Qing thought about it in her mind, smiled lightly and began to play the guitar. At the same time, a voice like the sound of heaven slowly sounded.

"There is a girl, she is a little willful, and she is a little arrogant"

"There was a girl, she was a little rebellious, and she was a little crazy"

"Ha! That girl, it's that girl!"

"Ha~ You are this girl!"

The hosts all fell silent. They swore that they had never greeted Chu Qing before, but they never expected that Chu Qing could really write such a song in front of everyone!
And the lyrics are obviously written for Sister Na!

Especially Sister Na, the exaggerated smile on her face has disappeared, and she is a little confused now.

Xiao Wu is full of little stars
 Recommend Li Ronghao's version, students who haven't heard it can listen to it


(End of this chapter)

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