Chapter 196 Title!

After the dragon logo flashed, it was the logo of Wu Xin's company, proving that this movie was produced by their company.

After the LOGO flashed, the movie started slowly.

The first shot is a desert, and countless soldiers in yellow uniforms march forward against the wind and sand.

A line of small words appeared under the lens, which stated their mission, to find a nuclear test base in the desert!
Then, the general played by Zhang Sanli appeared on the stage.

Along the way, they experienced all kinds of difficulties and dangers, quicksand, sandstorms, lack of food and water!

But even in this case, they still found a suitable address for experiments, and then the nuclear test base was erected!

At that time, there was no high-tech, and there were no road rollers and excavators. Everything depended on people!

Rely on the warriors to dig with shovels and pickaxes!Rely on the soldiers to smash hard!Such a steel fortress was abruptly built in the desert!
Then, Jin Jie, Chu Qing's follower, entered the arena.

Zhang Sanli is the person in charge of this base, and Jin Jie is the professor who studies nuclear bombs!

But everyone turned their attention to Chu Qing.

Not because of anything else, but mainly because of her good looks!It's not easy to find an actor with such good looks in this kind of red movie.

And Chu Qing has also become a pistachio in the base. When everyone is troubled by calculations, he will take the initiative to play the harmonica for everyone.

When everyone has no time and is busy with work, he will help everyone with logistics.

Later, due to transportation reasons, there was a shortage of food at the base.

Chu Qing gave his food to the woman he loved, and in order not to make her feel guilty, he drank a lot of water himself, pretending to be full.

This scene saw many girls in the audience burst into tears. They kept pinching their boyfriend's soft waist and asked him, if the two of them had no food, would the boy treat her like this.

The boy could only nod while crying, but he had already drawn countless circles for Chu Qing in his heart.

What?You ask why the circle?Because I want to draw a circle and curse him! ! !

The movie continues, the nuclear test research is very successful, and some progress can be made every day.

And Chu Qing, who was in the desert, also established a male-female relationship with a female classmate. The two agreed to wait until the nuclear bomb was researched, and they would get married when they returned to the city.

However, at the last moment, an accident occurred during the test, and the nuclear material leaked!

Zhang Sanli organized everyone to retreat and leave the base!

But Jin Jie couldn't give up the information in the base, because at this point, there were only two final options left. If he failed this time, he would definitely succeed next time!

But if the information here is gone, their nuclear test work will definitely be delayed for a while, but the enemy country will never give them this time!

At the last moment, Jin Jie went against the retreating people, and resolutely chose to turn back!
And Chu Qing understood that the professor was old and didn't have enough strength to turn off the device, so he followed the teacher in the opposite direction!

Seeing Chu Qing following him, the professor burst into tears, but he didn't persuade him.

The audience watching this scene was silent, for fear of missing a little detail!
Jin Jie's eyes are full of drama, and it's hard to know how many actors have been killed by just this one look!
The two successfully turned off the device, and sat aside disengaged. Chu Qing and Jin Jie looked at each other and smiled.

But with a smile, the smile on Jin Jie's face turned into sadness, because Chu Qing, who was sitting opposite him, had already started to bleed from his nose.

They were all irradiated.

The two of them were treated like heroes, and Zhang Sanli immediately ordered someone to send them to the hospital for recuperation.

But Professor Jin Jie refused to leave. Although this experiment failed, he already knew the key points of the experiment, and he wanted to record everything!

Professor Jin Jie was sitting in front of the desk, his front was wet with nosebleeds, but he was still recording his experience this time.

Chu Qing on the other end has been sent to the hospital, and Zhang Sanli specially asked her girlfriend to take care of him.

The two went to the hospital together. After the doctor's examination, they were both desperate. His internal organs were already failing. Let alone the technology at that time, even the current technology was helpless!

The female classmate burst into tears when she found out, but she pretended nothing happened in front of Chu Qing, and didn't even tell him that the teacher had died in the base.

And on this day, the girlfriend wore a red wedding dress and walked to the ward. She wanted to marry Chu Qing under the witness of the doctor and fulfill the promise they had made at the base.

But when she got to the ward, she found that there was no one on the bed, and the luggage was neatly folded. She went to the doctor, but the doctor told her that the patient had been discharged. After verifying his identity, the doctor gave her a letter.

There is only a simple sentence on the letter, 'You are still young, it is not good to be widowed'

The female classmate was wearing a wedding dress, slumped on the ground and crying heartbreakingly.

Waiting for the camera to flicker, Zhang Sanli was standing at the viewing place of the nuclear test, mobilizing!
Beside him were two black and white photos, which belonged to Chu Qing and the professor.

After Zhang Sanli finished speaking, he roared angrily: "Masters! Listen to the dragon chant!"

With a loud bang, the nuclear test was successful!

From this day on, Huaxia's spine can be straightened!

At the end of the movie, Chu Qing was stunned after watching the whole movie. He didn't expect that he could have so many shots. This is not the third male, and it is not too much to say the second male!

That is to say, it’s just a little less than the real male second Jin Jie, and when he was queuing up to go out, he heard the audience discussing him. Obviously, in this movie, the role played by Chu Qing definitely impresses the audience profound!
Chu Qing walked out of the cinema refreshed, he was very satisfied with his performance this time!

At this time, the electronic synthesis sound sounded again in his mind!

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for completing the main task, the system rewards have been sent to the system space! Please check the host carefully!"

Chu Qing was overjoyed, thinking that the system had forgotten about it, now the main task can be regarded as completed!

Chu Qing returned to her sports car, opened the system space directly, and saw a small box in the deepest part of the system space, about the size of a lipstick box.

Chu Qing opened it directly, and the three words 'good actor' appeared in a flash of golden light!
"Dididi, congratulations to the host for winning the unique title [Good Actor]!"

“[Good actor] When the host wears the title, the audience thinks of the host first and defaults to ‘good actor’! The value of acting experience is doubled!”

Chu Qing was extremely pleasantly surprised. Doubling her experience is a trivial matter. The main function is that the first function is too good. When the audience thinks of her, they will default to being a good actor!

What's this?This is word of mouth!


(End of this chapter)

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