Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 23 "Who Knows My Strong Voice"

Chapter 23 "Who Knows My Strong Voice"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Look at what you said, you are the boss and I am an employee, of course you arrange when you will be on stage."

"Hahaha, Brother Chu! With your EQ and talent, you will definitely have great achievements in the future!"

Song Dawei pursed his lips and said, "It's up to you to say, it doesn't matter whose artist it is!"

"Hahaha, fuck off, uncle! Come on, I've reserved a spot for you two!"

After speaking, he led Chu Qing to a booth, looked at the two of them and said, "All the drinks are mine today! Come and eat whatever you want, and I will pay for it!"

Song Dawei waved his hand and said, "Just sit for a while, and you have to drive later."

"yesterday, you"

"Shut up! I didn't drink and drive yesterday! Be careful and I will sue you for defamation!"


The Blue Ocean Bar's business was still good, and it was already full before nine o'clock.

Chu Qing came on stage again and sang "Overfire".

This time Boss Xia didn't accompany Song Dawei, but was recording with his mobile phone.

Their bar also has a Shaking account, with only over 20 fans. This is a good opportunity for publicity, and he also wants to gain popularity.

After singing a song, the rich woman who sent the flower baskets yesterday sent another ten flower baskets today, plus the wine commission, plus yesterday's flower baskets and salary, Chu Qing directly got [-] yuan!

Chu Qing was a little confused. It's not that he hasn't earned [-] yuan in two days, but it's rare to earn so happily!

Chu Qing thought for a while, took out 5000 yuan and handed it to Boss Xia, saying that yesterday's one was fine, and he didn't talk about any money for cooperation.

But Boss Xia refused to accept it. In the end, Chu Qing kept the 5000 yuan under Song Dawei's persuasion.

In Song Dawei's words, why are you a poor man being courteous to other people's big bosses, and these three thousand five thousand people don't like it.

And Chu Qing directly took out 1000 yuan and stuffed it into Song Dawei's clothes pocket. Song Dawei didn't want it at first, but after seeing Chu Qing's extremely serious expression, he still accepted the 1000 yuan, and Chu Qing smiled .

Ninety-one percent, the contract is clearly written, it can't be messed up!
After returning to the apartment, Chu Qing and Song Dawei made an appointment for tomorrow. The two of them will go to record the variety show "Who Knows My Strong Voice" tomorrow morning. Chu Qing is somewhat nervous.

Before going to bed, I looked at Shaking Hands, and the comments were almost [-]-[-]. Some said he was bad, and some said he was good.

On Weibo, it's about four or six, and it's still said that he has a lot of bad people.

Finally, Chu Qing opened her panel and looked at the data on it.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 001"

"Current points: 200"

"Current experience: 060/500"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: Off!"

The points increased by 35 points, and the experience value increased by [-] points. It seems that his previous idea was correct. The experience value and the source of the points in this system are works that are affirmed!Or he was affirmed!
This is just right, clean up and upgrade, without delay, and get points!
Chu Qing's eyes were fixed on an item in the system mall, as long as she saved enough points and bought this item, it would be the end of Cui Qiqi's life!

"Ashamed Scarecrow, after using it can make the target extremely ashamed, and can't help but tell all the wrong things they have done!"

"The price is 1000 points!"

Seeing that she only had [-] points remaining, Chu Qing secretly clenched her fists, work hard!Earn points now!
After waiting for [-] points, buy a scarecrow and use it when Cui Qiqi holds a press conference. The picture is so beautiful!
At that time, let you feel the feeling of 'all eyes'!

Early the next morning, Song Dawei drove to pick him up.

This variety show is an online variety show, and the recording location is in a studio.

After Song Dawei showed his work permit at the door, the two arrived at the recording site without any hindrance.

Song Dawei first led Chu Qing to the director's office and said, "I don't need to ask you about your emotional intelligence. The director's surname is Meng, and his name is Meng Fanming."

Chu Qing nodded to show that he understood, Song Dawei put on a smiling face, stood at the door and knocked, and the door was opened from the inside.

There are two people in the director's room. A young man looks not too old, with dyed yellow hair, and the other is wearing a black casual outfit, about 40 years old. After seeing Song Dawei, he laughed and said, "Old Song! Here we come." ?”

Song Dawei smiled and went over to hug him and said, "Come on, this is the Chu Qing I was talking about before."

The director's eyes lit up, he shook hands with Chu Qing and said, "Jiu Yang, I've been shaking my hands for the past two days and I've only listened to your songs, and the songs "Over Fire" and "Song for Myself" are sincere. nice!"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Director, you are too polite."

The director smiled and pulled the yellow-haired young man aside and said, "Let me introduce you, this is the chief planner of our show, Wei Zhi!"

After introducing Wei Zhi, he introduced Chu and Qing.

"Wei Zhi, this is my long-time friend Song Dawei, and the one next to me is now a big Internet celebrity, a celebrity on Shaking Hands, Chu Qing!"

The yellow-haired young man was full of smiles. In fact, most people in this circle were like that.

Everyone always smiles when they meet. As for the appearance behind the scenes, it varies from person to person.

Only those in the bottom circle will not even maintain the superficial politeness.

It's like those group heads, the kind who shout at the group performers.

Most of them can only be a group leader in their lifetime, and they can't even be a group leader well.

The so-called inferior people, people trample on others.

Medium people, crowded people.

This is the reason why people praise people when they are superior.

After the four got to know each other, the director Meng Fanming said, "Brother Chu, I found several versions of your song "Overfire" on the Internet. They are all guitar solos, so the band can only solo, is that okay?"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile: "Of course it's no problem, I'm very grateful that you can give me this opportunity."

Meng Fanming waved his hand and said: "What are you talking about? Lao Song and I have been brothers for many years. Why would I refuse when he asked? Our variety show will be exclusively broadcast on Black After this filming, it will take about half a month. It will be screened later, I heard that this is your first variety show, then you have to go and see it!"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile: "Of course, I will invite a member to see it!"

Several people on the side laughed, and Wei Zhi said, "Do you know the rules of the game?"

Chu Qing shook her head, she knew it was a round trip before coming here, and the rules are not important.

Wei Zhi smiled and introduced: "For each competition, we will select eight artists from various industries to become cross-border singers, and then draw lots for two-two duels. In the end, three instructors will score and four winners will be selected to advance."

Chu Qing nodded and said: "It's easy to understand, I remember it"

Wei Zhi smiled, while the director Meng Fanming waved to the outside: "Come here, take Mr. Chu to make up."

"Hey, here comes the director"

A staff member outside the door agreed, walked to Chu Qing with a smile and said, "Mr. Chu, please."

Chu Qing was still an amateur, so naturally she didn't have any airs, so she smiled and followed the other party to the dressing room.

 Thanks to the owner of fahaxiki and the boss of Yimengwuchen for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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