Chapter 26 Longjing
As soon as the host finished speaking, the live music sounded again, and a slender figure slowly walked out from the background.

The lighting design of this stage is very particular. Only the lights in the center of the stage are three-dimensional, and the lights in other positions are illuminated from top to bottom, so that people can only see the outline of the person, but not the face. About to give people a sense of hazy.

Chu Qing was also staring at the big screen in front of him, and saw a man who looked like a model walking to the center of the stage.

This person is at least 1.8 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure. He is wearing a Korean style slim suit, which is not cheap at first glance!
As soon as he appeared on the stage, the screams of the female fans at the scene almost toppled the ceiling.

Although Chu Qing didn't know each other at all, she still pretended to be a little fan.

There's no way, if I don't know what to say at this time, if the director maliciously edits it, then I'm still doing something good?

Instead of that, it's better to pretend to be a little fan.

Are there still few artists who were banned because of one or two sentences in the previous life?In the entertainment circle, you must be cautious when speaking!

Chu Qing also wants to be crazy, and wants to speak unscrupulously, but now is not the time, at least, she has to wait until she has a little fame before she can use that kind of 'straightforward' and 'venomous tongue' persona!
Besides, there's nothing good about that kind of character design, who wouldn't have a poisonous tongue?It's just that everyone is more educated and doesn't talk about it.

The poisonous tongue character design may be very popular in foreign countries, but in China, only the humble and hard-working character design can go to the end. This is the problem of inheritance and cultural differences.

On the stage, the host had already introduced Zhang Xiaotian, and he handed the microphone to the other party and said, "Then Mr. Xiaotian, what song do you bring today?"

Zhang Xiaotian said with a smile: "Bring a classic song by Teacher Song Jiayi, "I'm Not the One You're Waiting For""

"Okay! I'm also looking forward to it, so let's leave the stage to our teacher Zhang Xiaotian, please enjoy the song brought to us by teacher Xiaotian, "I'm not the one you waited for"!"

After the host finished speaking, the lights on the scene dimmed, and he also quietly walked backstage while the lights dimmed.

The live music sounded, and Chu Qing swayed slightly to the rhythm in the lounge.

Don't underestimate this trick, it's a magic weapon to steal the spotlight!
I haven't seen the music show, the camera will always be for those audiences who cry.

Although I am not sure whether the director will cut it, but the necessary efforts are still to be made, and it would be nice to get some shots.

But as he listened, his shaking body stopped.

How should I put it, this person's strength is a bit confusing, Chu Qing doesn't know if his songs are bad, but they are definitely not good!

The smiles of the audience in the audience were a little stiff, and the director was so anxious that he kept holding up the sign to make the audience smile and moved.

For the first time, Chu Qing felt that being a spectator is not easy!

And after Zhang Xiaotian finished singing, the three judges taught Chu Qing another lesson, letting him understand what acting is!

After Zhang Xiaotian sang the whole song, the host Qian Ning walked onto the stage while applauding.

"Teacher Xiaotian's singing is still beautiful! How are the three judges?"

Zhao Wenhua applauded and said: "The sound of nature, the sound of nature! In this song, I can hear your emotions! Your longing! Good! Good! This is the most comparable song I have ever heard. The original song once!"

The audience applauded again, and Chu Qing was stunned.

Is this a music critic or an actor?There's really nothing wrong with this acting!

Is this the most comparable to the original song?Did you only hear him sing this song apart from the original one?

Song Dawei also applauded beside Chu Qing: "That's right, I haven't seen you in two years, and Xiaotian's singing skills have improved a lot."

The corners of Chu Qing's eyes twitched. Has this improved a lot?What was it like to have tone deafness before?
No.2 judge Zhao Bin applauded: "I like your tone very much, Xiao Tian, ​​think about whether to change careers and become a singer! You are very suitable for this career"

Chu Qing was about to vomit, brother, are you serious when you say this?Is this kind of player suitable to be a singer?So what do you ask those professional singers to do?Into the national team?

The last one, Qi Lele, was even more inhumane: "Actually, I have always been a fan of Xiaotian, but I didn't expect that he is not only handsome, but also has good acting skills, and even sings so beautifully and vividly."

Chu Qing let out a sigh of relief. Before, he was still thinking about being a judge, but he had two skills and dared to speak the truth.

But look now, fuck your sister!That position is a leash dog!
After waiting for Zhang Xiaotian to go down, the No.2 player came on stage.

At the same time, the staff knocked on the door of Chu Qing's lounge, because he was the third player to appear on stage, and now that the No.2 player was on stage, it was his turn to prepare.

Chu Qing and Song Dawei got up and followed the staff to the backstage.

At this moment, the second contestant has come on stage. This is a girl and an actress, but she is not well-known. She belongs to the kind of artist that everyone looks familiar but can't remember the name.

But in terms of singing, this artist is still very good. At least Chu Qing thinks that she has a good voice and can really be a singer.

But those three judges once again raised Chu Qing's three views, and all three of them turned on the fault-finding mode in unison.

The music critic Zhao Wenhua first started: "First of all, Yueyue, I like your voice very much, but I can tell that your basic skills are not good enough, and you have a big problem with breathing, and the sound of breathing is too heavy. It is a deduction item”

Then came Zhao Bin, who also started to find fault: "Besides, as an actor, your typhoon is a bit weak, it seems a bit too stiff."

Qi Lele also nodded and said: "Overall, it's not bad, but I always feel that there's something missing."

The host, Qian Ning, waited for the three judges to finish their speeches and said with a smile: "Thanks to the three teachers for their wonderful speeches, let's invite Zhang Xiaotian, and the three judges will select one of the two to advance! "

Backstage, Zhang Xiaotian took the stage amid applause.

The host read another wave of commercials before saying: "Three teachers, what is your choice?"

Zhao Wenhua was the first to speak: "I choose Zhang Xiaotian!"

The audience cheered fiercely, as if Zhao Wenhua had done something big just now.

Zhang Xiaotian hurriedly bowed on the stage: "Thank you, thank you Teacher Zhao Wenhua"

After a little 'hesitation', Zhao Bin said, "I choose Yueyue!"

The female contestant named Yueyue also bowed and said with a smile on her face, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

The cameras were all pushed in front of Qi Lele, Qi Lele also 'hesitantly' for a while, then gritted his teeth, as if he had made some kind of decision: "I choose Zhang Xiaotian!"

The live music was grand, Zhang Xiaotian hugged the host and Yueyue one by one, and finally bowed to the audience and judges off the stage.

"Thank you, thank you for your support, thank you"

Chu Qing in the employee passageway was stunned. He found that he still had a lot to learn.

If you say you are green tea, then the people in front of you are Longjing!

The ultimate in green tea!
(End of this chapter)

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