Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 25 Recording Begins

Chapter 25 Recording Begins

Chu Qing put on makeup in the dressing room, while Song Dawei copied the recording to his mobile phone outside.

After thinking about it outside the door, Song Dawei found a friend in the address book with a smirk, and sent this recording to the other party.

The other party's remark was impressively, paparazzi Wu Ming!
In less than 2 minutes, Song Dawei's phone rang.


"Brother Song, is he really Xuan Mo's assistant?"

"If you don't dare to confirm, you can send the recording to your head, and your head should be able to identify it"

"Hahaha, Brother Song, if it's true, you will help my younger brother. I happen to have no subjects these two days!"

"This kid deserves to be unlucky enough to offend my artist, Wu Ming. I only gave it to you because of our buddies' friendship for so many years. We can't get involved in this matter, you know?"

"Hey, look at what you said Song Ge, don't worry about my work! Waiting for the boss to come up with an offer, we two brothers are half of each other"

"No, you can take it all, I will treat you like a buddy and buy you a drink"

"Success, then thank you brother, talk to me if you have anything to do!"

Song Dawei hung up the phone, with a smile on his face, looking at the dressing room with a strange expression.

Ordinary people will definitely be blown away when they encounter this situation!Especially a young man like Chu Qing who just graduated and is full of enthusiasm can't bear it!

But what he didn't expect was that Chu Qing not only endured it, but also recorded the sound, which was a textbook response!

It's just a bit shady, and it can't be on the stage, like a so-called unannounced visit.

Twenty minutes later, Chu Qing walked out of the dressing room after putting on makeup, and Song Dawei was taken aback when he saw him.

Photography makeup is different from ordinary makeup. Generally, photography makeup is thicker, so that it is more photogenic and the effect of the photo is better.

But Chu Qing's facial features are not ugly, on the contrary, he is a little handsome, so the makeup artist mainly highlights his facial features and puts a lot of effort around the eyes.

This is not just melancholy, it is simply world-weary!
Now Chu Qing clearly looks like I've had enough of life, it's too f*cking sad!
Chu Qing was somewhat embarrassed, scratched her head and said, "The photographer said that it will be better after being on camera, because it is a photography makeup, so it is thicker."

Song Dawei said: "It's not about heavy makeup and light makeup, it's mainly about why you put on such a depressing makeup?"

"Didn't you sing "Overfire" for a while, a bit of mourning fits the theme better"

Song Dawei hesitated: "Will this fix you to death and make you unable to transform?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said: "The transformation is not so fast. Didn't the director say that we won't be released until half a month later? According to my thinking, it's just right for us to get out of the shadow of 'broken love' in about a month!"

Song Dawei thought for a while, and thought that what Chu Qing said made sense.

The staff took the two of them to the lounge, which is independent.

The interior is about 30 square meters, and the decoration is simple. A big red sofa is placed at the entrance, and there is a coffee table in front of it. There are some neatly arranged yogurts on the coffee table. products.

Next to the yogurt is a camera, then opposite the coffee table is a monitor, and above the monitor is another camera.

The staff briefed him on the recording time of the show, his time on stage, etc., and then left.

Song Dawei took the lead in sitting on the sofa, moved left and right and said: "Not bad, it seems that the investor is very generous, and this sofa is so comfortable."

Chu Qing also sat on the sofa, looked at the camera and said, "There are still 10 minutes to start recording, I'm a little nervous."

Song Dawei waved his hand and said: "I read the guest list, believe me, you are definitely among the top among them! The others have to go to the recording studio to fix the sound the next day after singing, only you don't need it"

Chu Qing was a little surprised and said, "You have so much confidence in my singing?"

Song Dawei laughed and said, "It's one thing to have confidence, and the other is because you're going to work tomorrow, plus we're just going on a round trip, and they didn't plan to fix the sound for us."

Chu Qing: "."

Around nine o'clock, the variety show officially started recording.

The monitor opposite the coffee table also lights up, and the screen on the stage can be seen inside.

Song Dawei secretly made a gesture to Chu Qing, and Chu Qing understood it in seconds, which meant that he should pay attention to his image now!

Amid the live music, a host in a sky blue suit ran to the center of the stage, surrounded by lights, and there were [-] spectators sitting under the stage, all of whom were hired professionals without exception.

The appearance fees of these audiences are not low, they all start at [-], but the quality is also extremely high, you can cry if you make them cry, and laugh if you make them laugh!
"Hello, viewers and friends, welcome to "Who Knows My Strong Voice" exclusively broadcast by Sunshine Yogurt! I am the host of this show, Chan Ning!"

"Next! Let our three judges make their debut!"

Chu Qing was a little speechless when he heard the words "Sparkling Debut". These are introductions from what era, and people are still using them now.

The lights at the scene changed, and two men and a woman walked onto the stage amidst light and music.

The audience gave out bursts of screams and applause. After waiting for the music to end, the host introduced with a smile.

"In fact, the three teachers know each other without introducing them, but out of politeness, I'll introduce them."

After he finished speaking, he walked to the man on the left and said, "This is our well-known music critic, Mr. Zhao Wenhua Zhao!"

Zhao Wenhua took a step forward and waved to the audience: "Hi everyone, I'm Zhao Wenhua!"

There was another round of applause from the audience, and the host Qian Ning walked up to the second person and said, "This is our excellent songwriter, Mr. Zhao Bin!"

Zhao Bin stepped forward, and the scene was also full of applause.

In the end, Qian Ning walked up to the only woman and said, "I don't need to introduce you, the hot sister Lele, Qi Lele!"

This time, the applause and screams at the scene were obviously more intense. Chu Qing suspected that only this time the screams were real, and he had never heard of the previous two.

After waiting for the three judges to return to their respective positions, the host Qian Ning picked up his cards and smiled.

"The first person to appear on the stage is the traffic niche in the past two years! As long as there are his TV series, the national ratings have never been lower than [-]%! And his latest TV series "The Palace Wall is Too Deep" is currently on Mango Channel Hit! He is!"

"Second Master!"

"Second Master!"

"Second Master!"

The audience in the audience screamed one after another, and Chu Qing was dumbfounded, what's going on?Guan Erye also came to participate in the draft?Is this intended to perform a dance of swords?
The host Qian Ning waved: "That's right! It's our second master, Zhang Xiaotian!"

(End of this chapter)

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