Chapter 214 Conversation
Before ten o'clock, Chu Qing drove Song Dawei to Feng Fanding's restaurant in his own Lamborghini.

This is a Cantonese restaurant. Chu Qing seldom eats Cantonese food, so she doesn't know if it is authentic or not. Anyway, this business is quite popular.

Feng Fan and Director Gao had been standing at the door, waiting for Chu Qing to come, and after introducing each other, Feng Fan led them into a large box.

After several people sat down, the waiter began to serve the dishes.

What Ah Yi abalone, roast goose hanging in the oven, and steamed Dongxing spot, all served on a large table.

Chu Qing is a person who likes food very much. His eyes light up when he sees something he has never eaten before, and everyone chats while eating.

Director Gao's wine table skills are very good, every sentence can arouse everyone's interest, eating and drinking is not boring at all, this makes Chu Qing look at him with admiration, with his many years of sales skills, he may not be able to compare with the other party !
After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Director Gao talked about today's purpose.

"Mr. Chu, with all due respect, this "Love Apartment" is now a golden rooster that lays eggs! You should be able to see through our increasing fees and the monthly dividends we give you, this kind of popular IP is not It's easy to find, why don't you hold it in your hand, but want to sell it instead?"

Chu Qing smiled after hearing this, because he had to drive, he didn't drink a sip of wine tonight.

After hearing Director Gao's question, he just answered with a smile.

"The reason is very simple. The first reason is that of the leading actors in "Love Apartment", only Chen Yao is still my artist, and the remaining six people have all switched jobs to [Chinese Entertainment]. For me, "Love Apartment" The apartment is not complete”

"The second reason is also simple. I don't want to do this little sitcom anymore. I plan to do something different! And you know, I'm a movie actor and I need money to invest in and make my own movie!"

Director Gao's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't expect that more than half of the leading actors in "Love Apartment" would switch jobs, leaving only one Chen Yao who was from Chu Qing's studio.

But for the second reason, he absolutely didn't believe it, he wouldn't be able to sell the golden rooster if he was in a hurry to spend money!

While Chu Qing was eating, her eyes narrowed slightly.

For the IP of "Love Apartment", he naturally has his own plans. He is confident that when the third season airs, it will be the pinnacle of Love Apartment!
After that, there is a high probability of going downhill, especially after the leading actors are gone!

Wanting Chu Qinghua to invite them back to film at a high price is definitely a dream!

With such a calculation, it is better to sell the copyright when it is about to reach its peak!

The selling price at this time must be higher than the selling price later!
And with the money in hand, what kind of web drama can't be filmed?Even as he said, he can invest in making movies!

Director Gao smiled and said, "Mr. Chu, although we are only meeting for the first time today, I just feel like we hit it off right away. I don't know how much you plan to sell the copyright of "Love Apartment" for?"

Chu Qing stretched out a palm with a smile, Director Gao glanced at it, and his heart tightened.

For such a large IP, it is impossible for Chu Qing to ask for 500 million or 5000 million, so this five is very interesting.

Sure enough, in the next second he heard Chu Qing say calmly: "[-] million, and the copyright of "Love Apartment" [-], [-], [-] is still mine, and how will you shoot in the future, how will you use this IP, or shoot extra episodes and the like? , have nothing to do with us."

The smile on Director Gao’s face was a bit stiff, and he smiled wryly and said: “Mr. Chu, these two conditions of yours are a bit harsh, so we can promise you a price of [-] million, but the price of “Love Apartment” is one, two, three. The copyright belongs to our kiwi fruit, what do you think?"

Chu Qing smiled after hearing this, but did not answer his question directly, and turned to look at Song Dawei and said.

"what time is it?"

Song Dawei looked down at his watch and said, "Eleven o'clock."

"It's getting late, we should go too"

Chu Qing was about to get up while speaking. Chu Qing in the previous life, as the top salesman, had her own experience in sales.

In most cases, it is necessary to know what the customer wants first!In this way, you can say your product is the most suitable thing for the other party!
But there is another situation, that is, your things are good enough, so even if you ignore him, he will take the initiative to come to you to buy!
So another routine was born, playing hard to get!

Originally, this thing is only seven points in your eyes, but the salesperson will show that there is only one of this thing, you don't want to get it, some people want it!
This will unconsciously give the customer a sense of urgency, and then the customer will comfort himself. The thing that was originally a seven-point favor has become a nine-point, and finally pays in a daze.

After waiting to pay the money, it will be a shortcoming, but at that time, even if you want to refund, it will be too late!
Sure enough, as soon as he saw Chu Qing get up, Director Gao became a little anxious in an instant, and hurriedly said.

"Oh, Mr. Chu, don't be so anxious, the business is negotiated, we can talk about it again"

However, Chu Qing did not stop, and said with that gentle smile still on his face: "Director Gao, don't talk about it anymore, my price will not change. I am the first to tell you about this condition. It is also because we have had several successful cooperations before, so this time, I will tell you that I will sell the copyright one day in advance."

"And tomorrow morning, I will tell the news to several other video companies. Whoever agrees first will own the copyright."

Chu Qing had already walked to the door after speaking, and smiled politely at the two of them: "Thank you for today's dinner, I enjoyed it very much"

After speaking, he took Song Dawei and walked out of the door of the box. Feng Fan and Director Gao hurriedly got up, sent them out of the restaurant, got in the car and left.

After waiting for the two to drive away, Feng Fan turned to look at Director Gao and said.

"Director, what should we do? Can the company agree to this price?"

Director Gao frowned tightly and said: "The price is not the problem, the difficulty lies in the copyright of the first three seasons! I'm afraid our company will not agree to this."

"What should I do?"

"What else can I do? Find a way to persuade me! After all, such a good opportunity may not be met several times in this life."

In the car, Song Dawei smelled of alcohol, but he looked very sober. As a native of Inner Mongolia, this drink was no different from gargling his mouth.

"Is your price going to be high?"

Song Dawei asked with some uncertainty, although "Love Apartment" is very popular now, [-] million is still a bit exaggerated!

After hearing this, Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "No exaggeration, no exaggeration, it's worth [-] million!"

(End of this chapter)

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