Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 200 1st lottery draw

Chapter 200 The first draw

"Dididi, the main mission is released! The mission requires that the host's first filming work "Love Apartment" requires a playback rate of more than one billion within one month!"

"Rewards for mission completion, surprise props!"

Chu Qing was speechless when he heard the system prompt, what the hell, why didn't you give the task when I was filming?When I finish shooting and selling out, you will give the task!

If I knew there was a mission, I would invest more money and find a good website to advertise. You are not pockmarked or called pockmarked, you are cheating!

Chu Qing was really speechless. Fortunately, he has some points after all, and he can buy some props to use at critical moments!
The broadcast rate exceeded one billion within a month. If I waited for "Love Apartment" to become famous, let alone a month, it would be completed in less than a week.

But now this crew that is not well-known at all has not been shown on the TV station. It is really troublesome if it wants to break the one-billion ratings in a month!
Chu Qing silently entered the system space and glanced at his current panel.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 24"

"LV: 011"

"Current points 237895"

"Current experience: 5251/1000000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

With more than 20 points guaranteed, Chu Qing still had some confidence in his heart, he gritted his teeth secretly, what the hell, this task can be completed by smashing points!

And he is also really curious, what is the surprise prop, is it an inflatable doll haha?
On this day, everyone in the studio sat in front of the projector and watched the web drama they filmed together.

Although they are participants, they don't know what the effect of their shooting is. After watching the jokes in the online drama come out one by one, they can't stop laughing.

I didn't think it was so funny when I was shooting it, but looking at it now, it's really funny.

Chu Qing's reaction was not that big, and he focused more on the comparison with the previous life.

First of all, whether it is the picture or the lens, it is much more refined than that of the previous life. After all, the total investment of "Love 1" in the previous life was only 500 million.

And the "Love 1" filmed by Chuqing Studio has a total investment of more than 1000 million, not counting the venue.

This is their better point than the previous life, and the bad point is that with the preconceived "Love 1" in the previous life, Chu Qing feels a little uncomfortable watching the current "Love 1".

Of course, this unaccustomed feeling is only for him, and the others are happy to see it.

Through everyone's reactions, Chu Qing could roughly guess the reaction of other peers after seeing it.

There is absolutely no problem with web dramas, the biggest problem now is how to promote them.

In today's society, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys!

After Chu Qing hesitated for a while, he wondered whether he should give it a try. He now has more than 20 points, and there is still a new function in the system that he has not used before!

When he reached level ten before, the system opened three new functions, [Hall of Fame] [Recognition] [Lucky Draw]!
He has used the first two functions, and the effect is particularly good, but he has never used the last lottery draw because it is too expensive.

But in the current situation, there are no suitable props in the system mall, so he plans to give it a go!

Chu Qing got up and smiled, "Look first, I'll go buy something to drink."

"Boss, let me go"

"That's right, how can a dignified boss do such a thing, I'll go, I'll go"

As soon as Chu Qing finished speaking, the people around him actually wanted to run errands for Chu Qing.

Chu Qing waved his hand and said: "I'll go, I'll go, you guys watch first"

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out. After leaving the studio, Chu Qing silently bought a piece of [Good Deeds Bread] in the system mall, and then opened the lucky halo, ignoring the declining points, but also Fill up your lucky value!
Standing at the door of the studio, Chu Qing was immersed in the [Lucky Draw] function in the system space.

Gritting his teeth, he directly pressed ten consecutive draws!
Immediately, his points were reduced by a full hundred thousand, and at the same time, the big turntable in front of him spun rapidly.

Chu Qing's heartbeat is amazing, since he has the system, this is the first time he has used so many points!

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for obtaining the intermediate [painting] skill!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for obtaining special props, [you come here]!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for growing by 0.1cm!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for gaining three days of life span!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for getting the [Overbearing President Capsule]!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Evil Charm Killer Capsule]!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for getting the [Super Advertising Card]!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for getting [Masculine Charm Perfume]!"

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for obtaining [Big Experience Capsule]!"


The system prompt of Datong sounded, and Chu Qing's breathing gradually became rapid.

He never believed that any good things could be drawn out of the lottery before, but now he just wants to say, it's so delicious!

Especially that .0.1CM.

Chu Qing suppressed his excitement, walked to the corner and bought more than a dozen bottles of drinks to take back to the studio, everyone has a share.

After distributing the water, Chu Qing returned to his office and began to check the harvest of the ten consecutive draws.

First is 【Painting】LV10!Needless to say, the skills produced by the system have always been simple and crude. As soon as Chu Qing used them, she had a lot of knowledge about painting in her mind.

After digesting the knowledge of painting, Chu Qing looked at other props.

[Come here] Special props, after use, you can invite an artist whose name you know to join the crew. The joining time varies according to the fame!
[Overbearing President Capsule] Consumable items!After using it, you can get the temperament of a domineering president!

[Evil Charm Killer Capsule] Consumable items!After using it, you can get the evil spirit killer temperament!
[Masculine Charm Perfume] Consumable items!After use, it can greatly enhance the male charm of the hero, especially for women!
[Super Advertising Card] Consumable items!After use, the host can designate a work to increase popularity and become a super advertisement!
[Big Experience Capsule] Consumable props!Significantly increase the random skill level of the host!
This is the result of Chu Qing's ten consecutive draws. The system gave a total of eleven props, among which the increase of 0.1 cm and experience capsules were repeated, and the life span was increased by three days.

Generally speaking, Chu Qing is quite satisfied with this, especially the 【Super Advertising Card】!
These are the props he wanted. Now it seems that the lucky halo and the good thing bread were not in vain. After increasing the luck value, he really got what he wanted.

Chu Qing used all the capsules directly, then looked at the two duplicates with a 0.1cm increase and smiled, humming softly in her mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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