Chapter 195 Sponsorship

"Laughing and laughing all day, seeing the wind makes waves"

"I also used to get into big and small disasters together in a daze"

"I used to dare to love and hate in mountains and rivers"

Chu Qing's expression is still gentle, the voice given by the patriarch does not need to be tuned at all, any song can be sung with a natural sound!
The audience in the audience were a little stunned. After Chu Qingyou sang it twice in a row, he ended it with a vibrato.

It took two or three seconds for him to finish singing before Sister Na and the others reacted.

Teacher He stepped forward and said to the audience: "Is this song really good?"




The audience cheered in unison, and Mr. He said with an exaggerated expression of surprise.

"Everyone in the audience, I swear, this section is definitely not what we arranged in advance, this song is really written by Chu Qing on the spot"

Teacher He turned to look at Chu Qing and said, "You are really a born singer!"

Chu Qing smiled politely and said a few words modestly.

Sister Na also rarely said with a serious expression: "This song is really great, have you thought about the title?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "No, since it's for you, you can name it"

Sister Na thought for a while and said, "Just call, how about Sister Na, the most beautiful in the universe?"

Everyone on the stage had black lines on their faces, and thought to themselves, how could this be serious for less than three seconds, and then they are playing tricks again!

Xiao Wu ran up to Chu Qing and said, "You sing really well. I hope you can sing a song for me if I have the chance."

Brother Jia teased again, imitating Xiao Wu's tone and saying: "You sing really well, I hope you can sing me a song too."

Both the audience and the host laughed, even the guests couldn't help laughing.

Then they continued to make games, and then promoted the movie. The release time of the movie was set on October [-]st!

Chu Qing hadn't expected that the release time would be so fast. She thought the editing and review would be slow, but she didn't expect it to pass in a month.

After waiting for the recording of the program to be completed, Mr. He treated guests to dinner again, which is also a tradition in many programs.

After the recording of the program is completed, the guests will be invited to eat together to maintain the relationship.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with celebrity status. There are many programs that only invite big celebrities, and small artists don't even think about it.

With Teacher He present, the atmosphere at the table was particularly harmonious.

He always has endless topics to talk about, and they happen to be of interest to the audience.

And his current status has a lot to do with his character. He is one of the few seniors in the circle who likes to support newcomers.

And he's not the kind of person who just pays off with words, but the kind of person who will really think of you when given the right opportunity!

It was also because of this that when those newcomers grew up later, they couldn't forget his kindness, and over time they became his contacts.

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he has helped countless juniors intermittently, which also makes his network extremely wide.

At the dinner table, Zhang Sanli mentioned Chu Qing intentionally or unintentionally, hoping that Teacher He would take care of him in the future.

Teacher He patted his chest and agreed, saying that even if Zhang Sanli didn't speak, he would never forget Chu Qing if he had the chance!
It is said that he has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he has never seen a few young people like Chu Qing who are capable and not arrogant. His future is definitely not bad!
Chu Qing naturally thanked again and again, but she was thinking in her heart, this movie is about to be released, and the main task of scoring for her character is still not completed?

Could it be that the mission failed?But it's not right, if the mission fails, doesn't the system even give me a reminder?
After the banquet was over, they exchanged private numbers as usual. After waiting for the show to end, Chu Qing sent Zhang Sanli back to the hotel. Zhang Sanli said softly, "I have already asked about the Golden Bird Award. You have a great chance of winning!"

Chu Qing's heart skipped a beat, and she smiled at Zhang Sanli, saying nothing!
After recording the variety show, Chu Qing returned to her studio again and began directing the photography.

Start shooting right away!
He couldn't find a candidate for the director, so in the end he decided to go into battle himself!
Anyway, directors can be streamlined now, too many actors have become directors themselves in the later stage, they can do it, why can't Chu Qing?
However, when he waited for the actual filming, he found that he was really almost meaningless.
Fortunately, when he was filming, he also learned something in the crew, and after seeing the finished product of the previous life, he knew what effect should be filmed.

It's like asking you to do a problem, you already know the answer in advance, you just need to perfect the process of solving the problem.

The main thing is that they are in no hurry!
There is plenty of time to film slowly, and web dramas are not as demanding as movies. It is still an urban comedy, and the atmosphere of the crew is very relaxed during filming.

During the filming process, Chu Qing was also observing these actors, trying to find two more amazing seedlings among them, but he found that he was thinking too much. These actors really have no experience!
The reason for filming this kind of urban comedy is that they are all about the same age, and when Chu Qing chooses actors, he also looks for actors who match the characters in the play.

They almost acted in their true colors, otherwise it would not be so natural.

On this side they worked hard to shoot, on the other side, Song Dawei had already contacted for sponsorship.

After all, the investment in filming a web drama by myself is a bit big, so if I can get sponsorship, I can't let it go.

As a result, Song Dawei actually invested 1000 million yuan in him!The investor is Yiyi Milk!
This made Chu Qing very surprised, thinking that this Yiyi milk is really rich and powerful!

She filmed an online drama by herself, but the other party dared to invest 1000 million!You must know that his original budgeted investment was only 1000 million!The total investment of "Love Apartment 1" in the previous life was only 500 million!

This is equivalent to Yiyi Milk paying for herself to make an online drama. With such a good opportunity, how could Chu Qing miss it?

With endorsement investment, Chu Qing has no burden to shoot.

On the other side, Song Dawei actively contacted the website. After all, if a web drama is filmed, you have to sell it!

Whether it's a buyout or share, you have to make a move!

The days passed day by day like this, and in the blink of an eye, time came to October [-]st, and "Let's Listen to the Dragon" was officially released!
There were posters of "Let's Listen to the Dragon Sing" outside the major movie theaters. To Chu Qing's surprise, the crew even made a special poster for Chu Qing!

On the poster, Chu Qing is wearing a dark blue Chinese tunic suit, with a warm and sunny smile on his face, even if his skin is damaged by the desert wind and sand, it will not be erased at all.

Chu Qing also bought a movie ticket. Wearing sunglasses, a mask and a peaked cap, he silently went to the cinema to watch this movie. This is the movie with the highest investment he has ever acted in. Although it is not the protagonist, he must watch it!
(End of this chapter)

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