Chapter 199 New Main Quest

The ice city in late October is already very cold, and the average temperature is below zero.

But this still couldn't stop Chu Jianye's enthusiasm. He bought two good cigarettes, and began to distribute cigarettes when he arrived at the taxi yard in front of the train station.

"Hey, what's the matter, Brother Chu, is this a happy event at home?"

After hearing this, Chu Jianye laughed and said, "Yes, yes, there is a happy event at home."

A driver directly opened the cigarette, lit one himself and laughed, "Why, Xiaoqing is married? When will you prepare?"

Chu Jianye waved his hand and said, "That brat in my family has high eyesight, and ordinary girls don't like it! Hey, we have to wait for the marriage."

The other driver was puzzled, and thought, what kind of happy event is there?

Chu Jianye also knew that these people usually don't care about celebrities, so he smiled and said, "My son just won the Golden Bird Award for Best Newcomer!"


"That's amazing!"

"Hahaha, this is a celebration!"

"How about this, after my brother delivers the car for a few nights, let's find a place to have a good meal!"

Several drivers immediately started booing, but in fact they didn't know what the Golden Bird Award was, and they didn't care.

Chu Jianye also doesn't care, he just hopes that someone can share the happiness with him!
At that moment, Chu Jianye patted his chest and said, "Well, let's go to Dumpling King tonight, and I'll treat you!"

"Got it!"

"Then I have to eat the big family! Hahaha"

Everyone laughed, and after chatting and spanking for a while, Chu Jianye drove away slowly in his big G.

Today's Chu Jianye has long stopped driving a taxi. It's not that he is lazy, but that he is afraid that he will embarrass Chu Qing if he meets some reporter.

But in fact, he didn't know.

Chu Qing never felt ashamed of his father, on the contrary, his father has always been his pride!
After waiting for Chu Jianye's car to drive away, an old driver sighed while smoking a cigarette.

"Look at other people's children, what the hell, when I was young, I couldn't beat a fart with three sticks. Who would have thought that they would become actors and singers now!"

The other person echoed after hearing this: "Who says it's not? Old Chu drove sixteen or seventeen hours a day in order to support his family's little Qingzi to study, and he almost urinated blood in those two years!"

"Oh, isn't that right, aren't his two brothers-in-law quite rich?"

"Having money is worthless, you don't know what kind of character Lao Chu is? You expect him to ask for help?"

"That's right, after so many years, I have never seen Lao Chu owe anyone a favor, and if he owes it, others owe him."

"Hey, Lao Chu is just too strong. But now it's done, his son is promising, the building is bought, and the big G is opened! Envy!"

"What are you envious of? Isn't your son working in water and electricity? It costs more than 7000 yuan a month, sitting in a small office with a small air conditioner blowing, how comfortable it is"

"Hey, my son has been sitting in an office all his life, and he can't keep up with what others earn in a year."

Naturally, Chu Jianye did not hear their conversation.

He drove to Dumpling King, which is also the place where their elder brothers often gather for dinner. Chu Jianye directly reserved a table, then ordered a table of dishes, and after booking the time to eat, he hummed a song and turned on the big G go home.

While humming, he thought, if his son won the award at such a young age, will he be able to win the best actor in two years?

Hey, as expected of my species, hahahaha!
Chu Qing was nervously filming on one side, and on the other side, Song Dawei also contacted a website, which was, the site where "Idol Has an Attitude" was filmed.

This website gives two options, the first is to buy out!50 for a single episode!

The second option is to share all profits, [-]% for kiwifruit, and [-]% for Chu Qing.

After Chu Qing heard the news, he chose the second option without hesitation. After all, he knew the potential of this web drama.

And the kiwi fruit website also likes the second one. After all, this is equivalent to prostitution of a web drama for free, and can get [-]% of the profits for nothing. What could be more beautiful than this?
Song Dawei had no objection to the choice of this plan. After all, the investment alone cost 1000 million, and a total of 1000 episodes were filmed. If it was sold for another [-] million, wouldn't it be a waste of time?
The two parties signed a contract, "Love Apartment 1" will be broadcast exclusively on for one year, and the website will get [-]% of all the profits generated in it!
After signing the contract, both parties laughed, and each felt that they had taken advantage of it!

In fact, Chu Qing was indeed satisfied.

Some people may think that the [-]% share is too little, but in fact, it is because of the popularity of Zhang Sanli and Chu Qing. Twenty or eighty of your points is considered a face for you!

The main income of the website comes from advertising and traffic.

Chu Qing is confident that this web drama will quickly become popular and become a hit!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing began to recall these actors.

There are no good seedlings in this group of actors. There is only one who is not bad, at least with a good attitude, and that is Chen Yao who plays Zeng Xiaoxian.

Chu Qing didn't see any bright spots for the remaining few people. Of course, if they had bright spots, they wouldn't be able to come to such a broken crew like him.

And Chu Qing's plan is to sell them after cultivating them to a certain degree of fame!

Hearing this, some people may think oops, can you still sell people?
Of course, the entertainment industry is actually similar to the sports industry. Stars themselves can change jobs, and companies can of course sell artists.

Especially when the studio has not yet formed a scale, Chu Qing believes that they will definitely be willing to go to those big companies.

And those big companies will also like the traffic on them.

As for Chu Qing, he likes money!
This is like when everyone plays card games, most people will choose to cultivate a valuable card, as for other worthless cards, they will sell them in exchange for resources and then cultivate their own cards.

The reality is the same, this is also the first step to become a capital!
With the concerted efforts of everyone, the filming of the online drama was completed quickly. Although it is our own artist, we still need to pay a certain amount of remuneration.

The actors were very excited after getting their pay, and Chu Qing contacted post-editing and began to edit together. He hoped that this web drama would be broadcast on the website during the Spring Festival, after all, students were on vacation at that time.

And this kind of youth comedy movie is most suitable for students to watch.

Finally, in December, all the preparations for the web drama were completed.

During this period of time, was also helping with publicity, but because it was a small crew, the publicity channels it provided were not many, and they could only be regarded as better than nothing.

And on December [-]th, the day when the online drama was released, Chu Qing suddenly heard the system notification sound again.

"Dididi, the main task is released"

(End of this chapter)

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