Chapter 207 Cooperation
Chu Qing and Liu Jian chatted with a smile, and walked upstairs together slowly.

Feng Fan from Kiwi Fruit watched the two go upstairs, then decisively walked out the door alone, picked up the phone and called the leader.

"Hello? Are you here?"

"Well, I just arrived at their studio, director, this time it's a bit difficult"

"what happened?"

"People from,, and are all here!"

After two seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, he answered silently.

"Our reserve price is 250 million an episode! We cannot accept more than this price"


"Wait! 300 million! 300 million episodes!"


Feng Fan hung up the phone, somewhat confident in his heart, the price of 300 million is definitely a sky-high price in an online drama, right?Not to mention they are one of the biggest in the industry!

After waiting for more than half an hour, it was finally his turn.

When he followed Chu Qing to the office, he realized that there was actually another person in the office. He recalled the information he had read before and confirmed the identity of this person. It was Chu Qing's manager, Song Dawei.

Chu Qing poured Feng Fan a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Mr. Feng, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm really busy these days, so I still have time to spare. I'm filming now. I I can't find a reliable director, no, I can only go into battle myself!"

"Where there is, Mr. Chu is really versatile, he can even be a director"

After several people exchanged pleasantries, Feng Fan got straight to the point.

"Mr. Chu, we are here this time, hoping to continue to cooperate with you. You also know that "Love Apartment" has a good effect on our Kiwifruit website, and most of the audience is also on our Kiwifruit website. I believe that the second If the Ministry also cooperates with us, we will definitely create greater glories!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

Feng Fan's heart tightened when he heard this, what's the matter?Could it be that Chu Qing has reached cooperation with other platforms?

Thinking of this, his heart beat faster, and the hand holding the teacup tightened.

Chu Qing explained with a smile: "That's right, we plan to cooperate with the TV station this time."

Feng Fan laughed after hearing this: "Mr. Chu, with all due respect, the TV station has declined now, and the audience is too small. Nowadays, young people are holding mobile phones, computers and tablets. How many of them still watch TV? And the TV station belongs to the government after all, you know the price they give.”

Chu Qing was still smiling all over his face, he understood, of course he understood!
But although the TV has fallen, the former big brother is not powerless to fight!

Especially for those David TVs, the ability of publicity is simply not comparable to that of the website. This point, the website will definitely not be able to surpass it within a few years.

But Chu Qing refused the website if she didn't intend to show it on TV. Children only make choices, and adults want them all!

Song Dawei interjected decisively: "Chu Qing, I think what Mr. Feng said makes sense. Didn't the people on say the same thing before? These years, the Internet obviously has more traffic than TV. Who would have trouble with money?"

Chu Qing frowned tightly, and said with a difficult look: "No one can stand without faith!"

Feng Fan's heart skipped a beat. Judging from the meaning of Chu Qing's words, could it be that Chu Qing had already made a promise to someone else?
Immediately, he couldn't help persuading him again: "Mr. Chu, everyone filming is to be famous and earn money, who can make trouble with money? Let me tell you the truth, web dramas are not very popular on TV stations, and the price they give is unlikely to be too high." High, it would be nice to be able to give 20 per episode.”

Chu Qing still frowned tightly, looking as if he was deeply involved.

Seeing this, Song Dawei sighed, looked at Feng Fan and said, "Mr. Feng, how about this, you go back and ask your website if you can accept the TV premiere, and then you rebroadcast it. If you can accept it, let's talk again."

Feng Fan also frowned when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Can we premiere the show and the TV station rerun it?"

Song Dawei picked Chu Qing who was still frowning with his chin, and motioned Feng Fan to look.

Feng Fan looked at Chu Qing with a sad face, as if he understood something, he got up and said, "Okay, I will contact our leader now!"

Song Dawei also got up and smiled, "Mr. Feng, I'm sorry, this time I might have made you a waste of time."

After speaking, Song Dawei took the initiative to send Feng Fan out of the office, and personally delivered him to the door.

And just after the two walked out of the office, Chu Qing returned to smiling. The previous frown was just a cooperation between him and Song Dawei.

Not long after, Song Dawei returned to the office, took out a cigarette case in his pocket, and each of them lit a cigarette. Then Song Dawei asked: "Actually, I also think what they said is right. Now that the TV stations are gone, you Why are you still obsessed with the TV station? And to be honest, the price given by the TV station is too low!"

"How many companies have contacted us?" Chu Qing asked after exhaling a puff of smoke.

Song Dawei shrugged and said: "There are four companies contacting us now, first is Mango Channel, and their price is also the lowest, 15 an episode, then Shanghai Satellite TV, 20 an episode, and Yangcheng Satellite TV is also 20 an episode. TV set, and finally your hometown, Bingcheng Satellite TV, they can give a higher price, 30"

After hearing this, Chu Qing frowned deeply. Bingcheng Satellite TV gave a higher rating, but it couldn't compare with Mango Satellite TV in terms of publicity and audience.

It is even said that CCTV is the only TV station that can compete with Mango TV, and no other TV station except CCTV!

But the price of Mango TV is really too low, 15 an episode, as an online drama with an investment of more than 4000 million, it is like giving it for nothing!
Even the total price is not enough to shoot two episodes, it can be said to be ugly!
But who made people so hot?People just have this capital!

There is a lot of difference between Bingcheng and the two TV stations. Of course, it is worth it in terms of popularity.

The most suitable one is Shanghai Satellite TV, which has good ratings and relatively moderate prices.

Seeing Chu Qing's 'thinking hard', Song Dawei said with emotion: "It's normal for people to offer low prices. After all, it's an online drama. The scale of online dramas these years is a bit too big. They don't let people broadcast all the content. If you bought the copyright and got blocked within two episodes, wouldn’t the TV station have to bear the loss?”

Chu Qing smiled, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Ask Magic City."

"to make"

Song Dawei agreed and started his work.

And a day later, Feng Fan called back again, and Kiwi agreed to Chu Qing's request, and was willing to pay 200 million yuan for one episode!In terms of advertising income and membership income, is also willing to pay half of Chu Qing!
Chu Qing was very satisfied after hearing the request, and immediately signed a contract with the other party, and on the other end, also reached a cooperation with Modu TV Station.

This is also the first time their studio has tried to cooperate with a TV station. It has to be said that Song Dawei has a wide network, otherwise it would not be easy to send programs to the TV station.
(End of this chapter)

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