Chapter 209

When the ratings came out the next day, the TV station solemnly praised the purchasing department!Claiming that this is a successful investment, because the ratings of "Love Apartment 2" are as high as 0.75 this time!

Some viewers may think that 0.75 is also called high?To tell you the truth, 0.75 is really high!And this is still the first broadcast, the first broadcast without any publicity, it can already be seen that breaking the first is certain, and there has been no TV series with the ratings breaking the first in Shanghai for three years!
At 2:[-] noon the next day, "Love Apartment [-]" was released on!
Once it was released, the ratings skyrocketed!After all, "Love Apartment 1" is played here, and this is the base camp of love fans.

In addition, not everyone can stay in front of the TV now. In contrast, it is much more convenient to watch the replay the next day, and there are no advertisements.

The playback rate did not disappoint The playback volume of the two episodes that day reached 2000 million!

The executives of also breathed a sigh of relief, glad that this second work is not a follow-up work, they are not worried about money, but afraid that Chu Qing and the others will ruin such a good IP!

But the most excited, or those advertisers!
At this moment, they deeply felt that there is no wasted money in the world!

With the broadcast of the program, their factory's phone line was almost ringing, and all of them wanted to sign orders, so Yiyi Milk couldn't see too much trouble. After all, they have a big place. It is not enough to make people excited with a little advertising effect.

But no matter what, their investment is blood money!
But the one who earns the most money must be Chu Qing!
In just one year, he spent less than 100 million to train seven newcomers.

Then he raised investment, which is equivalent to Bai P filming a web drama. The first one brought him nearly 3 million in income, and the second season should not be low. Even if the two seasons are added together, it will be [-] million!The buskers are also close to [-] million, which is equivalent to [-] million. There is still one "Love Apartment [-]" that has not been sold!

Chu Qing really likes this kind of business!

What I like more is that these parties don't procrastinate in giving money at all, and there is no situation of debt repayment.

I don't have any money, so I mortgaged my car or house to you. That's what Chu Qing hates the most.

Now he is definitely considered young and rich!


He was learning directing skills from Han Jie that day, when his phone vibrated suddenly, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be Zhang Sanli's call.

Chu Qing hurriedly went out to connect, with a respectful voice.


"Xiaoqing, what have you been up to lately?"

"I'm not busy, I just messed around with the studio and filmed two web dramas"

"Oh, it's like this. An old friend of mine came to me and said that he wanted to shoot a movie and needed a similar male lead. I thought of you. Are you interested?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Chu Qing agreed without even thinking about it, and didn't even ask who the other party was or what the script was, because he knew that Zhang Sanli would not harm him, at least not now!
The way Chu Qing readily agreed made Zhang Sanli laugh out loud.

It feels good to be trusted.

"That's fine, how about this, you come to Yanjing on May [-]st, and we will have an interview then"


Chu Qing readily agreed, chatted with Zhang Sanli for a few more words, and then hung up the phone, thinking in her mind, what kind of movie will be shot this time?

Soon, the new list of actors came out, and Chu Qing's name was impressively at the top of the third line, reaching the first place in the third line!

What Chu Qing didn't expect was that this could actually offend people. A large number of people came to his Weibo and began to scold. With just two sentences, fans started to spray themselves mindlessly.

But fortunately, Chu Qing's fans went back without Chu Qing coming forward!
That's funny, who hasn't been a bit of a fan?
The two sides were fighting to the death on the Internet, and the other party even came out hypocritically to persuade fans not to do this.

If you really don't want to do this, then what did you do with your yin and yang before?

Chu Qing didn't come out to say anything at all, talking to such a person is equivalent to giving him face!
On May [-]st, Chu Qing came to Yanjing, and the driver picked him up as soon as he got off the plane, and they went to Zhang Sanli's residence together.

After arriving at Zhang Sanli's home, Zhang Sanli warmly introduced his family to him.

First his wife Deng Jie, and then his son Zhang Mo.

Deng Jie is a nice person, smiling, and looking at Chu Qing with friendly eyes.

However, Zhang Mo had an inexplicable hostility towards Chu Qing. Chu Qing looked strange, and thought that the two of them had never seen each other before. Where did this hostility come from?

Zhang Sanli prepared the meals at home, this time Chu Qing came by himself, Song Dawei was going to be the producer, and Duan Peng was going to act for him. Both of them were filming "Love Apartment 3" in Haik.

The four of them ate in the house, and Zhang Sanli and Deng Jie continued to pick up food for Chu Qing. While thanking, Chu Qing smiled and asked Zhang Sanli what scene he wanted to shoot.

Zhang Sanli said with a smile: "This time, it's also for repaying favors."

Zhang Sanli began to tell the story slowly. It turned out that a young director was shooting the film this time. This young director's family is doing this. His father and grandfather are both directors.

And his grandfather was kind to Zhang Sanli in the past, and now his grandson is the first director to shoot a work, the old man found Zhang Sanli, hoping that Zhang Sanli can help.

Zhang Sanli agreed without even reading the script, and the debt of favor must be exchanged.

After reading the book, Zhang Sanli felt that the book was also good, and there was a very brilliant character in it, so he thought of Chu Qing, and that's how he got the previous phone call.

Afterwards, Zhang Sanli told him about the script. In the script, Chu Qing wanted to play a rich second generation, and he was also the kind of rich second generation who did all kinds of evil, fighting, taking drugs and rape!
At this time, Chu Qing finally knew why Zhang Mo disliked him.

Because from the beginning, this role should actually belong to him!
Thinking of this, Chu Qing couldn't help laughing secretly, this role is really suitable for Zhang Mo, he is also a rich second generation, and he is also a bad person.

Perhaps Zhang Sanli didn't want his son to play this kind of role because of this kind of thinking.

In the script, Zhang Sanli plays an old criminal policeman, while Zhang Mo plays his apprentice. He is not even a male number three, let alone compared with the role of the rich second generation.

After they had eaten, the nanny started to clear the table, and Zhang Sanli took Chu Qing to the study on the second floor.

After Zhang Sanli rummaged through the bookshelf, he took out a script and handed it to Chu Qingdao.

"Look, I think you should be able to control it!"

(End of this chapter)

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