Chapter 208

This time the online drama was filmed very quickly, also because everyone was proficient, and Chu Qing filmed it based on the finished product of the previous life, so she naturally knew what effect she wanted.

And because of the ability of [Learning Fruit], Chu Qing's learning ability is particularly terrifying. After reading basic directing books and directing scenes for a few days, he unexpectedly comprehended a new skill, [Director] LV1!

In late March, this 2-episode web drama was officially completed, and Chu Qing went to edit it in person, and finally successfully edited "Love Apartment [-]" in early April.

Two months and more than one day before and after, the speed of filming is amazing! is negotiating the release time with Modu TV. According to the contract, Modu Satellite TV can broadcast two episodes of "Love Apartment 2" a day, which means it can be broadcast for ten days in total.

And Kiwi can only start rebroadcasting the second day after the broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV.

The copyrights of both parties are for one year. Although is a bit upset, there is no good way. Whoever makes the higher-ups count on "Love Apartment 2" to attract traffic?

After Chu Qing finished filming the web drama, she also decided to rest for two days.

He has used a lot of brains during this period, because many stalks in the parallel world are different, so he has to modify it, and he also added the roles of Zhan Bo and Wan Yu in the second season, which is really tiring.

But there are always people who don't want him to rest, because the job-hoppers are here again!
Among the seven important roles in "Love Apartment 1", Wan Yu has already quit, and among the remaining six, five of them plan to quit, let's be realistic.

This is also normal. After a person has some fame, he naturally does not want to continue to be exploited by the company.

To Chu Qing's surprise, these people's job-hopping targets were all 【Chinese Media】!
This made Chu Qing a little confused, and couldn't figure out what [Chinese Media] was trying to do. Are they planning to collect these actors and then summon the dragon?

Or are they planning to use these actors to copy "Love Apartment" without changing the medicine?
Chu Qing felt that the second idea was more reliable. After all, as long as the original cast was still there and the plot was similar, the audience would still accept it.

Chu Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the other party is really generous!You know, the price of poaching a person is 4000 to [-] million, and here, there are a total of six people, more than two billion people, it seems that they don't care at all!

That's right, among these little fresh meats, as long as one becomes popular, the harvest will be more than two or three hundred million.

Chu Qing had a sense of urgency, but people must be sold!Since the other party wanted it, Chu Qing simply gave a package price of 5000 million!An average of 3000 million ones.

They [Chinese Media] had so much money and wealth that they agreed without hesitation, but this time, they made another request, that is, they couldn't accept the artist giving Chu Qing another two seasons for free!
And on this point, Chu Qing also insisted on it, and finally the two sides negotiated for a long time before reaching an agreement.

The five actors want to help Chu Qing film "Love Apartment" for free, and they want to start filming immediately!

Just like that, Chu Qing just sold "Love Apartment 2" and started filming "Love Apartment 3" before it was broadcast!

On this day, Chu Qing unexpectedly received a call from someone.

The drunk person on the other end of the phone, Chu Qing listened for a long time before realizing who the other party was. It was the director Chu Qing worked with for the first time, Han Jie!
Han Jie said in a confused voice, "Boss Chu, does the company still need people?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing joked, "What's the situation? Another student recommended it to me?"

"No, it's me, do you want it?"

Chu Qing was taken aback when he heard that, Han Jie was a proud person, so Chu Qing didn't invite him to join his studio at the beginning, because he knew it was impossible.

But what happened today?He actually called himself, wanted to join the studio, and was drunk?
"Do you want?"

The other end of the phone repeated the sentence again, and Chu Qing asked softly.

"Is something wrong? Need help?"

Many friends have many paths, this principle has never changed. When a person is in trouble, if it is convenient for you, give him a hand. Whether he can remember is his business, but as long as he can remember, you are better than others. Invest in blood!
After a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, Han Jie's drunken voice sounded again.

"No big deal, just a little disheartened, I want to find a place to hide and heal my wounds"

After hearing this, Chu Qing sighed in his heart. He couldn't figure out what made Han Jie hit like this, but he was also hit in the last life, and he never recovered, so he understood this feeling.

"Come to work tomorrow, just come to the studio directly, you don't need to bring anything, I will prepare it for you!"


The other end of the phone hung up, Chu Qing was not talking nonsense, but followed Song Dawei to choose an endorser.

It's a bit funny to say, people didn't even see the effect of the second season's commercials, yet Chu Qing actually started preparing for the third season's commercials!

This time, Yiyi Milk directly threw out another 2000 million!Song Dawei found a few more endorsement businessmen, barely raising enough investment of 5000 million yuan!
If other people are looking for endorsements, they have to be big brands!
Song Dawei is looking for an endorsement, and it is a pleasure to give money!

And Han Jie also came the next day, simply pulling a suitcase in his hand.

Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense after seeing the other party, and asked Song Dawei to take him to sign the contract, with a monthly salary of [-], plus commission.

This price is the price of cabbage, the real price of cabbage, but in this contract, there is no time limit and no liquidated damages!

That is to say, if Han Jie wants to leave one day, he can leave as soon as he raises his ass, and he can kill the pick if he says he can!
This contract gave him great respect!
And the reason why he gave a low basic salary of 1 yuan was because Chu Qing didn't want Han Jie to feel that he was pitying him or something. By yourself, use your own ability to eat.

After everything was ready, Chu Qing directly gave the script to Han Jie, and then asked him to watch the first two seasons of "Love Apartment"!Afterwards, Chu Qing became the hands-off shopkeeper. Since there is a ready-made director by her side, why not use it?
And Chu Qing also used the recognition skill to see Han Jie, Han Jie's directing ability is as high as level 15!I don't know how much better than a director of my level!
And in the hearts and minds of the audience, on April 2th, "Love Apartment [-]" was first broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV.

It's still a familiar recipe, and it's still a familiar taste!Let the fans of "Love Apartment 1" instantly find the feeling they used to have, and look extraordinarily comfortable.

Shanghai Satellite TV was also happy. They bought "Love Apartment 2" just to test the waters, but unexpectedly brought them a surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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