Chapter 202 Fire!

Yanjing, a middle school
"Doudou, did you watch Kiwi's online drama called "Love Apartment" yesterday?"

"Looked at it, hahaha, the joke about the tractor trying to overtake another car, and the joke about swiping the credit card with Zhanbo's butt made me laugh so hard."

"Yeah, yeah, I fell in love with it when I saw it"

As soon as the two little girls arrived in the classroom, they started chattering and discussing.

The student party like them actually has a lot of pressure to go to school. During the rare break time, they will watch some movies or online drama variety shows.

And they fell in love with "Love Apartment" yesterday. First of all, it is a unit drama, and the time is relatively short. You don't need to care about the previous plot, just watching it can make you laugh.

The second is that this is an uncompressed web drama, which can be watched by young and old, and has a wide audience.

Of course, the most important thing is young audiences. Older audiences may feel a little naive when they watch this web drama.

A female classmate heard the discussion between the two of them, and she came over and said with a smile: "You two also watch "Love Apartment"!"

"Yes, yes, I still have a membership to see it."

"I use my brother's membership"

The girl laughed and said, "Do you two know who the director of "Love Apartment" is?"

The two girls were startled when they heard the words, looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

How many people who watch online dramas care who the director is?
Seeing the faces of the two looking at the moon, the girl took out her mobile phone, found the director of "Love Apartment" on the search engine, and handed it to the two.

The two took a look at the phone and exclaimed in surprise.

"Chu Qing!"


Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, the girl triumphantly took back her mobile phone and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that! I have been paying attention to Chu Qing for a long time. Before that, he said on the Internet that he was going to shoot a web drama. He watched "Love Apartment" yesterday. ", I noticed that this web drama is produced by 'That's a big studio'"

"So I didn't leave during the subtitles for the actors in the later stage, and I found out that the director column is actually Chu Qing!"

When the girl said this, she clasped her hands together and said, "You said that my family, Chu Qing, is so powerful. He is good at acting, singing well, and he can even be a director. He is simply omnipotent!"

Two little girls heard this, and one of them said the same: "You are also Chu Qing's fan."

The little girl who spoke before raised her chest and said: "Of course, I was his fan when he was live streaming on Shaking Hands before. At that time, I knew he would be popular! When he went to participate in "Idol Has an Attitude" , I vote for him every day, looking at it now, my hard work has paid off, he has become a big star."

"Yeah, I like Chu Qing too~"

"Is it true?"

"Of course, I'm still in Chu Qing's fan group."

"Yeah, me too~"

"Love Apartment" became popular, and it spread like a virus!

The momentum couldn't be stopped at all, the people on laughed like crazy, and they could still get [-]% of the profits from a web drama for free, just thinking about it makes me laugh out loud!

Immediately, they began to increase the publicity in large quantities. No matter what movie they watched, they could see the advertisement of "Love Apartment".

Even if you sign up as a member, you can skip the advertisement, and he will pop up a message of ', carefully recommended by members'!
Anyway, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, no matter what you are, you can see the advertisement of "Love Apartment"!

On the other side, netizens and viewers who have watched "Love Apartment" have also become fans of this web drama, spreading word of mouth how good this web drama is.

There are many people who are popular, and so are dramas.

After all, it's hard to say, money is not everyone's favorite, let alone web dramas?
A group of people began to appear on the Internet, specifically to blackmail "Love Apartment".

They have never seen it, but they are ignorant, and the reason is very simple, they simply want to find a sense of existence.

What they like most is the kind of pleasure that all of you don't understand, but I understand, that is, the so-called everyone is drunk and I am sober!
As long as someone pays attention to them, they will bite like mad dogs.

If you can say it, you can say it, if you can't say it, you can hob it, with a look that I am invincible through the network cable; with the keyboard in hand, you can travel across China and China!
If you say you don't like "Love Apartment", Chu Qing can understand it, just like some people like to watch romance movies and some people like to watch horror movies.

Everyone has their own favorite taste, if you don't like watching it, you can walk away silently.

But there are always some people who think that Lao Tzu is the center of this world, and I have the right to criticize everything in this world!
Of course, it must be across the screen, otherwise I will not criticize.

Chu Qing has nothing to do with this kind of person
Chu Qing's mother taught him to be kind since he was a child, and it was only when Chu Qing grew up that he realized that not everyone has a mother.

But in any case, "Love Apartment" still has more positive reviews than negative reviews.

Online dramas are also becoming more and more popular. With the broadcast of "Love Apartment", Kiwifruit even launched a show operation, which is to buy the whole movie!

Now this web drama can watch two episodes a week without membership, and two more episodes with membership.

And now that has withdrawn from the show operation, viewers who can’t wait can choose to pay and buy and watch each episode at a price of [-] yuan!You can always see the finale!

Chu Qing was still thinking at first, how could someone do such a thing?Anyway, wait a few days, you can always see free ones.

But later Chu Qing discovered that he really didn't understand rich people!And there are too many people who are not short of money!

It was also because these people bought in droves that Kiwifruit saw the value of "Love Apartment"!Immediately, they sent someone to find Song Dawei, and wanted to discuss cooperation with Chu Qing.

They have two ideas, the first idea is to extend the one-year exclusive broadcast time to three years!
Of course, the extension is not in vain. is willing to give the studio another 1000 million as usage fees on top of the original one!

The second idea is that wants to invest and shoot "Love Apartment 2" directly!
They are willing to pay 2000 million yuan for filming, but the condition is that advertising sponsorship must be handed over to them. Of course, half of the profits will be given to the studio.

Chu Qing refused without thinking about it, what are you kidding?
Isn't this flatbread delicious by itself?Why should I eat with you?

But because people are still advertising for "Love Apartment", Chu Qing didn't say too much. Chu Qing is not very good at this kind of scene talk!

As for whether will wear small shoes for "Love Apartment", it is even more impossible.

After all, has [-]% of the profit, who would be against money?
(End of this chapter)

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