Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 22 The Power of Literature

Chapter 22 The Power of Literature

There are only three videos on Chu Qing's shaking hands now, one is "Overfire", one is self-introduction, and the song "Self-Deprecating" is now.

Yang Guoyi listened to "Overfire" and felt that he was not interested, so he went to look at his self-introduction, turned his head and asked suspiciously: "My wife, do you know Cui Qiqi?"

"I know, I'm an actor. A while ago, some students in our class always said that TV series, what's the name? Hey, I'm old, I can't remember, why did you suddenly think of asking her?"

Yang Guoyi walked to the kitchen and said, "This poet is that actress' ex-boyfriend."

After he finished speaking, he saw a lot of comments insulting Chu Qing below, and the old man's stubborn temper came up at that time: "These people actually said that the poet plagiarized! Can this kind of poem be copied? Who doesn't like this kind of poem?" If you publish it yourself, will it be plagiarized by others?"

His wife looked at the phone and said, "People say he plagiarized a song."

Yang Guoyi shook his head even faster: "That's even more impossible! A person who can even write poems so well, would plagiarize that kind of song? No, I have to help this kid get justice!"

After Yang Guoyi finished speaking, he put on his reading glasses and handwritten a line on the comment.

'Good poem!Young people, come on, I believe you are not the kind of person who plagiarizes! '

Not long after he posted this comment, there were three or four more comments against him, but the old man was so angry that he yelled that he had no quality, no quality!
This is already the most ruthless thing that this person who has been a teacher for most of his life has said.

There are many people like Teacher Yang!
They are mainly fans of passers-by, especially those who know something about Chu Qing and Cui Qiqi. After reading this poem, it is really touching to think of the insults Chu Qing is receiving now!

"What do you want to transport and deliver the canopy? I haven't dared to turn over and have already met."

"A broken hat hides one's face and goes through the busy city, and a leaky boat carries wine to the middle class."

Aren't these two poems the best expression of his current situation?The canopy is on the head, so unlucky, even if you turn over, you have to think about whether you will hit your head.

Covering your face with a broken hat when walking on the street is as dangerous as driving a leaky boat with wine in the water.

Isn't Chu Qing in such a situation in the Internet now!Everyone yells and beats!As if he had done something outrageous, if you don't scold him, you won't be able to show your noble character!

But what did he do wrong?It wasn't him who proposed to break up, it was Cui Qiqi!

Cui Qiqi said that Chu Qing was a softie, and that Chu Qing was a scumbag, but Chu Qing never said a bad word about Cui Qiqi. Isn't this worth thinking about?

The reporter's investigation before made it very clear that Chu Qing is a person who talks little but is very sunny. He is a person who works three jobs after school!Would such a person be a soft rice man?
Plagiarism?Would someone who could write "Self-Deprecating" plagiarize a song?

Teacher Huang Ren said in the previous interview program that Chu Qing is an extremely talented person!Does such a person need to plagiarize?Their slander against Chu Qing is totally untenable, what they want to do is to completely discredit Chu Qing!
At this moment, many 'understanders' came to their senses and commented on the comments of those trolls.

"Brother, how much is a piece? I want to have some bad money!"

"Yes, yes, I can do this kind of brainless thing, is there still a shortage of people?"

"I am the number one scholar in the liberal arts in Zu'an, may I ask your Excellency who it is?"

"The king of the king of spraying is heartbroken!"

On Shaking Hands, just because of a poem, Chu Qing's style began to change subtly again.

But the change on Weibo is not easy, after all, Weibo is the main battlefield for those brainless fans.

Here, only those with quick hands are worthy of having parents!

Song Dawei has been observing the trend of the comments. After watching for a while, he said: "Shaking hands has begun to change to a good trend, but Weibo's response is too slow! And you have few fans on Weibo, I have already contacted you My artist friends are here, they should be able to help you share some of the firepower."

Chu Qing hummed, picked up her 'black-bellied little notebook' and read it.

It is better to cut off one finger than to injure his ten fingers!It's of no use for the two of them to smear back and forth.

If this goes on, the best result is that both sides have some fans and some black fans, which is not what Chu Qing wants.

What he wants is for Cui Qiqi to experience how he was treated in the previous life!

generosity?tolerant?let bygones be bygones

These few words are too hypocritical, Chu Qing is not magnanimous at all, he prefers the rotation of Feng Shui, turning to the fucking dead!
Teacher Guo once said that if there is a person who doesn't even know what you have experienced, I advise you to be generous and stay away from him, so as not to hurt you when he is struck by lightning!
Again, it’s okay to break up peacefully, but you cheated in a relationship, and then framed me to give yourself a reputation as a white lotus!
So, why should I be used to you?
Chu Qing has been looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to kill with one blow!

This afternoon, the Internet is boiling because of a female star who has just become a second-tier actress and a 'Internet celebrity'!
Many people who have watched Chu Qing's "Self-Deprecating" came out to call for Chu Qing. A person's literary works can best reflect a person's quality!
They don't believe that a person who can write "Self-Deprecating" is a plagiarist, and they don't believe that a person who works three jobs after school is a soft rice boy!

Song Dawei's friends also started to support, and the first batch of artists came out to stand in line!

Although their influence was not too great, they still made a good start.

It's hard at the beginning, but the most difficult thing is not fifty to one hundred, one hundred to one thousand!

The most difficult thing is zero to one!

If one person stands up, there will be a second one!More and more artists began to stand in line, and some Song Dawei didn't know him at all. They simply thought that Chu Qing was right, or that he was here to gain traffic, but it didn't matter, at least he was here to help.

There was a lot of criticism on the Internet, and in the end the two sides actually formed a delicate balance.

You must know that the other party is a second-tier actress, even though she is new to the second-tier, she is still a second-tier actress!

And what about Chu Qing?At best, she can only be regarded as an Internet celebrity, so from this point of view, the winner is Chu Qing!

Time soon came to the evening, and Song Dawei drove Chu Qing to the Blue Sea Bar.

Chu Qing brought his guitar with him today, he really didn't want to go into that lounge again.

As soon as Chu and Qing went in, Fatty Xia greeted them with a laugh.

"It's quite early! Brother Chu, I've watched all the videos on Shaking Hands! You sing well and write poems well! As for those motherless trolls, just treat them as air."

Chu Qing nodded with a smile and said, "Boss Xia is right, even if I talk to them, my price will drop."

"Hahaha, I'm relieved if you have this kind of mentality! Brother, you can choose the time slot for singing yourself! The guests are not full yet, if you want to earn more, you can wait until it's full. more, so you can earn more.”

(End of this chapter)

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