Chapter 203 Surprise Props
The actors who filmed "Love Apartment" also quickly noticed the difference. The simplest example is that they can already be recognized when they go out now!

For example, Chen Yao was recognized by the owner of the supermarket when he went to the supermarket to buy cigarettes.

"Aren't you Zeng Xiaoxian? A good man is you, and you are Zeng Xiaoxian!"

Although Chen Yao also knew that "Love Apartment" was popular, he still didn't care, or he didn't expect that he would be recognized one day.

At the moment, he nodded embarrassedly and said: "Yes, it is me, thank you for your support"

"Oh, Zeng Xiaoxian, I like your acting so much! Now, I'm treating you to this pack of cigarettes, can you take a photo with me?"

"It's okay to take a group photo, but you still have to give money"

Chen Yao is very smart and knows what to do and what not to do.

If he didn't pay for cigarettes today, maybe paparazzi will post the matter on the Internet tomorrow, and then make a headline.

#新星陈耀, actually did such an unconscionable thing in the supermarket! #
Don't think this is impossible, on the contrary, there are actually many such things!The media only cares about interests, not facts. There are many people who were knocked down by this kind of thing back then. After all, not everyone has a backer.

After Chen Yao bought cigarettes and took a photo with the supermarket owner, he walked a little shaky. This feeling of being recognized was the first time he experienced it in his life, and he was really not used to it.

Several other actors also responded similarly, and they were all recognized by some people and took pictures to sign. At this time, everyone's performance was different.

Some are happy, some are worried.

Some are frivolous, some are meditative.

Chu Qing didn't interfere with this. Life is different, everyone has their own way of life, and he can't let everyone live according to the life he thinks is right.

For example, people often say, are young people not arrogant?
Chu Qing felt that there was a problem with this sentence, but he would not object, because no one could require the other party to have the same three views as himself!

And on New Year's Day, Chu Qing's mind recalled the system's notification sound again. Under the show operation of's pay-to-watch full drama, Chu Qing's main task was completed ahead of schedule.

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for completing the main task, and the task rewards are being distributed!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the surprise item, please check it in time!"

Chu Qing was a little surprised when he heard the system prompt, and hurriedly opened the system space, only to find a small sky blue box appeared in the system space.

The pattern on it is gaudy, and just looking at it makes people feel a little dizzy.

Chu Qing directly took out the gift, opened it, and saw a small fruit in the box, which actually had a human shape.

Chu Qing picked it up and took a look, and saw that the fruit was exactly the same as her own!
[Learning Fruit] After use, the learning ability of the host can be greatly increased!

There is only such a simple introduction on this prop.

Chu Qing thought to herself, can this crap be considered a surprise item?Increase learning ability?I have already graduated from university, what else do I need to study?

Thinking so, Chu Qing still ate the fruit, and then didn't feel any other feelings.

The only feeling is that the taste of this fruit is not very delicious, a bit like avocado!

But it didn't take long for Chu Qing to discover the NB of this fruit!

When Chu Qing reads books, news, etc., she can keep most of them in her mind and analyze the reasoning behind them!
Only then did Chu Qing understand why this fruit was called a surprise gift!

This learning ability is really awesome!
As a few people became popular, endorsement advertisements and manufacturers also came up one after another.

Because Song Dawei is the only agent in the studio now, all the affairs are managed by him.

For those endorsements, Song Dawei also told them the details clearly.

What benefits and influence will the endorsement bring to them, and if the artist still chooses to endorse, Song Dawei will contact them for them.

And the studio will take half of all proceeds!
This price is already very conscientious in the industry. Generally, for newcomers like them, it is pretty good to get one or two achievements in endorsement fees.

If you want to get the third or fourth floor, you have to wait until the contract is changed.

As for [-]%, that's generally a treatment that only big coffees can enjoy.

Of course, if, like Chu Qing, he acts as the boss' endorsement, then the endorsement fee will be all his own.

Some people may think, oops, why is the studio so dark, taking half of their income, but it is not the case.

If there is no studio, they can't even get half of it.

With the network of their newcomers, they can get one or two endorsements, but with the studio as a channel, they can receive five or six endorsements, so strictly speaking, they can earn more money .

Of course, Chu Qing made even more money, not losing money at all!

In fact, the endorsements of these newcomers are not very good. They are all endorsements of some small foods, or some APP endorsements. It seems that there are no endorsements for larger ones.

Even if Chu Qing finds Chu Qing actively for this kind of endorsement, Chu Qing will not accept it, which involves coercion.

But Chu Qing also understands that these newcomers are ordinary people after all. Now that they are a little famous, their first thought is of course to turn their fame into money.

Time passed leisurely, and in a blink of an eye, another Spring Festival came.

Chu Qing really felt that the time passed too fast!
This Spring Festival is different from the previous ones, this time Chu Qing brought her family to Hai K!Including grandma, grandfather, and the family of the uncle's family, the family of the second uncle's family took over.

This is also Chu Jianye's suggestion. My father said, grandpa and the others have worked hard all their lives, and now that the younger generation is capable, why don't they take the old man out for a trip and eat something good?
But he is so careful, thinking that Chuqing still doesn't know that his father is a character who likes to show off, and this time he came here to show off his son's villa, luxury car, and company.

Not only is Chu Qing not disgusted by this, but he feels very comfortable. If he can be shown off as a pride by his father, doesn't that prove that he is a very successful son?

On this day, Chu Qing and Duan Peng drove to the airport early in the morning.

Chu Qing naturally drove his own sports car, while Duan Peng drove his business. This time, Duan Peng's parents also came to Hai K to play together.

For Duan Peng's parents, Chu Qing has always regarded her as her own uncle. When she was young, she often went to Duan Peng's house to play, eating and sleeping together were long things.

So even though Chu Qing has the ability now, he has never forgotten his brother.

Because Chu Qing knew that if he got into a fight with someone one day, he would be the only one who would help him without asking anything.

(End of this chapter)

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