Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 198 Best Newcomer Award

Chapter 198 Best Newcomer Award
"The finalist for the best newcomer award is "The Crazy Year"! Li Xiangyou!"

The screen on the big screen changed, and a group of teenagers who had just graduated walked out of the school with smiles on their faces, but there was one person who seemed out of place with them.

Among the academic uniforms, he was the only one wearing a football team jersey and holding a football in his arms.

The camera moved forward to give him a close-up, and his voice slowly sounded in the voice-over.

"Even if everyone thinks football is a spittoon, in my eyes, it is still my holy grail!"

"The best newcomer award is "Wenwan"! He Run!"

The big screen changed again, and in an antique shop, an employee and a customer were winking at each other.

And between the two of them was a reclining chair, on which a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body was lying, fanning the cattail fan every now and then.

After the two exchanged glances, the staff quickly repacked a small box on the shelf.

The guest coughed lightly and said, "Boss, I heard that there is a treasure in your shop!"

"Fighting the Flood is shortlisted for the best newcomer award! Zhao Wei!"

Under the dark sky, the soldiers kept running towards the dam carrying bags of sand. The commander shouted hoarsely, but he still shouted over and over again.

"Pay attention to your feet! Pay attention to your side! Every sandbag we throw down now is a guarantee for the safety of our family!"

"People's soldiers! Serve the people!"

The big screen changed again, this time it was Chu Qing's turn.

"The shortlist for the best newcomer award is "Love Has an Afterlife"! Chu Qing!"

Under the ginkgo tree, Chu Qing looked at Lu Xiaoke gently.

"I used to want to find her and give her happiness, but later I realized that as long as she is happy, what does it matter if I give this happiness?"

Under the tree, Chu Qing was dressed in a black monk's robe. He stopped talking, and his eyes alone could clearly express everything he wanted to express.

"The finalist for the best newcomer award is "The Big Event"! Qian Feng!"

This is the last step of the movie. Generally, five works will be shortlisted for awards.

The screen switched, a black SUV directly knocked over a car!

Immediately, a man in black got out of the car, opened the car, pulled out a man inside, and punched him twice!
"Where's my son!"

"I'm asking you about my son!"

The man in black strikes extremely hard, hitting the other half to death with two punches, and the scene is over here!

The host came up with a smile, and said softly: "Next, please invite our last Best Newcomer Award winner, Ms. Liu Ai, to announce our winner of today's Best Newcomer Award!"

Amidst the sound of music, Liu Ai, wearing a red dress, stepped onto the stage.

She won the Golden Bird Award for Best Newcomer last year with a literary film. She is now a second-tier actress and one of the representatives of the new generation of actresses.

Chu Qing's heartbeat started to speed up, even though he got hints from Zhang Sanli, he was still a little nervous.

After all, being able to win this award is undoubtedly a kind of affirmation for him, especially in terms of net worth, it can rise again!At that time, if you go out to shoot variety shows by yourself, accept endorsements and so on, you can also ask for a high price!
It's not just a prize, it's money!

Liu Ai walked on the stage, took the envelope from the hands of the staff, tore it open and glanced at it, walked to the microphone with a smile on his face and said, "The one who won the best newcomer award this year is!"

At this point, she deliberately paused, and the images of Chu Qing and other five shortlisted people appeared on the big screen.

On the surface, the five of them looked calm and breezy, but in fact, only they knew whether they were nervous or not.

"Let's congratulate "Love Has an Afterlife"! Chu Qing!"

The live music suddenly became intense, Chu Qing stood up with a smile, hugged Song Dawei beside him, then shook hands with several artists around, and then strode onto the stage.

The other four people all smiled and applauded Chu Qing.

But what they think in their hearts, only they know.

Chu Qing's heart almost jumped out, this was the first time he won an award in two lifetimes, how could he not be excited?
Song Dawei was actually even more excited, and even cried in the audience. Chu Qing didn't see this scene, otherwise he would have to make fun of him.

Chu Qing strode onto the stage, smiled and shook hands with Liu Ai before accepting the trophy in his hands.

The trophy of the Golden Bird Award is a big rooster holding its head high, and the best newcomer award is written on the base of the trophy!

Chu Qing's heart beat like a war drum, and he took a deep breath to stabilize his breathing.

After waiting for Liu Ai to leave the stage, Chu Qing, under the signal of the host, stepped up to the microphone, ready to deliver her acceptance speech.

Standing in front of the microphone, watching all the stars and big names in the audience looking at her, and all the cameras filming herself, Chu Qing felt a lot of emotions in an instant, and even had a hazy feeling as if she was dreaming.

It took five or six seconds for him to react.

He smiled at the audience: "I'm sorry, it's my first time to win an award, I'm a little nervous"

There was a good-hearted applause from the audience, Chu Qing waved the trophy lightly twice and said.

"To be honest, I was a little surprised to get this award. I can only say thank you to the audience and the judges for their love. In the future, I will work harder and strive to produce better works for the audience."

"In addition, I would also like to thank my agent, Mr. Song Dawei! Without him, I would not be where I am today."

"Finally, I would like to thank my parents, Dad, Mom, have you seen that those tuition fees were not in vain, your son is promising!"

The audience was full of laughter again, Chu Qing on the stage bowed, and walked down the stage holding the trophy.

It's just a best newcomer award, so don't say a lot of testimonials, so as not to be annoying.

After returning to the audience with the trophy, Chu Qing sat beside Song Dawei.

Looking at Song Dawei's longing eyes, Chu Qing handed him the trophy and said, "Here, have a good time!"

Song Dawei took the trophy with a serious expression as if he was looking at the Holy Grail. He looked up and down several times before he sighed.

Seeing this, Chu Qing asked curiously: "What's the matter? Why are you still sighing?"

Song Dawei pointed to the bottom row of the Best Newcomer Award and whispered: "It would be great if this was the Best Actor."

Chu Qing: "."

The awards ceremony continued, and in the end, as expected, the best picture fell through, but this is also reasonable.

After the award ceremony, Chu Qing and Song Dawei returned to Hai K to continue filming web dramas.

On the other side, the news that Chu Qing had won the Best Newcomer Award had already spread in the evening, and everyone talked one after another. After the list is updated this time, Chu Qing should be able to enter the top three in the third line!
At the same time, many manufacturers also sought out Chu Qing, hoping to cooperate with Chu Qing, and the endorsement fee has obviously increased to a higher level.
(End of this chapter)

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