Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 21 "Self-Deprecating"

Chapter 21 "Self-Deprecating"

However, unlike the previous life, he already has 70 fans in this life, and he even has an agent!

Chu Qing didn't care if Song Dawei was awake or not, so he just called him!

Song Dawei's voice was a little confused, it seemed that he was really sleeping just now.

But now is not the time to talk nonsense, Chu Qing told Song Dawei all about the reversal of word-of-mouth that he discovered this morning.

Song Dawei lost all sleepiness when he heard it, and said while putting on his clothes, "Wait for me, let's talk face to face!"

"it is good!"

Chu Qing agreed and hung up the phone. In fact, in his original plan, there was also a way to deal with Cui Qiqi's method. After all, she had used this method in her previous life.

But with Song Dawei's help in this life, many of his plans don't need to be so complicated, they can be simpler.

More than an hour later, Song Dawei came to the apartment wiping his sweat.

As soon as the two met, Song Dawei didn't talk nonsense, and said directly.

"I've said Song Jiji's two moves a long time ago. They must be shouting at people, and then using their power to overwhelm them, let those artists' brainless fans wave their flags and beat them into tricks."

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the sofa and continued: "I have not been in the industry for nothing these years. I also have some artist friends and director friends. They can also help stand in line and compare with Song Jiji, but if Chinese entertainment If I make a move, then I am definitely not the opponent, so we have to think of an effective way!"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "Now there are actually two points on the Internet. The first one says that I am plagiarizing. I don't care about it at all. I can use my own strength to beat them in the face in the later stage! The most troublesome thing is those stupid fans. They just want to Spray and spit, they won't listen to this kind of people's reasoning."

Song Dawei nodded. Brainless fans are indeed a scary group. Not only are others afraid, even their idols are actually a little afraid of them.

Who are you guarding against when those celebrities hire bodyguards?Where did so many kidnappers come from in China, the main purpose of hiring bodyguards is to guard against these idiots!

Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing and said, "It's just that your debut time is too short. If you debuted a year or so earlier, wouldn't it be great if you still have some brainless fans?"

Chu Qing said speechlessly: "Are you kidding me? Even if I have brain-dead fans, bah! My fans are called true love fans, and it's impossible for me to be as good as a dozen other people's brain-dead fans!"

Chu Qing looked at her trembling hands and Weibo with a speechless face, full of trolls, as for Chu Qing's fans, who have been here for too short a time, there is no cohesion, and there is no way to fight back!
Song Dawei scratched his head, but couldn't think of any good way to deal with these idiot fans, mainly because these people were unreasonable, they just sprayed for the sake of spraying!If you expect these trolls to have quality and brains, you might as well consider world peace.

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing's eyes brightened and said, "Tell me, can I write a poem?"

Song Dawei was surprised: "You can also write poetry?"

Then it returned to a wry smile: "In this situation, I'm afraid it's useless to write poems."

Chu Qing smiled and wrote a line of poetry on the paper: "Do you see if there is room for hype?"

Song Dawei shrugged, took the paper and read it, and when he finished reading, he was stunned and looked at Chu Qingdao in disbelief.

"This, is this what you wrote?"

Chu Qing was a little uncertain after being asked by him. After searching the Internet to confirm that there was no Mr. Lu Xun, she coughed lightly, patted her chest and said, "That's right! I wrote it!"

"Then what did you search on the Internet just now?"

"It's just a matter of flipping through the information, oops, don't pay attention to these details, just say this poem is okay!"

"It's too good!"

Song Dawei patted his thigh with an excited expression: "This poem is so suitable for the occasion, it is very suitable for your current situation, and didn't the grandson say that you plagiarized? Wait until this poem is released to see if he dares to write more." Beep!"

"Then I send it now?"

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "It's a bit early to post it now, wait until the afternoon to post it, let the matter ferment, and then they will be hurt by the slap in the face!"

Chu Qing also laughed when he heard the words, but he didn't realize that the manager he was looking for was also sluggish!

There are more and more bad reviews about Chu Qing on the Internet. Those who spoke up for him before were scolded a lot, including music critics and reporters who interviewed before.

These Internet trolls don't need logic at all to swear, they start with the other party's mother as the center, and [-] generations as the radius to swear in circles!The fighting power is so tough!
After Duan Peng heard the news, he called Chu Qing three or four times in a row, for fear that Chu Qing might not think about it and do something stupid.

But in Chu Qing's view, these things are all hot. In the world before him, he saw many examples of this kind of reverse fame.

Not to mention others, this is the case with a certain host surnamed Zhang, and the company that crowdfunded him is about to be established!
If he is not scolded, who knows who he is?

But now that he is successful and famous, and has already begun to study the matter of whitewashing, when he is completely cleansed and replaced with a prodigal character, the popularity and fame will be perfect, wouldn't it be perfect?

Although Chu Qing didn't intend to take this path, he was also not afraid of being scolded by others, because he was confident that he could stand up!
In the afternoon, Chu Qing directly posted a poem on Weibo and Shaking Hands.

The title of the poem is very simple, only two words, "Self-deprecating"!
As soon as he published it, the popularity of Chu Qing's Weibo and shaking hands rose rapidly, even though these people were scolding the streets!

Yang Guoyi, an ordinary middle school teacher, usually spends his leisure and entertainment after busy work by brushing and shaking his hands, watching small videos or introductions about poetry.

But this time, he came across the song "Self-Deprecating" written by Chu Qing.

"What do you want to transport and deliver the canopy? I haven't dared to turn over and have already met."

"A broken hat hides one's face and goes through the busy city, and a leaky boat carries wine to the middle class."

"Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox."

"Hide in the small building and become unified, and take care of him in winter, summer and spring and autumn."

Yang Guoyi, who had read the entire poem, slapped his thigh and said with an excited smile, "Okay! This poem is so well written!"

His wife, who was preparing dinner, was startled by him, walked up to him and asked, "What are you doing, you're so surprised"

Yang Guoyi turned around and handed the phone to his wife, "My wife, take a look at this poem, take a look!"

The wife took a look at the phone, and couldn't help being surprised: "Well, this poem is so well written, this man should be an arrogant literati, what wronged him? This sentence is so well written, it can be written in our lesson plans and told to the students.”

Yang Guoyi turned on his mobile phone and said with a smile, "Let's see, what kind of poet can write such a good poem?"

(End of this chapter)

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