Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 213 Selling Copyright

Chapter 213 Selling Copyright

After learning about Chen Yao's experience, Chu Qing resolutely increased his salary and asked Song Dawei to contact him again for an endorsement.

There must be a lot of expenses for a patient in the family, and he also said that he has borrowed all he could borrow before, and he must owe a lot of money. Chu Qing wants him to earn money to pay off the debt.

And in mid-May, Feng Fan came to the door again, this time they came to discuss with Chu Qing about the third season of "Love Apartment".

Now "Love Apartment 2" plays so well, even if it is a replay, the stats are soaring. I watched it on other websites, and I am jealous. When I heard that "Love Apartment" is filming the third part, how could Kiwifruit let it go? ?

Seeing Feng Fan, Chu Qing also smiled. He planned to go to find Feng Fan, but unexpectedly, Feng Fan came first.

When the two sides met, there was naturally another exchange of pleasantries. Feng Fan didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly stated the purpose of his visit this time.

After hearing this, Chu Qing nodded and said: "I can promise this time, let your website launch! What price can you give?"

Feng Fan was in a state of contemplation, and after a few seconds he opened his mouth and said: "I can make the decision, 400 million episodes! The terms of the share remain unchanged!"

Chu Qing smiled. He was very satisfied with the price, so he nodded directly. Feng Fan was pleasantly surprised when he saw this, and signed a contract with the studio without saying a word. After the filming and editing of "Love Apartment 3", It will premiere on their!

After discussing the cooperation, Feng Fan wanted to leave, but Chu Qing smiled.

"Mr. Feng, don't rush to leave, I don't know what you think of the IP of "Love Apartment"?"

Feng Fan was taken aback, but still said honestly: "We are very optimistic about "Love Apartment". To be honest, it is already the top three most played works on our website!"

Hearing this, Chu Qing smiled even more gently and said, "Then I don't know, are you interested in this IP?"

Feng Fan understood, but he couldn't believe it!

He was dumbfounded and said: "Mr. Chu, you mean that you have plans to sell IP?"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile, but Feng Fan felt a burst of difficulty breathing, looking at Chu Qing as if he was looking at a prodigal son!

Oh my god, the reputation of "Love Apartment" is getting better and better now!The endorsement fees and the reputation of the actors are also constantly rising. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a hen that can lay golden eggs. Who would sell the work when it is in full swing?
But, he really did it!
Seeing that Feng Fan was silent, Chu Qing deliberately frowned and said, "What? Don't you want That's fine. I'll ask Baofengwang."

"Don't, don't!"

Feng Fan hurriedly stopped, and he also reacted at this time.

It's his business that Chu Qing is undefeated, it's none of his business!If I help the company get this chicken that can only lay golden eggs, won't I be promoted and raise my salary in the future?

Thinking of this, he became excited for a while, and after abruptly adjusting his mood, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Mr. Chu, this matter is not up to me as a small employee. In this case, I will call my boss immediately and ask him to contact you! We have cooperated many times, and we also value you very much. I believe we will be able to Let you feel our sincerity!"

Chu Qing shrugged and said: "Yes, but Mr. Feng, you must know the truth of shopping around. We can't just contact you at Kiwifruit."

Letting Chu Qing say this, Feng Fan felt that the time was even tighter. He nodded seriously and said, "I understand! Then I will take my leave first. Goodbye, Mr. Chu!"

After Feng Fan finished speaking, he took the contract and left the studio with a smile. As soon as he got back to the car, he picked up the phone in a hurry, and called his leader without saying a word.

"Director, big news! Big news!"

Feng Fan couldn't even control his emotions, and his voice became a little excited.

The voice on the other end of the phone was still steady: "Calm down, what's the big news? Talking about "Love Apartment 3"?"

"Yes, "Love Apartment 3" has already been discussed."

"Hehe, what kind of big news is this? Isn't this something we have expected before? And"

"Director, Chu Qing wants to sell the copyright of "Love Apartment"!"


There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone. Just when Feng Fan thought that his mobile phone was stuck, there was a sudden roar on the other end of the phone.

"What did you say?!!"

Feng Fan hastily repeated what he said just now, and then explained.

"I can't decide this matter, and Chu Qing also said, shop around, and they will contact Black Cat and Baofeng about this matter."

"Steady the situation, I'll be right there!"

After speaking on the other end of the phone, he hung up the phone directly, and Feng Fan was left sitting in the car with a dazed expression.

Stabilize the situation?Who?I?What do I mean to stabilize the situation! ! !

That night, Feng Fan's boss hurried past him.

Feng Fan picked him up at the airport by car, and asked while driving, "Director, can I find you a hotel first?"

The director shook his head while wiping his sweat: "Can I still contact Chu Qing now? This matter is too important, it should be sooner rather than later! Wait for the news to spread, maybe a lot of people will come to compete with us tomorrow, The sooner this matter is finalized, the better!"

Feng Fan nodded after hearing this and said, "I don't have Chu Qing's number, but I have his agent's number. I'll ask now."

"Okay, hurry up and ask. If the other party agrees to meet tonight, let's book a better restaurant and chat while eating."

Feng Fan agreed, parked the car on the side of the road, and called Song Dawei.

After the phone rang twice, it was picked up, and Song Dawei's energetic voice appeared on the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Mr. Feng?"

"Yes, yes, it's me, this is Mr. Song, our senior director is here, and I hope to discuss with you about the copyright of "Love Apartment""

Song Dawei's tone on the other end of the phone was a bit suspicious: "It's past nine o'clock, it's a bit late, why don't we discuss it tomorrow?"

Feng Fan looked back at Director Gao, but Director Gao silently shook his head.

Seeing this, Feng Fan hurriedly said: "It's only nine o'clock, and the nightlife has just begun. I know there is a good restaurant in Hai K, and today there is a performance by the chef. I would like to invite Mr. Song and Mr. Chu to watch it."

After hesitating for a while on the other end of the phone, Song Dawei sighed and said, "Okay, this means that we have cooperated a lot, otherwise I would never waste my precious off-duty time."

"Hahaha, thank you, Mr. Song, for giving me this thin noodle."

After Feng Fan exchanged pleasantries with Song Dawei, he hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, he turned his head to look at Director Gao and said, "Director, can the restaurant be reimbursed?"

Director Gao laughed and said, "Report, definitely report!"

(End of this chapter)

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