Chapter 212 Chen Yao
Chu Qing still had a gentle smile. After seeing Jin Yang and laughing twice, her temperament began to change.

An extremely cold look appeared on his face, that guy who was a warm guy one second, seemed to be a killer the next second!
This kind of impact is extremely strong, as if there was a big golden retriever in front of you last second, but after you blinked, the big golden retriever in front of you turned into a boa constrictor, spitting out messages to you!

Jin Yang's breathing stopped for a moment, and now Chu Qing's acting skills have reached level eleven!
Under Chu Qing's gaze, even Jin Yang couldn't stand it.

Sitting next to Chu Qing, Zhang Mo didn't see Chu Qing's eyes. Seeing that the two of them were silent, he laughed.

"The role of the rich second generation is not something everyone can play, don't you think?"

Before Zhang Mo finished speaking, he couldn't continue.

Because Chu Qing was turning his head to look at him at this moment, he noticed where Chu Qing was looking, that was his throat!
The other party seemed to be considering from which angle to strike the knife. The feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake made the hairs on his body stand on end!
Chu Qing's expression changed, and he changed into the former gentleness again.

The two people in the room couldn't help but quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and Jin Yang praised: "Your acting skills are really good! You are Uncle Zhang's apprentice"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "I dare not be, but who will play the leading role?"

Zhang Sanli is not the protagonist in the play, the protagonist is the younger brother of a migrant worker, and he is also fighting against the rich second generation in the play.

Jin Yang said with a smile: "Ah, the protagonist is me who studied acting when I was a child, and now I am a second-line actor named Dong Jun."

Chu Qing searched in memory, and then remembered who Dong Jun was.

Dong Jun made his debut as a child star, and later he was admitted to Yan Ying, and then he made his debut and filmed a Qing Dynasty drama that was very popular, but it has been tepid for the next few years.

Now he is a marginal figure in the second line, the kind who may fall to the third line at any time.

Chu Qing was somewhat skeptical about letting Dong Jun play the leading role. He didn't think Dong Jun could play the role well, but he was the director's younger brother, so Chu Qing couldn't help it.

A few people then started chatting about the script and the character of Ye Hu, and then Jin Yang took the two of them to visit his house, and was called by the older generation to drink tea.

In the evening, we went out to have a meal together, and then signed the contract, so the matter was settled.

The movie starts on June [-]st, and the location is Yanjing!

After bidding farewell to everyone, Chu Qing embarked on the return journey back to Haik.

After returning to the studio, the filming of "Love Apartment 3" is in full swing.

Chu Qing's return didn't alarm anyone, they were leaving soon, the contract was signed, and there was no need to give him the face of the 'former boss'.

When Chu Qing returned to work, he locked himself in the study and studied the role of Ye Hu for two days before he came out.

After coming out, he directly called Chen Yao to his office.

After Chen Yao saw Chu Qing, he was still a little nervous.

Although they are considered third-tier now, the gap between them and Chu Qing is still too great, let alone Chu Qing is still his boss.

Chu Qing took a sip of tea, which Song Dawei brought back for him, it was said to be very expensive, but unfortunately Chu Qing didn't understand this, so he just drank it as ordinary tea.

"Chen Yao, is there no company that contacts you?"

Chen Yao was startled when he heard that, then shook his head and said, "Yes, both [Chinese Entertainment] and [Bingshan Entertainment] have found me before."

After hearing this, Chu Qing said with a surprised expression: "Then you haven't considered changing jobs?"

It is reasonable for Chu Qing to be so puzzled, because both [Chinese Entertainment] and [Bingshan Entertainment] are big companies, far from what Chu Qing's current studio can match.

Just look at the rest of the crew and you will know how big the temptation of big companies is.

Hearing Chu Qing's greeting, Chen Yao shook his head again and said, "No."

As soon as Chu Qing became interested, he didn't think that Chen Yao had lied, because Chu Qing knew that [Chinese Entertainment] had approached Chen Yao.

"What did they do to you?"

Chu Qing was a little curious, and didn't intend to hide it, so he directly asked the question he was most interested in.

Chen Yao was still a little nervous, and his voice was a little low.

"They promised me a monthly salary of [-] yuan, and they would have exclusive drivers, bodyguards and assistants. They also promised me to shoot two movies or online dramas every year! The annual endorsement fee is more than one million, and the contract only needs to be signed for five years Yes, whether to renew or terminate the contract after five years is up to me."

After hearing this, Chu Qing sighed with emotion, looking at this big company, the treatment is really nothing to say, the monthly salary alone is [-]!It can also guarantee a million-level endorsement fee, which is great!
The contract is even more short enough, a five-year contract is in the circle, it is definitely a good contract.

Chu Qing became more interested after hearing the other party's conditions. Since there are such good resources in front of him, why would he still disagree?
Chu Qing is very self-aware. He has personal charm, but most of it is because of his looks. It is definitely no problem to attract some girls, but it is unrealistic to attract boys.

Suddenly Chu Qing's eyes changed, what the hell, could this be gay!
Naturally, Chen Yao didn't know what Chu Qing was thinking, and after hearing Chu Qing's question, he said softly, "I won't leave because you saved my mother's life."

Chu Qing was taken aback after hearing this, help?

Looking at Chu Qing's puzzled expression, Chen Yao said softly: "My mother had a heart attack before and needed surgery. Before she came to work in the studio, I sold everything that could be sold at home. Dad wants to accompany him in the hospital. count on me to make money"

"At that time, I really wanted to die, and it was over."

"But I can't do this, my mother is still waiting for me to save her life! Fortunately, the boss gave me a job, so that I can have an income, and later you even found me an endorsement, so that I have money to give My mother is cured, so I won't leave, I want to repay you"

Chu Qing was dumbfounded, he didn't even know there was such a thing.

"You, why didn't you tell me before? If you don't have any money, I can lend it to you!"

Chen Yao smiled, but didn't speak.

Chu Qing sighed. Needless to say, he knew that Chen Yao must have had a bloody blow when he was borrowing money from others. His heart was hurt and he couldn't open his mouth anymore.

Chu Qing's heart is a little complicated. In today's society, there are too few people who don't care about the interests in front of them and want to repay their kindness.

All of a sudden, Chu Qing's affection for Chen Yao skyrocketed!

On the one hand, it is because this kid knows how to repay his kindness, and on the other hand, he is a filial son!
For filial sons, Chu Qing has always had a great affection, and he himself can barely be regarded as a filial son, so he can be regarded as sympathetic to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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