Chapter 27 The Gap
"Ms. Chu, are you ready? It's your turn to play soon"

Seeing that Chu Qing was in a daze, the staff at the side reminded him.

Chu Qing recovered, nodded with a smile and said, "I'm ready, please."

The staff smiled and shook their heads: "This is all my job."

He looked at Chu Qing with a smile, and just this polite word made his impression of Chu Qing much better!

There are actually very few celebrities who come to their show, and there are some second-tier and third-tier ones who come to their shows, but all of them are amazing.

There are really too few people with a good temper and no airs like Chu Qing.

On the stage, after Yueyue made a speech about being eliminated, she walked off the stage.

The host helped Zhang Xiaotian promote the new play, and then let Zhang Xiaotian take the stage.

Qian Ning looked at the card in his hand, raised his head and smiled.

"The contestant who will appear next is called a scumbag by netizens, a soft rice boy!"

Upon hearing these words, Song Dawei's complexion changed, he turned to look at Chu Qing and said, "They didn't tell me these words!"

Chu Qing shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter, if you don't say that, who would know it's me?"

Qian Ning continued: "However, with a single song, he got 70 million fans in two days! He is Cui Qiqi's ex-boyfriend, our contestant today, Chu Qing!"

The live music sounded, and the staff on the side hurriedly said: "Mr. Chu, it's time for you to appear."

"Well, thanks"

After Chu Qing agreed, she took a deep breath and strode towards the stage and the spotlight!

When he walked to the host, the sound of the music gradually died down. Chu Qing bowed to the three 'judges' and said, "Hello, three teachers, everyone!"

The applause at the scene wasn't violent, but at least it wasn't sparse. Overall, it was okay, at least not embarrassing.

The host Qian Ning smiled and said, "Contestant Chu Qing, what song will you bring us today?"

Chu Qing said with a trademark smile on his face: ""Overfire""

The host probably didn't bother to talk nonsense with Chu Qing, and didn't intend to introduce Chu Qing too much, he took two steps back and said, "Then, let's enjoy this song "Overfire" brought by contestant Chu Qing!"

The lights dimmed slowly, and the staff brought up a chair, a guitar and a microphone stand.

After Chu Qing sat down holding the guitar, a beam of spotlights hit Chu Qing from top to bottom.

He took a deep breath, but in the quiet environment of the studio, it sounded more like a sigh.

"He promised you too much"

"It's still not enough for me to give"

"You always have a million reasons"

"I've always followed your feelings"

Chu Qing's "Overfire" is very popular these days on shaking hands, but not everyone can get it.

Many viewers at the scene heard it for the first time, and they couldn't stop listening to it!
In terms of singing skills, Chu Qing is just a small fish, but in terms of voice, one of them who came today counts as one, and they are all younger brothers!
Not to mention the audience, even the three judges who knew Chu Qing would be eliminated all showed appreciation!
The three of them looked at each other with complicated expressions.

The on-site cameraman wears headphones and adjusts the camera angle according to the director's request.

At this moment, they feel that the director in the earphones is a little too noisy. What to say at this time, they should enjoy the music quietly at this moment!
But they can only think about this kind of thinking. After all, no matter how good the music is, they can't even give up their lives just for the sake of music, right?

At this time, Chu Qing on the stage had already sung the chorus.

"How can I bear to blame you for making a mistake?"

"I gave you freedom too far"

"makes you lonelier"

"Only in an emotional vortex"

This time Chu Qing poured a lot of emotion into it. After all, this was his first variety show. Even if he knew he was eliminated, he still wanted to perform well so that he could attract fans later!

And for audiences who haven't heard this song, it's comparable to Wang Zha!

A few of the audience really shed tears, and I don't know if it was because of crying to add money.

Chu Qing didn't look at other people at all, he put all his attention on singing, even though he didn't know any singing skills, he had to try his best not to.

"Actually, I don't ask for much"

"Try to empathize with me in my situation"

"Are you tired?"

"Don't want to know"

When Chu Qing sang the last line, all the audience stood up and applauded!

This time, Chu Qing believed that they were all spontaneous, because the director didn't raise his sign or signal.

The cheers at the scene continued for a long time. Chu Qing hugged the guitar and bent down to express his gratitude to the audience.

The host Qian Ning also walked up with a smile, and said directly: "Thank you, thank you for the wonderful performance of player Chu Qing, and invite our next player to come on stage!"

Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, this is his territory, of course he has the final say.

Under the guidance of the staff, he came to the actor's channel and waited. On the other side, the No.2 contestant had already appeared, and the one who couldn't die was Xuan Mo who robbed him of his dressing room!

This person had just entered the stage, and the scene was full of cheers. Chu Qing also saw his smiling face for the first time. That warm smile of the big brother next door really made Chu Qing feel that this is a role model of green tea, yes!The gadget also has two faces!

But Chu Qing thought about herself again, forget it, she has more faces than him!
Song Dawei had already stood beside Chu Qing and smiled, "Just him?"

Chu Qing didn't speak, just nodded lightly and said.

Song Dawei smiled and said: "It's already done, let's wait and see the excitement."

Chu Qing made an OK gesture. It's better to talk less outside. These days, there are too many recordings. Don't talk about others, didn't you just record one.

Of course, there are many more introductions to Xuan Mo. After all, he is a traffic niche, which is different from grassroots like Chu Qing.

However, when Xuan Mo started singing, Chu Qing was stunned!
Not only him, but Song Dawei beside him was also stunned.

The two looked at each other with the same meaning in their eyes. They are a nice person, but it is a pity that they have a mouth!

It's okay to talk normally, how can you sing so thrillingly?
Is this when I was young and stuck my fingers in my throat?

The audience at the scene were a little embarrassed, and the director on the scene raised a sign to signal that it was useless!
If it had been at this level from the beginning, the audience would still be able to perform in high spirits.

But the main reason is that Chu Qingke has just stepped down!It's like you just finished eating a lobster, and suddenly someone brought you a stinky tofu and told you to act according to the expression you had when eating the lobster, can you do it?


Meng Fanming couldn't help calling a stop directly, and the voice rang out on the radio: "What's going on? What about the audience's expressions? How can this look work! Stage management! I'll give you 5 minutes to adjust the audience's emotions! Re-record after 5 minutes, if the audience's expression is still lifeless, you will get out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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