Chapter 210 Script
Chu Qing was not polite when he heard the words, picked up the script, sat on the mahogany chair beside him and started to read it.

The main line of the script is that the second generation of the rich hit and killed a migrant worker while driving drunk.

This migrant worker is very difficult, his father died early, and his mother became insane because of the fight, so he had to drop out of school to take care of his mother and younger brother.

He is very conscientious, working three jobs by himself, abruptly entrusting his younger brother to college, and getting married and having children himself.

As a result, the child had just been born, the younger brother had just graduated, and the beautiful life hadn't begun yet, when he was bumped to death by the rich second generation.

The rich second generation wants to use money to settle this matter, but the younger brother of the migrant worker disagrees. He insists on using the law he has learned to put the rich second generation in jail.

But he underestimated the power of the rich second generation too much. All the witnesses were bought by the rich second generation, and even the monitoring at that time was deleted.

The rich second generation not only found someone to take the blame, but also used their own energy to get her sister-in-law fired from the company during her pregnancy, and often cut off water and electricity, and gangsters would come to threaten her from time to time!

Just when he was about to give up, his girlfriend stood up to support him.

His girlfriend's father is a criminal police officer, who happens to be in charge of this case, which is the role played by Zhang Sanli.

And their investigation has also yielded results. That day, someone was playing a drone at the scene, and it happened to take pictures of the rich second generation bumping into someone and then escaping.

However, because it was at night, the picture was not very clear, and the parties needed to testify.

After the rich second generation heard the news, they began to buy and threaten, and then the male protagonist protected the witnesses in various ways, and finally touched the witnesses, testified in court, and brought the bad guys to justice.

After reading the script, Chu Qing squeezed her chin. The script is not bad. The plot of the story is more or less old-fashioned, but it is not bad.

The role of the rich second generation also has room to play, Chu Qing looked at Zhang Sanli and asked.

"Teacher, when will the filming start?"

Zhang Sanli said with a smile: "The filming will start in June. Now the procedures are all ready, and the actors are almost ready. Now the venue is missing. The selection is done, but to clear the venue, you must first greet the local people. time cleared"

Chu Qing nodded, feeling a little excited in her heart. Generally speaking, the crews who can clear the venue to film are not bad.

Chu Qing asked again: "Teacher, how much is the investment for this movie?"

"The investment is slightly less, about 5000 million or so"

Chu Qing sighed secretly in her heart, more than 5000 million is really very little, if others don't say it, just say that Zhang Sanli's appearance fee alone, the 5000 million is almost consumed, but this time Zhang Sanli is to repay the favor, it should be Can't ask for much money.

Hearing Chu Qing asked about the investment, Zhang Sanli thought that Chu Qing was worried about the salary, and said with a smile: "You are now the number one in the third line, and this time I asked you for a salary of 500 million. Although this price is not too high, But it’s not too low among actors.”

Zhang Sanli is right about this point, it is not low among 'actors', but it is not high among 'stars'.

With Chu Qing's current fame and popularity, he won't even watch it with a salary of less than 1000 million!
Because it involves a rank issue, at this level, he has to ask for it!If he wanted 100 million, the director would laugh, but his peers would feel that he maliciously lowered the price for the role of the gun!At that time, it will make him difficult to mix in the circle.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "Forget it, teacher, I will help this time, anyway, I am not short of three or five million."

What Chu Qing said was true. His current net worth of hundreds of millions is really not less than 300 million to 500 million.

Zhang Sanli stared into Chu Qing's eyes, wanting to know if he was telling the truth, or if he was pointing at himself, and was dissatisfied with the price.

After seeing Chu Qing's eyes, he knew that Chu Qing was sincere.

Chu Qing didn't know the director at all, so she did this to save face!
Thinking of this, Zhang Sanli shook his head with a smile and said, "You can't do without money, and it doesn't sound good to say it."

After hearing this, Chu Qing also smiled and said, "Teacher, what about you? The first-line salary starts at 3000 million. How much did you ask for this time?"

Zhang Sanli laughed and said: "I didn't ask for money, but the director gave me [-]% bonus, that is to say, after the film's results come out, no matter how much the box office is, it will give me [-]%."

Chu Qing nodded after hearing this. This kind of agreement is also very common in the circle. Of course, it is also common to renege on debts after earning money.

And Zhang Sanli obviously doesn't need to worry about this problem, Chu Qing said slowly after hearing this: "Then I have to share it too, so just give me [-]%."

Zhang Sanli shook his head, Chu Qing was taken aback, and thought to himself, with his own worth, is one percent worth it?
But Zhang Sanli said: "You have to get ten percent!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing waved her hands again and again and said: "No, no, teacher, you only get 20.00%, what am I, how dare I get [-]%?"

Zhang Sanli said with a smile: "With your No. [-] position in the third line, the appearance fee should start at [-] million, and you are worth [-]% of the price!"

Chu Qing still waved his hand and refused, and refused to agree with anything. In the end, Zhang Sanli had no choice but to give Chu Qing 5.00%, and only then did Chu Qing agree.

Then Zhang Sanli took Chu Qing out, intending to find the director to sign a contract, but unexpectedly, Zhang Mo also followed.

Zhang Mo was born by Zhang Sanli and his ex-wife. The two broke up peacefully back then. In order to make up for his ex-wife, Zhang Sanli chose to leave the house.

And his ex-wife has only one request for him, that is, he hopes that he can only have a child like Zhang Mo.

In debt to his ex-wife, Zhang Sanli agreed and married his current wife Deng Jie.

At that time, Deng Jie was arrogant and wanted to go to Yanjing to develop, so she went to Yanjing without saying a word.

At that time, the circle was very chaotic, and Zhang Sanli couldn't bear to let his wife stay in Yanjing alone, so he gave up all his connections in Sichuan Province and followed him to Yanjing, leaving Zhang Mo to take care of his ex-wife.

In this way, he missed his son's childhood. When he was a teenager, he was in full swing. He was too busy to find North every day, and he had no time to care about his son.

And when he had time and wanted to care about his son, Zhang Mo had grown up and developed some bad habits.

Out of a debt to his son, he also doted on Zhang Mo, which formed Zhang Mo's domineering character.

He wanted to bring his son into the circle, but his son offended his old friend all over, and changed the subject whenever his son was mentioned, which made him really helpless.

The three of them sat in the car, and Chu Qing took the initiative to drive. He has a driving skill of level [-]. It can be said that he can drive better than these two with his eyes closed!

Turn on the navigation, the car drove out smoothly, Zhang Sanli sat in the back seat of the car, introduced Chu Qing and Zhang Mo to the people from the director's family, and what they should call each other later
(End of this chapter)

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