Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 24 The Dressing Room

Chapter 24 The Dressing Room

Song Dawei just wanted to follow, but was stopped by Meng Fanming: "Chu Qing is not a child anymore, why don't you follow every step of the way like an old mother? Sit down and drink tea, we haven't seen each other for a while."

Song Dawei thought so, and sat opposite Meng Fanming, and the two drank tea.

The staff took Chu Qing to a dressing room, knocked on the door, and before he could speak, a head poked out from inside and said, "There is someone inside, Sister Liu is putting on makeup."

"Ooooh, sorry, sorry"

The staff hurriedly bowed and waited to close the door before smiling at Chu Qing, "It's okay, Mr. Chu, we have three dressing rooms in total."

After speaking, he led Chu Qing to the second dressing room, but there were also people in the second dressing room.

Now the staff was a little confused, but fortunately no one was doing makeup in the third dressing room.

Only then did the staff heave a sigh of relief, and smiled at the makeup artist, "Sister Zhao, I'll leave it to you."

The make-up artist smiled and nodded, "This handsome guy has a good background, no matter how he looks, he looks good."

Chu Qing is a boy who feels that life is very delicate when he goes out to wash his face with facial cleanser, but now he is not used to wearing makeup all of a sudden.

But before the make-up artist could do anything, a woman pushed the door and walked in. Seeing Chu Qing, she didn't look up and said, "You go out first, let's make up first."

Chu Qing was startled, and the staff were also startled, only the makeup artist stopped. To be honest, she had seen this kind of scene a lot.

Seeing that the few people were dumbfounded and did not move, the woman said with a dissatisfied face: "Waiting for the New Year here? Can't understand people's words? I'll speak out!"

The staff member knew that Chu Qing knew the director, so he wanted to say something when he stood up. Chu Qing hurriedly grabbed him, but put his other hand into his pocket and smiled, "Okay, okay, let's go out, go out!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he pulled the staff out of the dressing room, and when he went out, he saw a tall and handsome little fresh meat standing at the door, but he probably didn't see Chu Qing, because he was looking down at his phone .

The woman came out behind Chu Qing and the two of them, and snorted coldly: "What a crap show, there is not even a dedicated dressing room! If your director hadn't begged us shamelessly, we, Xuanmo, would not have come to such a crappy show !"

After speaking, he pulled the tall and handsome young man into the dressing room, and closed the door firmly.

The staff member said angrily: "What are you crazy about! A bunch of fart G! Let's see when you finish!"

Chu Qing was amused by the staff's words, smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be angry, just treat him as a child and ignorant."

The staff made a vomit-like gesture and said, "You're still young! At 26, you still have the face to pretend to be tender on stage, what the hell!"

That's what the staff said, but the voice was very low, obviously he was also afraid that the people in the dressing room would hear it.

Chu Qing patted him on the back again and said, "It's nothing to worry about, let's go, let's wait outside the other dressing room."

As Chu Qing said, she reached into her arms again, and silently turned off the recording button.

Everything the woman said just now was recorded by him.

Years of sales experience taught Chu Qing two truths, first, anger is useless, it can't solve anything, it will only make things worse!

Of course, you can be angry, but preferably when the anger works in your favor!
Second, no matter what you do, you must have evidence. If there is no evidence, induce the other party to give the evidence you want!
Sounds gloomy?It's dark, but it's better than others shadowing you!
The recording in Chu Qing's pocket is a good proof.

In the end, the staff couldn't bear the anger, and after taking Chu Qing outside a dressing room, they went to the director to complain.

It didn't take long for Song Dawei and Meng Fanming to come over. Meng Fanming's expression was a bit ugly. After seeing Chu Qing, he forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry, brother Chu, I made you laugh. It's because my brother didn't handle it well. made you feel wronged"

Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands and said: "It's nothing, it's nothing, people have self-knowledge, I know who I am, what kind of grievance is this?"

Meng Fanming was still a little embarrassed, patted Chu Qing on the shoulder and said: "Brother, don't say anything, and the appearance fee will increase by [-]!"

Chu Qing showed a pleasant expression and said, "That's a good relationship! Thank you Brother Meng!"

Meng Fanming smiled and waved his hands: "I should thank you, thank you for not having a conflict with him."

Meng Fanming left, but Song Dawei looked gloomy.

He looked at Chu Qing and said, "Can you bear it?"

Chu Qing smiled: "If you can bear it, what can you do? He looks like a little fresh meat, why should we fight with him? I can't deal with those stupid fans on the Internet, there is no need to make enemies for myself anymore."

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "No way! That bastard has already bullied us, we can't take him so cheaply!"

Seeing this, Chu Qing smiled, it's okay, my manager is not that kind of soft persimmon.

Chu Qing smiled and took out her mobile phone in her arms, called up the recording and said: "Be quiet"

After Song Dawei took it and listened to it for a few seconds, he couldn't help but look a little weird.

Seeing him staring at her, Chu Qing couldn't help asking, "What are you looking at me for?"

Song Dawei returned the phone to him, and at the same time whispered: "You are so insidious."

Chu Qing was speechless: "How can this be called insidious? It can only be said that I have the habit of taking precautions."

Song Dawei also said with a sinister smile: "This kind of bastard who can't speak human language, it's time to teach him a lesson!"

But Chu Qing could not bear it and said: "But that person named Xuan Mo didn't say anything from the beginning to the end. Isn't it good for us to do this?"

With Chu Qing's current appearance, that is proper green tea!
Obviously he recorded the sound, but now he said it would be bad
Song Dawei waved his hand and said, "Is that woman his?"

Chu Qing nodded, and Song Dawei said again.

"Did he stop it?"

Chu Qing shook his head, Song Dawei clapped his hands and said.

"That's it! That woman is for him, but he didn't stop it, so it has something to do with him! You don't have to worry about this matter, just give me the recording after recording the show"

Chu Qing directly gave him the phone and said, "Then don't wait until the recording is over, I need to put on makeup for a while, you can do it."

It just so happened that the door of the dressing room opened, and a girl in a leather jacket with dreadlocks and a rebellious girl came out.

She didn't seem to expect that there was someone outside the door, and she patted her chest in fright, she didn't look fierce at all.

Then a woman who didn't know if it was her assistant or manager came out, glanced at Chu Qing and Song Dawei, nodded with a smile and left.

Song Dawei gave Chu Qing a push: "Hurry up and put on makeup, I'm at the door, don't meet another fool and spoil your mood."

Chu Qing smiled, waved her hand and walked into the dressing room.

After he sat down, the makeup artist smiled and said, "What kind of makeup do you want?"

Chu Qing waved his hand and said, "You are an expert in this field, just look at it."

The makeup artist thought for a while and asked, "What type of song are you singing today?"

"Sad Song"

"Then I'll give you a melancholy makeup?"

"Success, thank you teacher"


After the makeup artist finished speaking, she picked out a few items in her makeup bag and started her work
(End of this chapter)

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